
"Hello Clarissa." He sneered. I was frozen in place by fear and shock.

"What do you want Jonathan?" I asked shakily.

"I'm surprised your alive dear sister. My ravener should have killed you." He paced back and forth like a cat trapped in a corner. I wanted to reach for the dagger in my jacket but thought better of it. If I could stall him long enough Jace would come looking for me.

"You didn't answer me." I tried to say with more conviction.

"You of course." He smiled evilly. "If I have you dear little Jace will do anything I say."

"No he won't. He will hunt you down and kill you." He only stared at me with is black eyes. He stopped pacing and my breath hitched in my throat and he pounced. I turned to run only to be knocked to the ground. I felt his knee in my back and I tried to wiggle free. I screamed for Jace and then he covered my mouth with his hand.

"Be quiet or I will make you." He hissed in my ear. I felt his weight shift and I took my chance. I used all my muscle and rolled him off me and grabbed my dagger. Jonathan was quicker and caught my wrist in mid strike. He wrenched the dagger out of my hand and he pinned my down by kneeling on my arms. He put the dagger to my throat and got really close to my ear.

"Jace!" I yelled again.

"You listen to me. You are going to stand up and do as I say or you will watch your boyfriend die." I only stared at him but he yanked me up by my shirt and kept a firm grip on my arm He then pulled out a steele and drew a rune in the air. A door appeared just next to us and the door opened. Jace came running into view and Jonathan put the knife back to my throat.

"Move and she dies." He stated behind me.

"Let her go." Jace said drawing his own knife, the one he always kept on him.

"Listen to me Jace. You will do as I say and no harm will become my little sister." Jace looked conflicted.

"Kill him Jace." I said quickly.

"Shh." Jonathan said tapping my neck with the knife.

"What do you want?" Jace asked, hate layering his voice.

"Join me." He hissed.

"No." He stated simply.

"Wrong answer." He hissed again and tossed me through the doorway. My body slammed into the floor knocking the wind out of me. I turned to see Jonathan come through the doorway, Jace ran towards us but he shut the door and then I heard nothing from the outside. Then he sauntered towards me.


I about reached the door when it shut and vanished. I wanted to scream but I held myself together and ran back the institute to get help.


I got up and ran. I had no idea where I was but I ran toward a stair case. He caught up with me and tackled me again. I kicked and clawed but he stayed on top of me.

"What am I going to do with you Clarissa?" He tisked. I spat in his face. He wrapped a hand around my throat.

"Go to hell." I gasped. He suddenly got off me and went into another room. I immediately got up and ran up the stairs. It was a hallway with several doors, all black with silver handles. I ran to the end of the hall and into the room. Shutting the door behind me, when I turned around I saw I was in a huge bedroom. It was all black. I opened the door of to the left and hid inside a closet.

"Clarissa." I heard him call menacingly. "Come out, come out where ever you are." I was shaking and a cold sweat dripped down my face. I heard the door to the room open and close again. I heard nothing else. I carefully opened the door and looked around. I stepped out of the closet and he grabbed me from behind. I screamed in surprise and terror.

"Let me go!" I cried. He only laughed.

"Very good room choice little sister. This used to be our parents room. It will be perfect for us."


"We will be together, in all meanings of the word."

"Never!" I struggled against him but he was too strong.

"As if you have a choice. Do you know what chloroform is?" My heart skipped a beat.

"Yes." I whispered.

"Oh good then you know that if I just put a little of that on a rag…" He held me around the chest with one arm and reached for something. He held out a white cloth. I flinched. "And do this…" He put the cloth over my mouth. I started struggling harder I managed to move a bit and slam him into the wardrobe. He twisted me around into the middle of the room. "That it will knock you out." He sounded so calm. "What's nice about demon blood is that I'm immune to the stuff."

My attempts to escape for were getting more difficult. My head was spinning and I felt like I couldn't breathe. He started to move me towards the bed.

"Although it takes a little longer to work on shadowhunters but it will do the trick." He shoved me onto it and them in swift movement he pinned my arms down with his legs and just looked at me. My vision was going fuzzy around the edges. He pressed the cloth harder against my mouth and kept staring at me and then everything went black.


I stormed into the institute and ran for the elevator. Church came running in behind me, he looked at me with his yellow eyes, they looked sad. It seemed like ages before the doors opened. I made for Alec's room and pounded on the door after skidding to a halt.

"What?" He said opening the door but his expression changed when he saw my face.

"He has her." That was all I had to say. He disappeared for a minute and returned in his gear with weapons.

"Go change, I will get Isabelle." I ran into my room and mindlessly pulled on my gear and grabbed my weapons. Jonathan was going to pay dearly for this. I would make him suffer so much he wished he was never born.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Review and let me know what you think. The more reviews the faster I will update! Love hearing from you! Xoxo AbbieLouWho