~I Can't Wait Another Day~

The mountain air nipped at my auburn fur. I huffed out an annoyed flame. Climbing higher into the cold always caused me great worry. I hated the way the wind whipped against my auburn fur. I hated the fact someone was stuck out here. My paws curled up into fists as I attempted to hide my shaking from the cold. My silver gaze darts beside me, seeing her brown orbs glance back. I didn't really mind the cold. I tended not to mind in general when it came to her.

Loyal; and so persistent… most people would have given up in your situation…but I suppose that's why things worked out.

That pain was worth it. I couldn't imagine my life without her. And the spiral of events only reinforced the idea. I smiled at how things ended up; I ended up with my best friend… I was ending up with a happy ending. And I was determined to intertwine our destinies, forever.

You're such a softie because of her…

That's love. And I don't care. So today…this is it. I'm going to propose, even if it kills me. She hums a tune to herself softly, pulling me back to reality. Her blonde fingers traced along my ears. I stifled a laugh as she giggles softly at me.

"You just can't keep your hands off me…can you, Summer?" I mused, joking as I poke her red cheeks. She laughed, clutching my paw tightly with hers.

"Just shut up and enjoy it already, Sam," She mused, her red cheeks crackling with electricity. I shifted my eyes to her, raising an eyebrow. Her brown eyes shimmered as she locked gazes with me. My cheeks blare with fire, as I gulp, a smile threatening to tug at the corners of my mouth. But without another thought, I push her in front of me, letting my lips skim her black tipped ears.

"Two can play that game," I mutter as my cheek rubs against her face. Her eyes widened slightly, shivering at my touch.

"Well I could play this all day," She quipped, hiding a giggle behind her blonde paw. I simply gripped her in my arms, muttering in her ear.

"I would play forever if you'd let me," I teased. Her eyes looked away, brimming with a new emotion. I felt my smile fade as she tilted her head. I could feel my chest tighten as she looked at me, my paws tightening their grip. I could feel her temperature spike, as red ran across her face.

I'll hint…If that's what you want.

"…" She opened her mouth to speak, but no words flowed. She fumbled, much like I had with every attempt with telling her how I wanted to spend my life with her. Tingles ran along my spine and through my arms. I could feel my nervous smile grow wider.

You don't have to say anything…I get it…maybe that was a little too far.

"Don't say anything…" She quickly looked to me. I could see her eyes brim with tears. She smiled; a different smile. Her black tipped ears swayed from side to side as her thumb ran along my paw.

"Why?" She moved a finger along the swirl of my chest. I didn't say anything, thinking she may just answer her own question or that maybe I was not meant to answer. Instead I squeezed rocks between my toes. My gaze darts away from her.

"I don't mind forever…" She whispered almost absentmindedly. My head spins around, darting to her eyes that just stare out into the distance. I was almost unsure of if she had really said it or not. I blinked, my mind turning over her words again.

I…don't mind forever…

"Listen to me Summer," She looked up at me with soft eyes, cupping my face with her yellow paws. She hesitantly draws back. She recoils, her fingers curling back into a soft fist.

"I want to-," She blinked. A shift in the gravel made my ears perk. I quickly looked up to see boulders falling toward us. I felt my left eye twitch, immediately shoving Summer from my arms. She flew from my grasp, her brown eyes still wide with surprise.

I looked her over, seeing her body motionlessly fly. She was slightly confused, unable to take in my action so quickly. She blinked, stretching her hand out to me as she realized what was going on.

"Sam!" She screamed but I payed no mind to it. I quickly jumped back, the boulders missing me by a hair. The rocks slide down, blocking the path walkway. I could feel myself cringe.

I threw her far enough right?

"Sam! Sam, can you hear me!? Are you okay!?" As I heard her voice, I sighed in relief. But it was followed by her hysterical cry and the faint sound of rocks shifting. She must have been moving them. I breathed, quickly looking for the cause of that rockslide.

How did that even occur?

"Are you okay!? Answer me dammit!" She yelled; her voice quivering as she did. I blinked, realizing I had yet to say anything. I cleared my throat and cupped my hands around my mouth, hoping she could hear me in her emotional state.

"I'm fine! Summer, I'm fine!" I heard nothing but faint breathing. She sighed. I sighed in relief, feeling better about her wellbeing. She worries more than she should sometimes, its going to take a lot more than a rockslide to do me in.

"I'm coming," I called as I put my tan paws on the grey rocks. As I attempted to pull myself up, the rocks slid more, a few tumbling over the side in the process. I backed up. The rocks here haven't settled, so it may be a bad move to climb them.

