Erikur: Iceland: 19
Lukas: Norway: 21
Matthias: Denmark: 22
Abela: Ice/Nor Mother
Barri: Ice/Nor Father
Randoms: Razmus

I would like to point out that this is very different from Avatar. There is element bending, using, or whatever the word is. In the story, everyone can bend (Or use their talent). Only a select few can't.

(Also, my penname used to be The-Faygo-Person. I am now, obviously, icelandisagaygay.)

I hope you enjoy it!



His mother held his hands in hers, her grip tight. She stared down at their hands, her face unreadable. "You cannot let them find out." She said, her voice stern. "You aren't like us. You're different… and that is dangerous. If they find out, they won't hesitate to kill you. They won't hesitate to kill all of us. Do you understand what's at risk here?"

Erikur stared at her, his eyes wide. Tears formed at the corner of his eyes, threatening to fall. He swallowed, and forced himself to nod. The tears fell down his face, his breath coming out shakily. His mother stared down at him, her eyes emotionless.

"I don't know how this happened." She whispered harshly, her grip on his hands tightening. "I don't know how you became a… a freak." She let go of his hands, letting them fall to his lap. "You need to learn how to control it. How to hide it."

"What's wrong with me?" Erikur asked, his voice hoarse. "I-I didn't do-"

"You're a freak." His mother stated, her eyes still staring at his hands. "You're full of fire… flame. All you can do is burn."

"I'm a freak." Erikur said, his voice soft, as he stared down at his hands.

"You need to hide it." She said, suddenly grabbing him by the shoulders, her eyes going wild. "You can't let anyone find out! It can only stay between you and me. No one can know. Not your father, and not your brother. Only us."

"Only us…" He repeated, reaching up to wipe away the tears.

Their tent flap was opened, his father peeking his head on, a warm smile spread across his face. "Abela, elskan. They need you with the elders." He said, before giving his son a short wave and stepping back outside into the cold.

"No one can know." She repeated, before standing and stepping out of the tent.

He stared down at his hands, his whole body shaking.

All he could do was burn.

He was a freak. To his mother, to himself.

A freak. And that is all he would ever be.

And if we should die tonight
We should all die together
Raise a glass of wine for the last time
Calling out father oh
Prepare as we will
Watch the flames burn auburn on
The mountain side
Desolation comes upon the sky
Now I see fire, inside the mountain
I see fire, burning the trees
And I see fire, hollowing souls
I see fire, blood in the breeze
And I hope that you remember me

I See Fire-Ed Sheeran

~~ Ten years later

"So tonight's the big night, eh?" Razmus asked, slapping Barri on the back. "Your boy Lukas is turning...what is it now...twenty-one! It seems as if just yesterday he was clinging to your legs!"

Barri smiled. "Yes...He has come a long way, hasn't he? I remember when Abela taught him his first trick with the ice. Such good memories...It's sad that we were never able to teach Erikur anything, with his lack of ability, ya know?"

Razmus nodded, his smile fading in the slightest. There was a moment of silence between the two men, until Razmus brought back up the conversation, as he always hated silence.

"Your son, Erikur, he always keeps to himself. Why is that? You'd think that coming from you he would be more out there!" Razmus said, laughter shaking his broad shoulders.

Barri shook his head, a sad smile forming on his face. "I don't know. Ever since Abela died he's been so...I don't know. It's like he doesn't trust us. I can't see why though."

Lukas glanced over at his father as he and Matthias passed by him and one of his friends. Again, they were talking about Erikur and his proneness to keeping to himself. To blocking the rest of the world out. It was as if Erikur existed only to be a conversation starter among the village. Other than him keeping to himself, he was one of the only ones without the ability to 'bend' with water. In fact, he was the only one without the ability.

'Collirio omnium oculos', as some of the elders and adults would call him. But to put it more simply, he was just 'untalented'. Already being introverted, he was automatically an outcast for his lack of ability. It was no wonder that he always kept to himself, barely ever speaking to anyone else in the village, other than his father and brother.

"I can see why." Lukas scoffed, after they had passed his father and Razmus, their laughter still loud as they went on.

"Just ignore them." Matthias said, patting him on the back. "And forget about your brother. Tonight is about you, remember?"

Lukas rolled his eyes before picking up his speed, staying two steps ahead of Matthias. "Right." He said, glancing back at Matthias. "Tonight is about me. Exciting."

Matthias crossed his arms over his chest. "At least try to have fun." He said, sticking out his bottom lip.

Lukas stared back at him, his gaze icy. "No promises." He said, his frown turning into a smirk.

Erikur stared down at the fire, listening intently to the crackles, drowning out the sound of the commotion around him. He wanted to reach out and touch the flame, he longed for it. But he couldn't. He had to hide it. He had to control it. No one could know. No one could know he was different...that he was a freak.

He had hidden it for ten years. Ten long years. And somehow, he had managed five of them without his mother.

But lately, he had felt it growing stronger. His want, his longing to use his ability. To feel the flames in between his fingers.

And tonight was one of the worst nights imaginable for him. His brothers birthday.

"How come you aren't enjoying yourself?" Someone asked, bending down beside him.

Erikur glanced over at Matthias, who had a large smile on his face, and a mug of beer in his hands.

"I am enjoying myself." Erikur said, motioning to the fire, trying to hint that he wanted Matthias to go away.

Matthias shook his head and sat down beside him, setting the mug down beside him. "Sure you are." Matthias said, patting him on the arm.

"Well, I was enjoying myself. But then you came." He said, rolling his eyes.

"No need to be rude."

"Why don't you go bother my brother?" Erikur said, motioning for him to leave.

"No. I want to bother you." Matthias stated, nudging him with his elbow.

"Well I don't want you to bother me." Erikur grumbled, nudging him back.

"That's just too bad."

Erikur sighed, and pushed himself closer to the fire. He glanced back at Matthias who was staring at the fire, the smile on his face dropping.

"You know, I've been wondering…" Matthias said, glancing at him. "You're untalented."

"I know that." Erikur said, his heart beating faster.

"But how could that have happened?" Matthias asked, his gaze turning towards Erikur.

"I- I don't-"

"It only happens if one of the parents was untalented. And both of your parents were talented. And Lukas turned out talented, so why not you?"

"It-it happens."

"No. You're not untalented." Matthias said, scoffing. "You're hiding your talent."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes you are. I know I'm not the smartest, but I'm not stupid."

"Go away." Erikur said, pulling his knees to his chest. "Just leave me alone."

"Use your talent." Matthias said, grabbing Erikur by the shoulder. "Show me."

"I said go away." Erikur mumbled, pulling away from him.

"Not until you show me." Matthias said, grabbing his arm.

"What don't you understand about go away!" Erikur hissed, pulling his arm from Matthias' grasp.

Before either of them could say anything else, the fire in front of them rose, becoming a twisting wall of fire. Someone behind them screamed.

Matthias stared at him wide-eyed, before he scrambled away from him, clearly frightened.

Erikur pushed himself from the ground, attempting to pull his eyes away from the fire, watching as it went higher and higher, becoming even more terrifying.

"You're…" Matthias said, his voice shaking. "You're a monster…"

The word repeated itself over and over again in his mind.



Someone shouted for him to be grabbed.

There was a second of silence, as Matthias and Erikur stared at each other, before Erikur turned and ran.


Icelandic: Elskan: Darling,
Latin: Collirio omnium oculos: Untalented