Hi! I'm ZodiacWiz, and I'm a read-o-holic. Huh? Oh! Nevermind. ;;;;;; I don't own Inu Yasha. Just a bio on Ffnet.

Scroll 1: Spatan

Inu Yasha sat in a tree with Shippou in a branch above him. Shippou looked up at the clouds then down at Inu Yasha. The dogboy lay on the branch with his eyes closed. Shippou looked back upward. "Inu Yasha?"

"What?" he said with his eyes still closed.

"Where do kitsunes come from?" Shippou asked.

"The mud." Inu Yasha said.

"No they don't!"

"How do you know?" Inu Yasha asked.

Shippou sat with a frown then looked sideways and asked, "Why is the sky blue?"

"Because a color blind cat made it that way."

"Why is water wet?"

"To annoy people."

"Why did the dish run away with the spoon?"

"This is a PG fic."

"Oh." Shippou said. His tail wagged back and forth "What time is it?"

Inu Yasha's eyes opened. "It's time to go get Kagome."

Kagome ran into her room, threw her backpack onto her swivel chair, and leaped onto her bed. She bounced a couple of times and decided to rest for a minute before she started her homework. She opened her eyes and saw Inu Yasha standing over her. "KYAH!" she slapped him and sat up. He backed off in surprise.

She looked around and saw him with a red handprint on his face. "DON'T DO THAT!" she shouted.

"YOU BIMBO!" he shouted back. "You were supposed to come back this morning!"

Kagome realized she did make that promise. She knew that Inu Yasha wouldn't let her live down a promise. "Please, Inu Yasha, I've got an important examine coming up. I forgot all about it, but I need to be here for it!"

"No." he said.

"Please, please, PLEASE!" she begged.

"No way, you promised!" he looked away from her.

"Please, Inu Yasha." She said in a meek voice.

He turned back to look at her and his heart jumped. She looked at him with tears welled up in her eyes. She wrung her hands together and begged, "I'm REALLY sorry! If you care about me at all, you'll let me just stay until this test is over, then I PROMISE I'll come straight to the feudal era."

He gulped and he didn't know why he gave in to that pretty face, but he did, "O-okay, but come back right after the test is over."

She smiled and threw her arms around him, "Thank you, Inu Yasha! You're so sweet!"

"Right." He said with an annoyed expression. Then he climbed back out her window and started his lonely walk back to the well.

"Aw, fishsticks." The demon Spatan said. He stood by a stop sign in his human form. He was a regular looking guy, considering the time. He wore an off-white hoody, jeans, and a Fighting Irish baseball cap. "I haven't found a single soul in this time period! I wish the Darklord hadn't of sent me out for this, soul stealing isn't my cup of tea." He watched as a pair of schoolgirls walked past him. "Nothing but cheerleaders. Where are the unhappy, depressed people when you need them? This is such a good side of town, I don't even know why I'm here!"

Inu Yasha walked past him, "Darn that Kagome! I'd sell my soul if she'd just stay in the feudal era!"

Spatan's eyes popped. 'Hello!'

` "Excuse, me." He said. What did you just say?"

Inu Yasha turned to look at him. "I wasn't talking to you."

"Can you just tell me what you said?" Spatan held a tape recorder behind his back.

"I said I'd sell my soul if Kagome would just stay in the feudal era, happy?" Inu Yasha said with a sweatdrop.

"Oh yes, very." Spatan said with a smile. "Say! What would you do if I could make that happen?"

Inu Yasha raised an eyebrow at him. "I'd say you were a god damn genious! Nothing can keep that girl away from her stupid school!" and with that said, he walked over and jumped into the well.

Spatan did the happy victory dance. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I got one! I got a soul!"