K so this is before they get together btw.
Kensi Blye stood over a kitchen sink, resentfully rinsing out the used sippy cup of Sam's youngest daughter.
How she had gotten herself into this position, she still couldn't remember. From what she could remember, it seemed to involve too many shots of tequila and ill advised wagering. Yet here she was, she had lost a bet and so when Sam told her it was time to babysit, she had no choice but to answer the call of duty.
Though she hated to admit it, when Deeks had insisted on coming with her, she had been more than relieved. It was no secret he was much better with kids than her, and besides Sam's daughters loved him, much to their fathers annoyance of course. He let them brush his hair and smear make up on his face, and he would tell them stories until their eyelids grew heavy, and he and Kensi would each carry a little girl to bed.
Secretly, Kensi cherished these nights, though she did not especially enjoy the cleaning or cooking parts.
Yet here she was, scrubbing a sippy cup and cleaning the dishes.
When at last the final one was dried, she headed back towards the living room where she had left Deeks and the girls playing with some dolls.
Deeks voice drifted down the hall, and she willingly followed it. Yet something made her stop at the door and smile rather stupidly to herself.
She peered through the crack but did not enter, not wanting to disturb the scene before her.
Deeks was sprawled out on the couch, with Sam's youngest daughter, Sophia, perched on his knee. The older girl, Ella, sat kneeling on the floor looking up at him, infatuation very evident in her expression.
Both watched him with rapt attention as he told them a story.
"...See the prince had a very cool, very macho stallion," Deeks was saying in his usual, dramatic manor, "but tragically he never got to ride it."
"Why?" inquired the youngest sister, her big dark eyes staring up at Deeks with confusion.
"Well there was a mysterious and wise old queen who had the power to see everything that went on in her kingdom through her magic crystal ball. "
"Was she pretty?" asked the oldest.
Deeks laughed in spite of himself.
"Well, to be honest she looked rather like a mix between a shriveled chipmunk and ancient garden gnome, and she was like a hundred years old, but that's why she was so wise."
"But how did she stop the prince from riding his stallion?" inquired Ella.
"She looked through her magic crystal ball and saw the prince's shiny new stallion, and since she didn't want the prince to get hurt, she took it away. This made the prince very sad, because he loved his noble steed, but in the end it was fine. You see there was a princess and she let the prince ride with her."
"Oh!" cried the elder girl, "was she beautiful?"
Deeks smile was radiant as he spoke
"She was the most beautiful princess in the whole entire kingdom."
"Wooww," sighed the littlest, "what did she look like?"
Deeks chuckled slightly, and Kensi held her breath, though she felt stupid for doing it, and silently reprimanded herself for being so childish.
"This princess had long, silky chestnut hair and tan skin because she like to go to the beach. And her eyes were mismatched, one was black and the other was brown, and what beautiful eyes they were. They always sparkled when she laughed. She was tall and graceful, and she was the envy of every girl in the kingdom."
"Woooww" sighed Sophia again.
"So she looked like Aunt Kensi?" said the older one.
Deeks grinned,
"Yeah," he sighed, "she looked just like Kensi...
"But like I was saying, the prince, who was very handsome and super funny and loved dearly by all in the kingdom, sadly never got to steer the horse because the princess never let him."
"Well she was probably better at riding horses..." said the Ella.
"No," replied Deeks, a smirk present on his lips, "I can assure you she was not. And he always said he could drive the horse, but she never ever let him. He didn't mind though, because..."
Deeks hesitated.
"Why?" asked the little girl impatiently.
"Because he loved her."
"Oh I knew it!" squealed Sophia.
Deeks grinned as the girls exclaimed their excitant, unaware that a few yards away, hiding behind the living room door, his princess stood listening in utter shock.
"Yes, yes," said Deeks at last, "And on their mighty steed they had many adventures. Sometimes the prince has to save the princess from evil kings and monsters, and sometimes the princess has to save the prince from dragons and stuff too.
"Like one time they rode to a far away land and had to save a young boy from his evil step father. The boy played… he played the guitar… It was a hard mission, but they finally succeeded. And to celebrate, the old wise queen decided they should dance –
"Oh was it a grand ball?"
A grin appeared on Deeks' mouth once again as he replied.
"Well obviously, and everyone was wearing big fluffy dresses and all that, and there was music and glitter and everything wonderful."
"Was the princess the most beautiful of them all?" inquired Ella.
Now Deeks' smile was positively radiant.
"She was always the most beautiful."
"And was she the best dancer there? Is that why the prince danced with her?" said the little one, who was now trembling with excitement.
"No," said Deeks happily, "No the princess was awful at dancing, she always accused the prince of stepping on her feet, but really it was her fault. But the prince was just happy to hold her in his arms, he didn't care that she was bad at dancing or that she was incredibly stubborn, in fact he loved her even more because of her few imperfections. That's what love is, you guys, it's knowing someone better than they know themselves, and still wanting to be with them anyways."
The two girls merely stared up at Deeks in awe, until finally the younger one spoke.
"And did they love happily ever after?" she squealed excitedly.
A shadow passed over Deeks' face, and for a split second, Kensi feared what he was about to say. But before the though had formed in her mind, his normal smile was back, and he whispered.
"Of course."