Hey guys! Bet you thought you'd never hear from me again! I can't even begin to explain everything but these last six months have been a mixture of writer's block and family troubles and now I've just started college soon I can't really say anything but I'M SO SORRY! I actually stopped reading fanfics for a while let alone writing them so I really hope this is okay and I'm sorry if the ending seems a bit rushed!

To the person who sent me that last review (you know who you are) I just wanna say thank you! You gave me the kick up the butt that I needed!

Hope you guys like it! x

Chapter 4

Four POV

I smile when I feel her responding and feel her arms around my neck and I finally understand why people call this "game" Seven minutes in Heaven. I put more strength in the kiss and am happy when Tris responds.

Tris POV

"With Tris!" As soon as Zeke said that I felt a shiver of nerves and….excitement? Four didn't seem very happy about it; he probably doesn't want to kiss a tiny sixteen year-old from Abnegation. He turns to me and says "You okay with that Tris?" I give a small nod trying not to show him my excitement and follow him into the bedroom

"Don't worry we don't have to do anything" Is this his way of telling me he's not interested? I duck my head to try and hide my disappointment and nod. I feel him coming closer and look up just as he bends down and kisses me on the cheek. I smile and then he kisses me on the lips. I'm nervous and it takes me two seconds to respond.

Now we are pressed against a wall and it feels like we've been here forever. Suddenly I remember where we are and look at my watch I break away from Four and look up at him smiling "Our seven minutes are almost up" I say sadly "Let's trick them by pretending nothing happened" Four said, smiling "It would serve them right for setting this up"

"Aren't you happy they did?" I ask worriedly

"Yes but I don't want to ruin it by them teasing us"

"Okay I'll sit on the bed you stay there" I went to sit on Zeke's bed and tried to flatten my hair and return myself to normal

In less than a minute Uriah bursts in the room followed by Christina and Zeke

"You guys are supposed to be making out!" Christina pouted

"Yeah, don't you know the point of seven minutes in heaven" asked Uriah

"Did the Stiffs get scared" mocked Zeke

"Whatever" Four says, pushing past the group as I trail behind

"Hahaha, you totally wimped out!" laughed Uriah

I almost whirled round to set him straight but I felt Four's hand clutching my wrist and thought better of it. Four was right it was better for them to think nothing happened especially as he was my instructor!

We sat down as the circle reforms and everyone got back into game mode. I reclaimed my place on Four's lap, feeling more comfortable than before.

"Well even though you've supposedly wasted seven minutes it's still your turn Four, so go ahead" said Lauren

"Easy, Zeke! You know the question so answer it!" He said with a smile

"Truth, and Uriah if you even dare say pansycake I swear to God you will leave this room bloody and bruised." Zeke said while glaring at Uriah.

"Wasn't gonna say anything bro!"

"Ah brotherly love" Four said sarcastically "So Zeke tell us about the first time you got drunk"

"Umm….I stole some whisky from my mum's liquor cabinet, shared a bit with Uri, I drank too much and threw up in the chasm."

"Wow….lame story, bro. Aren't you forgetting anything maybe?"

"How do I know, I was drunk doofhead!"

The bantering between the brothers made me think of Caleb and it would be like if we grew up in Dauntless…..Caleb dauntless, haha I must not be thinking clearly. I'm getting lost in my thoughts when I hear someone softly saying my name in my ear.


"Yes Four?" I whispered back

"I can feel your heartbeat." He whispered. When he said that my cheeks felt warm and I half giggled back.

The game continued and Zeke had just asked Lauren the question

"Wait, does Lauren still need to alliterate?" asked Marlene

"No, I think I'll let her off, it's been over three turns it's not our fault she barely talked" I said "Though I just remembered Will didn't do his forfeit for not kissing Four!"

"Oh yeah! Pay up loser!" shouted Christina

Will scowled at me and growled at Christina then stood up and took off his shoes.

"Awh" Christina moaned "That was boring"

"Whatever" Will exclaimed "Let's just get on with the game"

"So Lauren I'll just repeat the question: Truth or Dare?"

"Dare Baby!" She shouted

"I dare you to….eat the last piece of Dauntless cake in the cafeteria"

"NO!" Shouted Uriah "How could you say such a thing brother!"

"You wouldn't dare" said a voice behind me; obviously Four had a few things to say about this too.

"Sorry Zeke but in the interest of living past today I think I'll have to decline"

"You better forfeit then" He said

Lauren had already taken off her shoes at the door so she just whipped off her socks.

"Okay, so eeny meeny miny moe who shall I torture next" said Lauren "Shauna! I pick you!"

"Uh oh, should I be scared? You've gone a little crazy?" Shauna sounded a bit freaked out. "I choose dare anyways"

"Nah you got nothing to worry about you have to lick Zeke's face off…I mean lick hot sauce of Zeke's face."

"What! Woo this is gonna be fun! Better get ready Zekey boy!" Shauna was getting excited, which was slightly worrying in my view.

"Hell no, nobody calls me Zekey! You can lick my face though."

"Seriously but cute nicknames is the best part!"

"Guys cut the crap and get on with the dare" Will shouted

"Sheesh Will, so commanding, Christina must love it" joked Four from behind me.

Christina glared at him and said nothing

"Well she ain't denying it" said Uriah "But seriously someone get the hot sauce."

"Right here fluffy faces" said Zeke as he pulled something from behind him "Now let's get on with this!"

"Woo yeah party time!" Shouted Shauna

Zeke gave the bottle of hot sauce to Lauren and we all watched as she poured it all over his face with Shauna brimming with excitement next to her. As Shauna took her first lick Uriah started chanting her name and then everyone joined in. As she got to the last lick everyone was cheering and Shauna was panting and calling for milk.

It made me think that this is what Dauntless is all about, doing crazy things with crazy people.

Don't forget to review! :) x