Hi eveyone! I'm your humble writer, DsCrystalEyes, Ds for short. I received a great reception with the two-shot OTP fic, and Valentine is already here! So, this might be a little late, but hey, if it's still Valentine, it'll do.
Let's reply some question and reviews.
Loopsey: I'm waiting for that OP Touma fic with Othinus...still waiting...
Kyoushi: I assure you, people with more talent are all over this web. I'm just a guy that loves writing.
Everyone else(lol): Thank you for your kind words! I didn't expect it to go so smooth!
Let's hope I get this done on time...
Let's begin, I'm typing this as I start anyway.
Disclaimer: I don't own TAMNI or else it would suck.
"Tomorrow?"-Kamijou Touma asked.
"Yes, tomorrow."-Ohinus repeated.
Now, now, if you are hoping for it to be an all lovey-dovey date on a snowy Valentine's day between Kamijou and Othinus, illusion shall be shattered.
"Yeah, I guess that's true. The snow is still falling, and you can't keep using my old clothes forever. Sure. We'll go buy you some clothes tomorrow."
"Great then"-Othinus smiled brieftly before went back to messing around with Index and Sphinx.
It's been a few months since Othinus began her stay in Academy City under Kamijou's care. As they found out on Christmas, Othinus even got her own legal ID! Someone must've pulled a lot of string for a Magic God to stay in Academy City.
Said person is currently calculating more and more plans while floating upside down.
As they ALSO found out on Christmas, compared to Index's habit, Othinus choice of clothing attract far more trouble, misfortune included.
Such an exihibitionist's clothing might look nice when she was at the top of GREMLIN, being a Magic God as well as an enemy of the world, but now, trying to live a normal life(however, next to Kamijou, that's next to non-existant), a different choice of clothing is certainly necessary.
Although Kamijou's life hasn't got a single break from all the strange hectics and incidents, his normal days are now much more enjoyable. Turns out that Othinus, being a Majin and all, still knows hows to do certain chores and cooks. Her cookings aren't bad, but for a GODDESS, that is already too much to ask for. With that, Kamijou can leave Index in her care when going to school, and certain that he would receive less bitting attacks.
Speaking of taking care of Index...
Although Kamijou's dorm has gotten more hectic, that didn't apply to the dorm room next to his.
Tsuchimikado's dorm.
Last thing he knows, Tsuchimikado Motoharu was under the care of an Academy City Board Director. His sister, Maika, is somewhere on a fake internship her brother set her up, before lighting their dorm on fire. Now repaired, the name plate on the dorm room stays the same, implying someone should bound to go back there.
At school, the Delta Force has now lost a member, and with that, those small fights and idiotic talk that made the class has die down.
For Kamijou Touma, even if he didn't like those hectics one bit, it's still memories with his friends. Good memories.
But all he can do is hope that they're alright.
'That's right! Don't stay depressed! Everyone's fine!'-Kamijou lifted his head up from the homework he's given, observing Othinus and Index as they messes around as always.
'It looks calm.'
"Touma and Othinus are going out tomorrow?"-Index asked.
"Yeah."-Touma nodded slightly.
"Then who's going to feed me?!"-She pouted before baring her fangs.
"Wait wait Index! Tomorrow there's no school! I'm just going to meet up with my friends for a party then..."
"A PARTY?!"-Index yelled, pouncing on him and...
Chomp! Chomp!
"Touma always leaves me behind, going to a party!"-Index released his head, pouting all the way.
"Sorry Index. It's only for my class."-Kamijou sheepishly rubbed his hurting head.-"There's no food there anyway."
"Uhm..."-Index pondered for a moment-"Ne, ne Touma, tomorrow is Valentine's day, right?"
"Oh?"-Kamijou looked over to the calendar.-"...You're right."
"Then there'll be chocolates Touma! You have to bring me back some chocolates!"
"Easy there Index. I'm the king of misfortune. It would be a miracle for me to receive chocolate from my classmates."
Index was about to spoke, but Othinus overheard it and said in her place.
"You have no idea, Touma."-The tone of her voice made it clear.
That sent chill down Kamijo's spine.
