Foxpaw sniffed the air for any smell of prey. It was her warrior assessment, her mentor Grapplelight was watching her. She was from ThunderClan and wanted to become the best warrior ever. Foxpaw let her tail droop with disappointment. No prey was around and she had been searching from sun rise and it was now sun high!

She silently padded among the lush grass. She was a great climber, very lightweight, and an expert squirrel hunter and was pretty good at bird catching. So she climbed a nearby tree and searched for any sign of life. She was silently walking on a thin branch when she heard a rustle from the neighboring tree.

Ears alert she leaped off her branch and onto the other tree, she landed silently, and listened. Again she heard leaves scraping against fur. She saw a bushy brown tail. Squirrel she thought. Licking her chops she made sure the wind was coming at her and her scent was being carried away from her oblivious prey.

She leaped up to a sturdy branch above her. Then she saw what she was looking for. A fat squirrel was nibbling an acorn. She looked for a proper route to get beside the squirrel without being noticed. There was none.

She unsheathed her claws. This was going to have to become a chase. If she managed to surprise the squirrel it wouldn't be as focused on where it was leaping it would just think about getting away.

So she readied her haunches and jumped off the branch right it front of the squirrel. It squealed in terror and rushed away letting it's acorn drop to the ground. Foxpaw followed the squirrel leaping on every available branch. Soon she spotted a route that would enable her to get in front of the squirrel.

She jumped through the trees and just before she was about to grap the squirrel heavy claws clamped around her shoulders. She let out a yelp, leaving the squirrel and trying to get away from the sharp claws.

She turned her head to face her attacker and there was Grapplelight, grinning as she pulled Foxpaw away. Behind her a cluster of ShadowClan cats were watching with pleasure.