Red tempest ch 17 Last chapter

I don't own naruto and I would just like to remind everyone that Naruto is kind of evil in this story.

This was it. The time has come! A face down between the hunters and the hunted, not that there has been any active hunting, but it would have begun in… 3 years? What the hell? Who plans this shit? No matter the battle of Atatsuki and the Bijuu was underway! That is if they weren't all sitting crossed legged around a campfire listening to how Tsunade the second came to become the six tails, because everyone was just fucking baffled on how that happened.

"And that's how I became the six tails," Tsunade finished. The tale was epic. A holy barb to the original Tsunade and her deadly battle to seal the six tails, resulting in her retirement to a deserted island where she runs a drug cartel with her medical skills and has the become the elemental lands biggest producer of weed and other stuff that really isn't good for you.

"Any question?" She asked the group. Strangely Pein raised his hand, "You with the piercings."

"Um yeah, you do realize there are numerous plot holes in your story and also how old are you and when exactly did this all take place? Because you're timeline also contradicts a lot of things."

Tsunade shrugged, "Egh, just roll with it. All I got is mom's word and she really got big into marijuana after alcohol failed to fill the void in her soul, left behind by her dead lover, who by the way I don't give two craps about! It always sob, sob, sob Dan, fuck Jiraiya, curse you for getting me pregnant you leach! Yeah, rough childhood, but that seems to be the norm in this village, but I think I turn out ok." Tsuande pops open a bottle of Sake and lights up a cigar, "Yep, just fine."

"To each they're own; pass that bottle sister!" Naruto yelled grabbing the bottle from Tsunade.

"You brat that's mine!"

"You should share!"

"Fuck you, it's mine!"

This is... This is not how Pein envisioned this battle going. What was supposed to begin his justice for the new world was reduced to a brawl over a bottle of sake.

Tsunade punched Naruto, sending him flying Pein's other bodies, knocking them over like bowling pins. Red chakra covered his body and seven tails sprung from his tail bone. In a single instant all the paths of Pein were destroyed. Their bodies crushed beneath the pressure of the demonic chakra.

Tossing aside a severed head Naruto decided it was time to get serious, "Fuck it attack!"

Chaos erupted everywhere, Atatsuki burst into action as the gathered tailed beasts descended on them. Gaara faced off with some creepy puppet looking guy and some one that looked like Ino. Yagura the Sanbi Jinchuuriki and Roshi the Yonbi Jinchuuriki jumped the members with the tri scythe and mask. Han Jinchuuriki of Gobi attacked Kisame one of the swordsmen of the hidden mist. Tsunade Jinchuuriki of Shichibi… continued to attack Naruto in a drunken stir, only to attack the plant looking guy by accident resulting in them fighting. Finally Fu, Kirabi, and Naruto attacked Pein and Konan.

-Gaara's battle

Gaara dashed between buildings running from a flock of clay bird. He leapt through a window running through the building and out the other side, the building exploded and collapsed behind him. He landed on a nearby room the flames for the explosion spreading over the village, course what wasn't burning at this point.

Above him his enemies got a bird's eye view of the burning village. Konoha looked like a sea of flames from above, the fire spilling over the walls and into the forest.

"Just give up one tails; I've got you out matched!" Deidera shouted from his clay bird. His partner the legendary Sasori of the red sand sighed.

"All this beautiful craftsmanship destroyed."

"Art is a blast, gone in a WHAH! Hey I'm trying to express my personal artistic taste here!" Deidera shouted as another column of sand rose to attack them.

Gaara growled in annoyance, summoning more sand he formed Shokaku. Towering over the burning city Gaara blasted air bullets at the duo, also unleashing a hail of sand shuriken from his left arm. The two dodged the air bullets, but were pounded by the sand shuriken the clay bird exploding!

"I've got you!" Grabbing the two in his massive Gaara encased them in sand, "SAND BURIAL!" Shokaku's hand formed into a gaint sphere and condensed crushing the two Atatsuki members.

With his enemies dead, Gaara continued to rampage over the village, killing sound, Leaf alike, and any sand that dared to betray him.