"Summer, I can't climb over! Meet up with me around the mountain!" I could hear her groan as I chuckle softly at her laziness. But regardless I turned, planning to meet her on the other side.

"Fine, be safe," She called. I smirked.

Oh please…

"I will, but take care of yourself," I yelp back in response. The patter of her paws fade in the distance. I darted off in front of me. Splitting up is never an option when it comes to being a team, but it was only for a short amount of time. Besides, Summer can handle herself…for the most part.

I sprinted through the scarce trees, brushing my auburn fur along the bark that still stood. White and black stones littered the floor along with a few creaks and clacks of falling rocks. My mind trailed back to the rockslide, those much be common in this area.

I looked out from a cliffside, stopping to see where I was. I spotted the town far below. It looked like a small pebble as I gazed at it from this height.

We climbed up high…

But I couldn't worry about that now. So I darted off in another direction. I panted; running in a quick attempt to meet back up with Summer. I could see many faces who didn't want me there. A few starley, and a geodude or two isn't really doing much but taking my stamina. The added fighting forced me to stop for a breather. Fire was expelled from my mouth, hoping to quicken the process of recovery.

"That damn girl," I quirked an eyebrow, hearing such a rude comment forced me to look up. I spotting a shadow descend down the mountain at a quick pace. I turn my head seeing him walk through the trees. He looked like he was cloaked in black. Red bulged from his chest as he walked along. His icy blue stare seem distant, and unforgiving. It sent a chill up my spine.

This guy makes me feel a bit uncomfortable…

But I shook the thought away, knowing I didn't even know him. As I approached, I noticed it was a Darkrai. I pursed my lips together, getting ready to dart past him as soon as I caught my breath.

"I almost had her…" Had who? My curious nature was getting the better of me, and I knew better than to listen in on someone's conversation but I was tired, and figured a few more moments wouldn't make a difference. Besides, it wasn't like I was ever going to see this Pokémon again…

"Summer…you poor, pathetic, weakling," I blinked, what? He couldn't possibly…


But my mind drifted to the rock slide, and how it separated us…could he have…planned that?

You're making an assumption…it could just be a coincidence that whoever he is talking about just happened to be named Summer…

"You and that infernal chimchar…" I gulped; the universe loves to prove me wrong. But what was his quarrel…why did he want to get rid of her?

"You've been a pain for too long…and I just need to get rid of you without Soul's interference," Who is Soul? My eyes widened at the thought. I pursed my lips together, balling up my fists. I felt my heart sink, turning my head in another direction.

Dammit! She's all alone!

Without another word, I darted off again, hearing chuckling from his direction. I can't…I have to find her…before they do! I even called out her name, balling up my fists in my haste. I yelled.

"Summer! Summer!" I felt my eyes dart along the mountain range, finally resting upon a familiar shape. I sighed in relief as she turned to me, smiling as she always does. Her brown eyes looked to me with worry.

"Oh Sam! Thank Arceus you're okay, I was so worried!" She said as she hugged me tightly. I sighed, realizing she had managed to dodge that Darkrai and that Soul person.

"Great, listen Sum, I know we have to find our client, but I have a bad feeling about this; let's get off this mountain," She sighed, chuckling to herself. She made haste in grabbing my paw, hoping to calm my nerves.

"Don't worry, in my search for you I found our client. She's waiting at the guild for us," With that she smiled. Her brown eyes flash in the sunlight for a moment.

"Really? Well good, maybe we should go back then," I muttered, my heart pounding as I looked behind me. That Darkrai was etched into my mind, and he was looking for her. I thought back to it, maybe I could have taken him on right then and there…but I wasn't sure how to gauge his strength, he could be stronger than me.

A lot stronger…

"Hang on, before we go…" She gulped, trembling as she turned to face the edge of the cliff. She shook slightly, her lightning bolt tail swaying as she spoke.

"Yes?" I asked, feeling my heart pound. Something about those questions always managed to make me shake. The fire on my tail grew in anticipation and I bit my tongue to keep myself from interrupting.

"I just…" She poked her yellow fingers together, her eyes looking away from me for a moment.

Some things never change…good thing they are cute on her…

"About earlier… I uh…" She gulped, turning to me. I could see her eyes shimmer. Confidence streamed through her eyes, yet her shaking told me how frightened she was. She was vulnerable as she came closer to me. She yellow paw ran up my chest, stopping at my heart. I silently prayed that it would slow down, but it didn't, nor did it stop my cheeks from burning.