'What? What?! I feel like I'm missing a key information here! What does she knows that I don't?!'-Kamijou's head was racing to find an answer.
Index blinked at Othinus before nodded and gave a sigh.
"You're right. Touma will always be Touma."
"Are you two mocking mmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeee?!"
Later that night, or more accurately, midnight.
Kamijou was sleeping in his bath tub as always. Even if his stipend has been increased, enough to buy a folded bed or something, Index was still a big threat to Kamijou's skull, specially when she sleepwalk, so Kamijou still sleep in the bathtub as always.
He had actually found it comfortable now.
A light knocking on the door prompted him to open his eyes.
"Touma? You're awake?"-It was Othinus.
"I am now..."-Kamijou said-"So, what's wrong?"
"I need to use the bathroom."
With that, Kamijou stepped out and open the door.
Surprisingly, now, the revealing witch outfit Othinus always wear has also become her nightwear. Kamijou thought it was comfortable in that.
"... ... ... ...What are you staring at? Hurry up and get outside."-The Majin urged.
Realizing that he was staring, Kamijou quickly and sheepishly stepped out, allowing the Magic God to step in in close the door.
He would force out those sounds of rustling fabric and skin, along with those teenage imaginations they held.
A brieft moment of silence ensued again. It wasn't special in particular. Both of them has gotten used to it. Soon enough, one of them would have a subject to talk about.
"So Othinus."-Kamijou gave in first.-"What's your thought on Valentine's day?"
Still nothing.
"Othinus? Did you fall asleep in there or something?"
"!?"-Kamijou gave a start.
"I found it to be bloody."
"W-what made you think that?!"
"Nothing in particular. I was there when the date was born."
"You...you mean?"
"Yes, I was there when Saint Valentine was killed."
"So it was real?!"
"It wasn't very dramatic, you know."
Kamijou decided to drop the subject.
"I guess it would be a waste if we spend tomorrow indoors...And we both has no plans for it...why don't we go out together? Let's bring Index to a restaurant or something."
Index, who was sleeping in the bed, suddenly jumped up and grabbed Touma, stars in her eyes.
"Really Touma?!"
"Wah?! Weren't you sleeping a moment ago?!"
"I guess that would be fine."-Othinus voice came from inside the bathroom.
"...Okay then."
It not that bad. After all, Kamijou hasn't said any misleading sentences like...
"It's a date then."
"! ! ! ! ! !"-A strange noise emitted from the bathroom.
"Othinus? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine."-The reply came rather quick, and her voice seems to be slightly flustered.
But Kamijou just shrugged it off.
Morning came.
Everything went by as usual, Touma making breakfast and readies himself for the long day ahead; Index and Sphinx was digging in on their meal, and Othinus was flipping through the TV channels.
"Right. I'll be back in a couple of hours. Index, do you want to go with me and Othinus to shop for clothes or do you want to stay? It's pretty cold outside."-Kamijou asked as he grabbed the umbrella.
"..."-Index pondered for a moment-"Why do you want to spend time with her alone Touma?"
"HOW DID YOU CAME UP WITH THAT?!"-Kamijou roared.
Good thing Othinus stepped in.
"Well, what's your decision Index?"-She patted the young nun's head.
"...W...Well...I guess Touma wouldn't do anything funny..."
Kamijou smiled slightly.
"Okay. I'll be back soon. If I get some chocolates, I'll give them to you."
"Really Touma?"-Index eyes sparkles just like Shokuhou Misaki.
"Really. I'll see you this afternoon."-Kamijou opened the door-"Wow...it really is cold. Okay then, enjoy...but don't destroy the room. Please."
"I'm not a child!"-Both Othinus and Index said that.
"No, but one is a Majin, and one...just clumsy."
"Touma!"-Index bared her fangs.
Terrified, Kamijou dashed out and closed the door, sorrying all the way.
And the day had just begun.
Okay everyone. I might not be able to finish this on Valentine's day, but here the first part. Should be a three-parter, and second part, I'm working on it right now. Seems like I'm pulling another all nighter...*sigh*
Please review and tell me how I do! Means a lot to me!