-Yagura and Roshi's battle

"I don't think we planned this out well shorty." Roshi said overlooking the cooling lava rock, which covered the two Atatsuki members they killed or sealed?

"It was an effective strategy. I do not see you're problem with it." Yagura deadpanned holding the severed head of Hidan the immortal. That title held true as the head was still talking. The young looking Mizukage amused himself by drowning the head in the newly formed lake he created during their battle. It was located next to the lava lake formed by Roshi and in-between was the other member of the immortal duo Kakuzu, who was a statue of lava rock after being swept up in the water and pushed into the lava. Hidan's body was posed beside him.

"I'm just saying it might have been too much! Look at this place it looks like hell, literary! Rivers of lava, fire, demons roaming the land!"

"You mean us?"

Roshi froze, "Hmm you're right. Wanna go capture some maidens?"

Yagura shrugged, "Sure got nothing better to do. I wanna see I get someone to kiss this head."

"Ugh, why?"

"I'll find it amusing."

Roshi laughed, "You're pretty fucked up, kid."

The younger demon just smiled and said, "aren't' we all?"

"You got me there." The two passed Han, who was roasting Kisame over a fire. "At least we're not as messed up as that guy." They next passed by Tsunade who was making Zetsu into a salad. "Or her, though I'd still go for it."

"I believe I would a more appropriate age," Yagura retorted changing coarse for Tsunade. Roshi followed after him yelling.

"Experience before youth kid!"

"I'm fucking twenty seven!"

-Fuu, Kirabi, and Naruto vs Pein and Kanon battle

Pein dodged another Bijutama the red sphere bulldozed its way through several buildings and kept going deep into the forest. Striking hear where his real body was located. He breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't hurt. He stole a glance at Konan watching her battle in the sky with the Nanabi; well the Hachibi blasted more Bijuudama's from the ground.

He must have been staring to long, because Naruto appeared in front of him and punched him in the face! The hit had so much power behind it that nearly took Pein's head off! The Atatsuki lead fell to the ground, his body too damaged to move.

Naruto hopped down beside him, "Well what do we have here?" He asked inspecting the mechanical body. He's pulls one of the spikes from Pein's body and stabs it into his palm. Instantly Naruto is made aware of Pein's real position and takes off.

Konan seeing him give chase to try and stop him, but in this moment she is tackled by Fu, who places a chakra seal on her.

"I'm going to save you for later," Fu whispers seductively licking Konan's ear, "It will be so much fun! Kirabi follow me! Naruto found something!"

"You go; I'll get the other lazy bones!"

"You still can't rap for crap!"

Nagato, the real leader of the Atatsuki and puppeteer behind Pein was a fail man, living only by the power of the machine he was connected to. He was blessed with the power of the rinnegon the most powerful Kekkai Genkai in the world. He thought he was invincible with his six paths, but today he was proven wrong when all six were defeated. He under estimated the Bijuu containers and now they were on their way to finish him.

"Well, well, well, isn't this a surprise. The leader of our hunters is nothing more than a frail sickly piece of human shit," Naruto mocked his voice distorted and over laid with Kurama's.

"I'm a god! The powers of sage are with me and it is my mission to bring about world peace though…"

Naruto grabbed Nagato's mouth and held it shut, "Shut up, I don't care. I just need one question answered, answer it and I maybe kind. Fail and you and you're little woman will suffer greatly. Now where is the man in the mask! The one that attacked and got my mother killed on the day I was born! Answer me!"

Removing his hand Naruto allowed Nagato to speak, "You're petty human problems are of no concern to a god such as myself."

"Wrong fucking answer. Fu the girl!" Fu gleefully tossed Konan to the floor, tearing her clothes and leaving her naked on the ground. The gathered Jinchuuriki surrounded her like a hungry pack of wolves as both male and female container disrobed.

"What are you doing?" Nagato pained struggling in his life support machine, but alas he wasn't able to move.

As Naruto threw the last of his clothes to the ground, he turned and said, "I'm going to show you pain and suffering. This woman will be our play thing and you will watch helplessly and we will not stop until I have my answers."