I opened my mouth to stop her. She shouldn't have to say anything on the manner. But no words came to mind, I could only gawk at her as she continued.

She looked up to me, standing on the ball of her toes. I could just melt, melt into a lava puddle, I gulped as her red cheek glided along my face to my ear.

"I meant it…" I gulped as her velvet touch stringed along my cheek. Red just continued to pour into my cheeks, and I felt a bit wobbly just standing there.

"I really don't mind forever," My eyes widened. The rings' jingle rang in my ears as I tried to process her words. I glance to her brown eyes, seeing a reflection of emotion. She wants this just as much as I do.

She wants…to marry me.

"Summer…" I mumbled so softly. I could feel my grip tighten on her paws, my eyes locking on her. One of her yellow paws touched the side of my face again, stroking it with the pad of her thumb. I could feel my smile tug at the corner of my mouth, forming a cool smirk. My legs that had trembled so terribly before had long since been forgotten. I leaned my forehead against her.

"I want you…for the rest of my days…and it…would certainly make my world…" I swallowed hard, feeling my heart pound rapidly.

"…my whole world, if you… " I was mentally cringing at my fumble with words. I had planned it out, what I was going to say and in the middle of it all, my mind goes blank. Trailing off for a moment is never a good thing. This shouldn't happen here and now. Not when I'm this close to my goal.

"But whether you marry me or not, you already are my world…" I chuckled nervously. My paw runs against the back of my neck. I could literally feel my face drown in the blood that rushed over it. My chest was being crushed at how pathetic this was beginning to sound.

Way to spill the berries. Nice going…I wouldn't marry me, not with the way this turned out.

"So…uh…will you marry me?" I finished with a smile, hoping to ease that awkward attempt. I probably should have practiced more. My tan paw touches the rings behind my navy blue bandana. It was the worst proposal in the history of proposals…but I looked deep into those brown orbs. I could see them gloss over with tears and the shocked expression faded from her face. A smile ran across her lips, tears streamed from her eyes.

"Yes." She hummed, closing her eyes as she spoke. I could feel my heart stop. I blinked, unsure of what I had heard.

"Really?" I laughed, feeling myself short of breath. Warm streaks begin to trickle down my cheeks. That smile confirmed everything. It was everything I had been wanting; it was everything that I had been dreaming.

She…said yes…to me…She really said yes!

"Of course I will! I love you Sam," She cried out, nodding her head frantically. At that moment, I think everything just kinda faded. I could only close the distance between us. I yanked her paw, pulling her into my chest. My lips captured her, humming in bliss as our lips met. Her paws ran along my shoulders, linking around my neck. My paws slide around her waist, holding her in place firmly. She hummed against me as she nibbled at my lip, earning a small smile from me.


My fingers trailed along her back, getting her to gasp softly. I could hear a soft chuckle come from the back of her throat as she wrapped her legs around my midsection. She yanked the hair on the back of my neck and I pulled away with a slight growl. It slipped through my muzzle and I bit my tongue to suppress the sound.

"Eh. Easy, I know you're excited but-" I looked to her, seeing her snake her arms around me. Her grip tightened, to the point where it was almost uncomfortable. I chuckled nervously, an awkward red running across my face. She was excited and I would be able to tell just by looking into her eyes. But I froze as I did. Her eyes had shifted, sporting a new color then the familiar brown I had been used to. One thought screamed in my mind.

Who are you!?

"You're not…but then…" I questioned, breaking away from this pikachu's embrace. I could feel my lips burn as I wiped my arm along them. A sickening churn began to form in the pit of my stomach. My head was beginning to spin at the reality that was now forming. The pikachu cracked her neck, allowing electricity to run along her paws. I skid along the rubble, quickly backing up in an attempt to get away from this girl. She quickly swung out her leg, tripping me in my haste to run.

How do you know my name? What about that conversation… only Summer and I…we were the only ones who knew the specifics…

"Who are you?" I muttered. She chuckled, smirking in a sick way. I gulped, feeling like I had seen this before…but where? She cocked her head to one side, chuckling to her own amusement. Her red eyes seemed to glint, excited by my question. But that could have been a love for blood I saw in her eyes. The thought alone paralyzed me, as I shook in place with fear.

"Aw, don't recognize me?" I felt myself shake my head. My fragile breathing hastened as I squeaked. She merely laughed, walking toward me. I couldn't pull myself away from those menacing crimson eyes.

