Author Comments: S/o to my friend who told me one of the first lines in this yesterday. You'll know which line I'm talking about when you read it. Written within the last 30 minutes, so yeah…

Disclaimer: Don't own YJ. But, whatever.

Wally grabbed Dick's hand, turning the smaller brunette around and looking him straight in the eyes. "I have something very important to tell you." Dick could feel his heart beat wildly in his chest. They had been dating for over 3 years now and skirted around the L-word. At least, Wally did. Now that it was Valentine's Day, maybe he'd say it. "Dick… I put the S.T. D. in stud. Now all I need is U."

Dick felt the blood rush to his face as Wally started laughing uncontrollably. "You— you!" He clenched his fists. Fucking bastard. Even at 19, he was an immature little… he was so pissed right now, that rotten redheaded tater tot. "Fuck you." He wrenched his hand from Wally's grip and started to storm off.

"No wait!" Wally grabbed Dick's wrist. "Why are you mad? It was just a joke."

"Because—" Because fuck you, that's why. "Because… it's Valentine's Day. The third one since we got together and I just… never. You've never said it, and I always say it and it's so fucking frustrating!" The words spilled out of his mouth without control. Suddenly, he felt really ridiculously needy. Why did he have to voice his thoughts and hear just how selfish he sounded? He was paralyzed, unable to flee the words that he said and he couldn't do much about it. Hot tears threatened to leak from his eyes. Shit, this was not something to cry about. He dabbed at his eyes.

"Hey, hey, don't cry." Wally wrapped his arms around Dick. Dick tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but Wally was holding on tight. "I'm sorry, alright. I guess even after three years I'm kinda nervous." What? Wally let go of Dick, resting his hands on his shoulders and pressing his forehead against Dick's. "We're best friends, and I don't ever want to wreck that. I guess I'm scared of jumping forward."

"Wally…" He felt really bad about everything he said. "I— I'm sorry about pressuring you…"

"No, you aren't, I promise."

"No, it's just… I guess it was silly of me to ask. I mean, never in my life have I doubted your love. Never. I promise you that. I guess… I don't know. Don't bother. They're just words. I guess… I don't know. Just… I don't ever want you to feel forced about something."

It was a few seconds before Wally responded. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"For being a good friend. Both best friend and boyfriend. For thinking I'm worth your love. Dude, you're amazing as hell, and you could have anyone you wanted, and you pick me of all people. And… and it's nice to know that I've messed up so many times and you're still just…" He kissed Dick lightly on the tip of his nose. "I love you."


"I said it." Wally smiled widely. "Dick, I said it! The words actually came out of my mouth!" He wrapped his arms around Dick and spun him around like a giddy school girl. "That… that wasn't scary at all. That was really easy!"

Dick let out a laugh. "You're ridiculous."

Wally put him down. Dick tangled his hands in Wally's hair and pulled him down for a kiss. "I love you, too."