-Very dark lemon begins now…

Konan was still rather dazed when she was thrown to the floor. She attempted to cover herself when she realized she was naked. Off to the side she saw the Kyuubi container talking to Pein, she moved to stop him from hurting her longtime friend, but the other Jinchuuriki blocked her path. She continued to sit there on the ground; Pein and Naruto exchanged more words, which resulted in Naruto walking away and then the Jinchuuriki began to strip.

All the males' members instantly harden all of them ten plus inches long with just as amazing girth. Even the females were looking at her like she was a piece of meat. Konan shivered under their gaze holding herself tight when a shadow appeared over her. She looked up at the Blonde Kyuubi container and opened her mouth to speak, when he shoved his dick down her throat and after that they all pounced on her!

"Let me lube her up!" Konan heard Tsunade say. She felt a cool slimly liquid pour down between her ass cheeks a slender finger working it's into her ass and pussy. She couldn't help it, but she moaned, the finger thrusting in and out of her rectum. "She's good and ready, do you're thing.

From her puerperal vision Konan saw the Sanbi and Hachibi take position behind her. The Sanbi crawled beneath her and entered her pussy well the Hachibi thrust into her ass. Her eyes widen as the pain and pleasure of their thrusts rocked her body, all the while Naruto skull fucked her hard.

More dicks appeared in her vision, the Yonbi and Gobi, they placed her hands on their throbbing members and she began to stroke them without thought, meanwhile the Shichibi and Nanabi suckled on her breasts.

With all this going on at once it wasn't long before Konan came, but the Jinchuuriki didn't stop, in fact they fucked her even more harshly. Cumming in her mouth, ass, and pussy continually, the males would rotate after one of them cummed fucking another one of her holes. The females would sit on her face and demand she lick them. One of them even fisted her! This went on for hours maybe even days, Konan lost track, but she was completely covered in cum and she… she loved it!

What Konan didn't know that the demonic hormones from each jinchuuriki had infected her and it sensation drove her insane that she obeyed every command without question. When they told to clean the cum off her body like a cat, she did it. Fist herself? You bet. She had completely lost any sense of herself and the sight of it pained Nagato to no end. Nagato who wasn't even allowed to kill himself via biting his tongue due Gaara keeping an eye on him, forcing the sickly Atatsuki leader to watch his last friend descend into the realms of madness with gleeful smile for two months.

-end of lemon

"You are a tough son of bitch to crack Nagato," Naruto mocked, "Ready to tell me about the mask man?"

"What would be the point?"

"Well we did place a seal on her that would let her return to her old self, this entire ordeal forgotten, course she'll still be giving birth to our offspring. With you guys out of the way, I think now is the perfect time to start filling the earth with our kind."

Nagato scoffed, "As if the other nations would allow that."

"Oh, them, yeah their gone."


"Yeah, my underling Zabuza and my mates, they conquered the other villages and all in between. You'd be surprised how many people are willing to except their new demon overlords. I guess burning fire country to the ground really made an impression on them. Rain tried to stand up to them, but well, how to say this…" Naruto laughed, "No one's going to do that again after what Hinata did to them. Oh man it is funny too, she hit a pressure point that made their farts explode and kill them!"

Nagato stared in horror at the Blonde; he looked to Konan, who was licking Tsunade's asshole while Gaara and Yagura fucked her at the moment he just couldn't take it anymore.

"Tobi, you want Tobi! He was the one who attacked the village and got your mother killed."

"Was that so hard?"

Nagato clenched his teeth, "Just release Konan and erase her memories and well you're at it just kill me. I don't have anything to live for."

"I'll do you one better." Naruto said placing his hand on Nagato's head infusing him with demonic chakra. Nagato's sickly appearance changed to healthier one, restoring the Atatsuki leader to his prime and erasing everything from his mind, all the pain and suffering, leaving nothing but his love for his angel. Naruto then went to Konan and pulled her away from three.

"What is it master?" She asked as Naruto placed his hand on her face.

"You're free; go live in the new world." Naruto intertwined Konan's and Nagato's hands and led them outside, "Together, try to have a better life this time."