"Well, I guess that's half the fun…" I heard her say before she leapt toward me.

He was stupid, irresponsible, and reckless, but it certainly didn't stop me from loving him. Sam could be part of my life forever, and whether or not this marriage thing would ever come to pass, I would probably never leave his side.

It was devotion. It was a hard thing to grasp. Loving someone other than yourself was a tricky concept. I had only barely learned its meaning. I had only recently learned how to handle someone else. Choose that, or risk hurting them…or what's worse, losing them.

I walked along the rocky path, my head looking to the sky. My head flies above the clouds, hoping for another worldly experience. My tongue clicked together as my head whipped around for any sign of Sam. My best friend was nowhere to be seen.

Where is he?

A screech filled the air. It was soft, fading fast as the wind whipped along the mountain. I glanced to the sky again, seeing the sun high in the sky. I held my breath, feeling my heart rate spike as the noise faded.

It's not even noon yet and I'm already fearing for his life…that's great!

"Sam!" I called, hoping that he would hear me…or perhaps even call back. Maybe then we could meet back up. But instead all I could hear was faint chuckling. I tilted my head, darting off in that direction, maybe whoever was making that noise could help.

Maybe they've seen him…

I sprint toward the noise, only seeing a black portal close. My ears flatten against my head. Whoever it was had left before I had a chance to ask. No luck there. If Sam wasn't there…where is he? I sighed, looking around. But I was only met with the faint blowing of the wind. A frown rolled along my face.

He can't be too far. He runs fast but after a while, even he gets tired.

But those thoughts began to change as time went on. My personal paranoia was setting sun began to sink under the horizon and Sam was still nowhere to be found. I gulped, nervously treading the same area. I had passed the same bush before, always remembering it seemed to sculpt a pecha berry.

"Sam, this isn't funny! I-I mean it! Just stop playing around so we can go home!" My voice seemed so raw. I had called his name so many times that continuing to do so seemed pointless. But I pushed on. He's here, he has to be.

He's going to get it the next time I see him! This is not funny.

"Sam!" I called. The sun's final rays had sunk behind the horizon, leaving the air cold. I shivered, looking at my explorer badge. It blinked with a slight beep, reminding me of my limits. I could only go so far before having to turn back. We had only packed for a night. This wasn't the plan… and I didn't want to be a liability, because then someone from the guild would have to save me.

The flashing yellow button sat. It called for easy transportation, easy in allowing me to go home.

I can't leave him out here…

I shivered, thinking I could make a fire. Then maybe Sam would be able to find me. He was more suited for mountains than I was. He was more prepared, physically equipped to climb. I, on the other hand, was not. I would have to stop.

What do I do? Should I go home and get someone to help me find him?

I glanced to my explorer badge. It showed me where my teammates were, but Sam's signal seemed to be hazy, unclear, beeping in and out of the area.

Must be the terrain…or he accidently damaged it.

But if he had damaged it, he could be seriously hurt. I wasn't sure of the situation and shut my eyes tightly. Tears easily came to my eyes, but I blinked them away quickly.

This is a nightmare…

I have to find him. But being ill prepared might get us in a tight spot. I have to get help. I'll go back. I glanced to my explorer badge again, gulping. My fingers hesitantly curl toward the middle button. I purse my lips together, shaking as I slide my yellow finger along its surface.

I'm so sorry Sam. I'm coming back with help though… I just hope you're safe.

My air slipped from me as a yellow light took me back home. I cringed, seeing the sun had already set. Maybe he came home… bah, that doesn't sound like him! He would look for me until the milktanks came home.

The guild is probably locked too… so they wouldn't be of any help tonight.

What can I do? I can't go to sleep knowing that Sam is still out there. If he's in trouble…I'm screwed. It would take me a few hours to get back out there, even if I traveled quickly. The danger of traveling alone slightly freaked me out, but for Sam, I would go. I can't abandon him. I can't live without him.

I have to go back! Tonight, better supplies might do the trick.

I rushed down to our base. I splashed water onto my face, throwing my explorer bag onto our bed. If anything this was going to happen. I can't leave him to freeze out there tonight. I rushed to the barrels we had, pulling out reviver seeds and several berries. I quickly stuffed them into the bag, rushing back out the door. As I pushed down on the bag to grab it, I could hear a soft crunch and quickly turned my head.

What the…?

I could see a paper under my bag and quickly looked at it. My eyes quickly scanned it; surprised to see it was written in English. Normally, people who live here write in their own poke-language, not human English.

