[Thank you all for your continued support! Here's a little one shot glance at Harry and Luna's life after the events of Confession. Happy Valentine's Day and I'll see you all very soon! -Mariana]

Luna's eyes fluttered opened and it took her a moment to remember where she was - unfamiliar scents and soft noises surrounded her and the memories flooded her all at once, threatening to send her emotions over the edge again for the hundredth time during her short stay in St. Mungo's. Sunlight filtered in, bright rays bouncing across the shiny tiles every so often as the lazy curtains danced in the breeze and Luna wondered at the quietness. No Healer's attentions had woken her and so she glanced around the room, wondering where her husband had gotten to and she shifted, testing her body against the newfound soreness that enveloped her.

Luna winced as her muscles groaned in protest and the aches arose from places within her body that she hadn't known existed, but all at once the discomfort became minute as her eyes found Harry and rested upon him, awestruck. He sat at the foot of her bed in the overstuffed rocker, leaning forward, eyes intent upon the tiny being who rested, head cradled in his large hands and body supported by his forearms which strained, veins popping, with the effort of being meticulously delicate and yet carefully protective.

Luna drew in a soft breath and Harry looked up at her, the green of his eyes deepened somehow and he looked at his wife, thoughtful and amazed.

"Luna," he said softly and she smiled at him. "Her eyes are exactly the color of your's. It's incredible," Harry whispered and then he returned his watchful study back to their daughter. Luna thought her heart would explode but only smiled a bit wider and rested back into the comfort of her bed and pillows, watching her husband worship their daughter.

"Exactly the color?" Luna teased but Harry nodded his head earnestly, his eyes trained upon the tiny body in his arms. "But she's gotten your hair," Luna murmured and closed her eyes, happily sated and suddenly so very sleepy. She heard Harry draw a deep breath and she cracked her eyes open towards them, the black shock of her hair peeking through her father's fingers as he continued to stare at her, transfixed.

"Yes," Harry agreed. "But the rest of her is you. I swear it. She's absolutely perfect."