As he watched the two Atatsuki member walk off Gaara appeared next to him. "You do such unspeakable things to them and then just let them go? It's hard to tell if you're insanely cruel or kind."

"I'm a bit of both. I want to build a better world, to give others a better chance at life then I did, then we all did, but I have to break more than a few eggs to do it. I will live with the choices I make for many years, I may feel bad about them someday, and maybe I could have found a better way, but this is all I know Gaara. Pain, suffering, lust, love, hatred, happiness, it's what defines me. I've experience it all Gaara, so have you and the others. One day our new world might end up like this one, crappy and not worth saving; if that happens we'll just rebuild it again. Now you wanna track down this Tobi and use our crazy demonic powers to turn him into a woman and screw him?"

"Sounds kind of messed up, brother, should really start thinking in lighter tones."

"You're right Gaara, Hey Fuu, Yugito, Tsunade! Wanna help us with something?"

"What are you doing Naruto?"

The blond Kitsune smiled mischievously, "I was thinking. We could let our sisters have some fun with this guy."

Gaara shook his head and smiled, "Still twisted."

"It's just the way I am!"

-Epilogue 1000 years later

"Grandpa, wake up!" A sweet voice called out to him. Naruto the great golden nine tailed fox opened his eye to peer on his favorite grandchild Kushina Kitsune. Carefully he picked the little girl up with his massive paw and placed her on his snout to get a better look at her.

"What is it little one? Why aren't you with your mother?"

Kushina snuggled into her grandfather's fur, doing her best to hide, "Mommy's a little mad at me. I kind of burnt down part of the house by accident while practicing fire Jutsu." Naruto chuckled heartily as he lied back down.

"I see, she must be really mad then, but don't worry little kit, Grandpa has some dirt on momma, so you're punishment won't be too serve. This time at least. There will come a time when you will have to take responsibly for your actions, whether it was accident or not."

Kushina snuggled deeper into his fur, almost completely disappearing, save for her bright red hair that managed to peek through the fields of gold. "I know. I was honest this time. I told mommy right away and didn't blame Hakuna this time."

Naruto raised one of his many tails and patted Kushina on the head, "Good girl."


"Yes, Kushina?" Naruto asked knowing what was coming next.

"Can you tell me the story about Great grandma Kushina and Grandma Hinata and the others too?" Kushina poked out of his fur with her biggest puppy dog eyes aimed at him. He caved instantly.

"Fine, I suppose there's time for one story before you're mother gets here." Naruto cleared his throat and began recalling a time long ago, back to the days when his mates were alive, "A 1014 years ago there was once a village hidden in the leaves…."

-The End

Finishing Author's note

Well that's it that's the story and just a few weeks after the Naruto Manga officially ended, followed by the outrage of Naruto sakura fans and the fuck yeah of the NaruHina fans. I was indifferent about the ships, but I will say I wasn't surprised it ended Naruhina, after Sakura's speech of loving Sasuke no matter what he did, you knew where this ship was going. Personally I don't remember Naruto saying he ever wanted a family, he just wanted to be Hokage and respected. Doesn't matter let talk about my stories ending how, I half assed it too.

This story was a crap shoot, lazily written and halfed assed from beginning to end. Never put much thought into it, half of the chapter content was lemons, that changed towards the end with less lemons and that might have been a mistake because I was running out of material. The final lemon was something I just come up with on the fly. I don't suppose any of the more devious lemon themes such as rape, drugging, mind control etc.

And if you're wondering when I mentioned drugs in this story, Demonic hormones, stands for Drugs and Hypnosis, thing about it it's a substance that effects your mind and personality and can get you into trouble. So don't do drugs or use them on other people.

Also the Hanabi and Hokage thing, red coned out of the story for… reasons.

Well hoped you enjoyed the ride and if not, I guess I don't really care all too much. This was written to be some twisted fun, which may have turned out to be more trouble than it's worth but I made a promise I would finish my stories now no matter what so I did and yeah. Also I was tired of incomplete harem stories.

Well that's it bye!