He is just one of many that dwell with me now. But if you want him, come and get him.

I quirked an eyebrow; I was surprised at how a letter would say such a thing. My eyes widened as everything began to click. They have Sam. Those team kidnappers have him. They have to have Sam. But who? And why just Sam? Where have they taken him? Where do I go from here?

Dark Crater,

Who wrote this? What is this about? I gulped, my memories trailing to the dark portal from earlier. My ears flicked back and forth as I paced around the room. I can't…this is a trap. This has to be a trap. I know this is a trap. Maybe I can bring the guild… they would be perfect back up. But…they would account for that right?

It's like a game of chess; I'm on the losing side. They have probably taken every possible plan I have into account. Bringing back up? I'm sure that was the first thing they thought of.

That was a fact. I bit my lip, letting a frustrated growl escape my lips. What is the idea behind them kidnapping everyone anyway!? I can't…just sit here and do nothing!

But you have to get him. You can't…you can't just leave him…

I would never. But why me? Why would they take Sam? What is their objective? I grit my teeth, slamming my paw against the frame of the door.

It doesn't matter. I just need to get there. If I can just release a few of their captives, we may be able to turn the tides.

I took out the wonder map, glancing across the way. I noticed it was far, passing many rivers, forests, mountains, all leading to some volcano in the middle of nowhere. I sighed, glancing back to my barrel.

I best take all of the reviver seeds, as well as the apples.

My path was set, and I glanced up, seeing the sun's light dim quietly. I sighed, looking to the town as I walked through it. This will be it for a while. The journey starts now.

Don't worry Sam, I'm coming.

I am not a threat by myself. But traveling in a group gives the enemy more time to prepare. It gives them time to torture prisoners and weaken my potential team. I didn't have time to waste.

This has got to be the worst plan in the history of plans. I just hope I can get the drop on them.

And so I set off. I glanced to my map, I would have to travel…around, head toward shimmer desert…then…figure out something from there. I guess.

There is virtually no way to get to Dark Crater…without drowning…or asking someone for help. Lapras, perhaps? No. She can't leave her post…the ruler of time shouldn't really be crossed. Besides, I can cross that bridge when I get there. I'm sure someone can give me a ride. Besides, this gives me a chance to train until I get there.

These guys had better bring an army if they are going to take me out…

The tree had taken a beating. I scratched the exterior of it, clawing out my frustration as the eevee beside me ran her mouth. I fought the urge to look at her, knowing that by doing so only encouraged her.

Can't this girl take a hint, I thought me not responding would tell her that I didn't want to talk.

"Lu, would you say something already!?" She hollered, pushing her silver paws into the dirt. Her claws scrapped the dirt relentlessly as she tried to get my attention. Purple slipped along my paws and I continued to hit the tree. Each time seemed more distant, more angry. I shut my eyes tightly, letting my surroundings just slip. But faint thoughts beat against my brain.

You let go! You let go! Why didn't you leave! What is wrong with you!? Why is everything suddenly a problem! Why can't you move on with your life!?

Everything felt off. Things didn't feel the same. They feel bizarre, strange, uncertain even. I wasn't in control. I now had to trust this eevee, who, for some reason, loves to invade my space. I didn't want her with me, I wanted to be alone.

Why don't you leave then?

My fists curled tightly. My head turned away slightly, a growl escaping my lips. A frown rolled across my muzzle as my black ears pressed themselves tightly against my head. My teeth began to grind together, frustrated at my lack of control. Shaky paws would continue to curl and uncurl.

I can't…and I don't know why. What is keeping me here!?

"Lu…? Are you okay?" A faint voice broke through the blackness of my mind. I could feel a sting of tears well up in my eyes.

But she's only trying to prove that she cares. She wants you to trust her.

I don't trust anyone. I can't…I won't…I promised myself that I wouldn't allow it anymore. Walls, guarded by a keeper who refused to let anyone in. There was nothing worth showing anyway.

She's just trying to help you if you would just-.

"Lu!" She yelled. Purple had turned white and I slapped my paw along the tree, cracking it exterior. The wood cracked under the pressure of my attack. Splinters and fragments flew across the air. I exhaled as the pieces slid across the floor. My breathing increased, hissing as I opened my eyes.

"What!? I don't want your help! Got that!?" The silver eevee recoiled, her emerald eyes shifting as she looked back up at me. Her emerald eyes evaded my gaze, darting to the floor before looking back up at me. Her flattened silver ears came forward as she took a step toward me.

"Hey! Relax! I didn't mean to upset you," I rolled my eyes, sitting on the dirt floor for a moment. I exhaled, attempting to let everything slip away. She never means to do anything. Impulsive brat.

"Hmph," The sound escaped the back of my throat. I heard someone sit beside me.

"You mad?" I opened my right eye, seeing Avery sitting before me. Her white tipped tail is curled around her sitting position.

"No," A small laugh escaped her mouth and she quickly covered her mouth with her paw.

"You need to talk?" Her ears perked as I sat up straight.

"No," I could hear her groan. She didn't attempt to pry. My shoulders depressed; at least now she is finally starting to respect my space. I breathed in again, smelling the sweet afternoon air.

"Fine Lu, I get it. But Lu, no one's asked for our help yet!" She whined. I rolled my eyes, letting an annoyed growl escape my lips. She's always on the go. I don't know why I ever agreed to this.

"Oh I don't know, maybe it's because no one knows about us yet!" I yelled. She huffed, swinging her silver tail rapidly. Her emerald eyes scanned me.

"But it's not fair! I wanna help people now!" She yelps, spinning in circles. Her whines and pleas ring through my ears as we continue walking. I quickly stand up, towering over the small girl. My blue paw finds its way to the scruff of her neck. I shook her, forcing her to look in my direction.

"You're annoying me. Patience would do you some good," I hiss, dropping her to the floor. She coughs out dirt, shaking small pieces of rock from her silver fur.

"Look who's talking Lu. But that's all we do, wait!" I huffed, turning away from her.

"Not my problem! Besides, your form still looks choppy. You need to look and act like a professional if you're ever going to be one," Her silver ears pinned back. I walked toward her cave, seeing the sun dim. I stood up straight, walking along the red and yellow leaves that littered the floor.

"Teach me then, Please! You are calm…" She asked, darting to remain at my side. But I could see how see bit her pink tongue at her last comment.

"Most of the time," She finished. I looked to the sky. I was usually calm. But…that was before. I'm not that kind of person anymore. I'm not lay back, just waiting to be defensive. I'm guarded, and no one is going to break me again. I'm going to break them first.

"You're beyond that. I can't teach you anything. It's just something you pick up," She rolled her emerald eyes, nudging me as we walked along.

"But where can I start!?"

"How about you start with your tongue!? That seems like a good place to me," I said through my clenched jaw. The eevee had stopped, stepping on my light blue sash.

"What's bothering you?" She asked. I could hear the worry that dripped from her voice. I turned my gaze meeting hers. Her head was tilted, emerald orbs locked on me.

"Nothing," I gripped my sash, yanking it in my direction. She released her paw, causing my balance to shift. I tumbled to the floor, growling as I looked up to her.

"Avery, you know I hate that," The silver eevee smirked.

"Hate is such a strong word," She smiled. I leaned back on my blue paws.

"I know. Why do you think I used it?" Sarcasm seemed to taunt her. It was the only weapon I had against her snarky, overbearing comments. I just wasn't going to let her use them today.

"You just need to relax Lu. It's not fair that you take all your anger on me," Her narrowed eyes softened. I could feel myself making the same face, releasing anger as she stared at me.

What am I doing? She makes me angry! Her…stupid, annoying ways!

"But you cause my anger!" I yelp in frustration. The quick noise makes her jump in surprise. But she relaxes, approaching me with eyes that seem to look right through me. She circled me, running her soft, silky tail along my arms and back. A chill ran along my spine, getting me to cringe in the process. She giggled to herself.

"Ah, so you aren't mad at me. Spill, what's bothering you?" I look away, groaning. She really didn't respect my space. But she considered herself my partner, feeling she now had the right to be involved in my business.

Avery needs to take a step back.

"I already told you, nothing. So…about those jobs, I know you're excited, but what do you want to do after that first job?" I quickly changed the topic, avoiding her question altogether. She quirked an eyebrow surprised at my sudden change in interest.

Please…don't question me.

"I don't know; I'm just bored!" I sighed, sitting on the edge of her cave. My feet dangled as the autumn air blew across my face.

"Well what should we do then?" I asked only to keep the conversation going. Her stern stance wafers, surprised that I would quickly flip to questions. I gulped, thinking she may have already caught on.

She's smart.

"I don't know! I just need to get out of here," She said honestly. Her voice that had been so high at one moment, had become quiet and uncertain the next. I swallowed, bringing my paws together.

"We can go out…" I replied. She blinked, quickly looking up at me. Her lips twitched, her eyes widening slightly as the words reached her.

"Uh…Excuse me?" I shrugged my shoulders, rolling my eyes. She probably thought I meant date.

"Don't get confused fox, if I wanted a date, I would ask for one, got that!" I spat. I could see her eyes dart away from me. I saw how she quickly swallowed, shaking her head before directing her gaze back at me.

"After our first mission, we should celebrate," I crossed my paws behind my head, lying against the cool rock. I could hear a chuckle come from the eevee and she leapt beside me.

"R-right, that sounds interesting," I looked to the sky, seeing how she smirked in the corner of my eye. My eyes flicker to her mouth, seeing how she quickly recoils as our eyes make contact.

"But I'm still bored," She quickly said. I shake my head, looking away.

"Fine…let's play a game…" I suggest. She hopped around excitedly. Her silver tail whipped around, sliding along my chin as I sat up. Another chill ran down my spine, as she laughed.

"I think we should battle, you know, just to see who's really the leader here," A smirk quickly rolled across my face. I didn't hesitate at that chance. She's such a pain in my ass. It's time to put her in place.

"Deal, now get in position," She quickly ran to the other edge of her field. Water ran behind her. I took note of my surroundings. I can't push her in that river; otherwise, I may just lose her. My paws curled into fists, smirking as her face released an excited smirk.

"Pin for three seconds for the win," I bit my lip. This was going to be fun, let's see what this fox can do.

Bring it.

She quickly darted toward me, kicking up dirt as she glided toward me. My eyes could barely keep up with her. I spread my arms out, preparing for her to get close. Girl has some speed, an attack with that is going to sting. But I waited for her to get close, swinging my leg out for her to trip over. But she jumped, leaving my back completely open. I could hear an amused laugh escape her mouth.

"Gotcha Lu!" She called, thinking she had got the drop on me. But I was far from done; in fact, I figured it would be fun to mess with her. She opened her mouth, blowing out a purple ball. I could feel myself curl into a ball, covering the back of my neck, shouting to her as I curled into a ball.

"Do it then!" And she fired. No hesitation this time…good. But I watched on, smiling at the cocky grin the spread across her face.

Oh Avery... I'm going to teach you a painful lesson about assumption.

"Ha!" She jumped on my back, thinking she had won. I shook my head, rolling my eyes as she slid across the floor.

"I win…" But to see her face as the thing she was standing on turned into a log. Her eyes widened as I smiled from a tree nearby. She was fast, cunning, but unaware of others and their tricks. She would learn this lesson the hard way. And I was more than capable of teaching it to her.

Well…live and learn I suppose.

That had been a horrible lesson. And Avery called my name, her emerald eyes scanning the area. I shut my eyes, dark, scary, impossible to deny. I couldn't move from it, it would follow me like some dark cloud.

You'll have to get over it if you could ever hope for things to return to normal.

Nothing was normal. It was anything but. My self-protection was meant to guard myself from another episode. I didn't want to be at the hands of someone I thought I knew…at someone I thought I loved. My heart pounds at the thought, my grip tightening.

Avery called, snapping me back to reality. I whipped my head in her direction, seeing her eyes cast toward me. I quickly whirled on the bottom of my foot, jumping from the tree. I quickly wrapped my arms around her small silver frame. She crashed under my weigh, not having time to brace for impact.

A smirked rolled across my face.

Anything else you'd like me to teach you?

"Ha! Take that!" He shouted as he jumped from the tree. My head quickly whipped to the riolu, his red eyes filled with excitement. I could feel myself freeze as I looked to him. He looked excited, different, alive as his arms wrapped around me. I grit my teeth as my side skid across the floor.

The fall stung, but my mind seemed wrapped up with how close Lu was. I could have melted with how warm his body was. My head was pressed against his chest and the rapid beating of his heart was strong.

"Got me huh?" He shouted, skidding along the ground. I tumbled, curling into a tight ball. I shut my eyes quickly clawing and kicking at him as he attempted to pin me. I could hear him make a sharp grunt, and I quickly opened my eyes, seeing him collapse on top of me.

Maybe I kicked him too hard…

I gulp, seeing him look up with a pained expression. But he locked it away, a cocky smirk rolling across his face.

"Three." He hissed under his breath. I squirmed, attempting to free myself. I quickly let my tail shimmer a bright white, giving it enough power to buck my hips off the floor. He flipped, landing on his back. I quickly scrambled to my feet, jumping on him before he had a chance to register what was going on.

"I'm on top," I shouted. He rolled his eyes before looking up at me, panting. His frown faded earning a soft smile from him. I found myself returning the gesture, proud that I had bested him. His red eyes gleamed against the fleeting light of the sun and I felt myself pause. I held my breath for a moment, attempting to register his eyes.

Why…why are you looking at me like that…?

"Yeah…Yeah you are," Shimmering ruby eyes quickly looked away, all attempts to fight me vanishing. I gulped hearing the sound in his quivering voice. But I could feel a pull on the left side of my face, tilting to the side as I looked. He refused to look me in the eye, almost as if it pained him to do so.

"Lu…?" He made a soft sound in acknowledgement. I bit my lip, knowing his face held a lot of secrets. His eyes looked through me…he didn't really see me. He's seeing someone else.

Should I ask?

"Do you miss her?" His eyes quickly darted up at me, his red orbs glaring toward me.

"No," He replied bluntly, pushing me off with great haste. He's pushing me away. He's shutting down. He wants to be alone. I could see how pain ran along his features. He was hoping that maybe one day, that pain might be resolved. He hoped one day he would wake up and the pain would just go away.

I felt my breathing hitch, suddenly forward in my attempt to help him. He could have said nothing, he could have avoided it. He didn't have to say anything...but he did. And there was only one way I could get him to pay attention and talk to me.

I just want him to know that I'm there…I want him to know that I won't abandon him. He needs to know…I'm not here to hurt him.

"I can see that you do. Why can't you just be honest with me, Basil?" I used his name. He quickly stopped in his retreat. He's different. His time with me is breaking him…and he doesn't want to admit it. He's fighting me. He's pushing me away because he doesn't want to be attached.

"Because it doesn't matter anymore! I left that behind and I don't want you bringing it up!" He bellowed. I cringed, backing away from him. But I could feel myself instinctively step forward.

"I can't help it! I-" He cut me off, his red eyes burning with rage as he scanned me. I was hitting nerves. I was hitting buttons. I was knocking on his walls.

"I don't care, go away!" He walked away. I ran around him, blocking his path. He scowled at me, hissing through his clenched jaw.

"I actually care about you, how do you think it makes me feel to see you struggle?" I admitted. He was the only person who stayed with me. He was the only person I had shared my life with. I could feel myself yearn for his pain to vanish, because if he was happy, I would be.

It makes sense now. He's not angry at me. He's mad at himself.

"You don't mean that. You would rather see me burn in a ditch somewhere with the way I'm always fighting with you," I could feel my eyes sting. Tears could well up and fall from my eyes. I blinked them away, gripping the dirt in my paws.

"Is that what you think? That I want to burn in your own anguish?" I could see him become pale, a hint of sadness running across his face as his paws released at his sides. I blinked, seeing him back up slightly.

"No. I think…" The pebble on the floor suddenly looked interesting.

"Be honest Basil," My eyes looked up. It was as if he was two different people. One was smooth, confident, socially outward, collected among his thoughts. The other seemed timid, afraid, closed off, inwardly struggling. He was complicated, he was struggling. And it pained him to admit it. I didn't dare say a thing. He would give in eventually. He would surrender eventually. He would change eventually. I wouldn't give up until he did. He pushes, because he doesn't want to lose… but that's changing… I can see it in his ember eyes.

But his paw tilted my chin up toward him. His eyes flickered with emotion, unsure of what to feel toward me. I gulped, seeing him tower over me. His blue paw hesitated, slowly curling toward me as he stroked my cheek. His touch was so soft, my face tilted into it. But my legs remained motionless. I could feel myself shake, afraid of what this was. A soft autumn wind blew the golden leaves around us. Slow, soft wind whipped against my silver hair and I bit my lip.

He didn't have to say anything. I didn't have to say anything. There was a new level of understanding. It was okay, it was deeper, and most importantly, it was real. But one thing became clear.

He's ready to try and let go.

There it is. Jesus Christ. I must say, this was a pain in the ass. But I hoped you enjoyed, I'm going back to school now so no more updates until I get back. It hopefully won't take as long this time. As for every story, I plan to release a chapter on this stories' one year anniversary, so be prepared for that. :)

Now. My questions.

What happened to Sam?

Thoughts on Basil's future?

Thoughts on Summer's future?

Thoughts on Avery's future?

As always I must say thank you…thank you. The fans are amazing, and my deepest respect actually goes to you, the readers who have made it this far. I love you all very much! :)

I must also say, I recently published this new story. Its called "Loyalty". Check it out if you have the chance! :)