Heart of Gold

Chapter 3: Chomper

Amy47101: LOL, I know. :P

Meta Write Loves Colress: YES SILVER'S HAIR IS SO FLUFFYYYYYYYY! GAHHHH! (Don'y let him hear you say that though.) xD And he IS an adorable thief. ;)

Pikachaaa: Hehe! He is!

Here's the next chapter guys~ R&R

I skip down Route 29. "The weather is amazing today, isn't it?" I ask Ethan.

He nods. "Chika doesn't think so..."

"Chika is in her Pokéball," I state, and Ethan nods.

"But I can still sense her feelings."

I roll my eyes. "You always make stuff up, Eeths."

He shrugs and pats Cutie. "When are we gonna get to Violet city?" he asks.

Now I shrug. "Isn't Cherrygrove supposed to be first...?" I wonder. Ethan and I exchange glances. "Ummm..."

I pull out Cyndaquil's Pokéball, and let it out. "I shall name my Pokémon first," I say, and crouch down in front of my starter. "What should I name you?"

"Fire?" Ethan suggests.

"No...too generic."


"No...to ghost-like and elusive...and it reminds me of spilled paint."


"No!" I snap, and put a hand to my chin. Suddenly, Cyndaquil chomps down on my hand.

"YOWCH!" I yelp. "That hurt!" I stare at my throbbing hand after swiftly pulling it out of my Pokémon's mouth. "I should name you Chomper!" I declare. "That was PAINFUL!"

Ethan crosses his arms, deep in thought. "This Pokémon...MUST BE TEETHING!"

I clasp my hands together. "Yes! That must be it!" I exclaim. "My mom told me that I chewed on our dining room table when I was teething, so that MUST be the case!"

Ethan smiles. "Must be!"

I whip out my Pokégear. "Now that I've remembered...I'll call mom and ask her how to get to Cherrygrove!"

"Or was is Violet City..?" Ethan adds.

I shrug. "I'll ask her both questions!" Pressing the button with my mom's name, I wait as my Pokégear rings and rings.

"Lyra?" my mom asks with a frown. "What is it? You should be in the next town by now! It's almost sunset!"

"We can't find where we're supposed to go!" I say, and Chomper bites down on my other hand. "OW!"

"What is going on!?" my mom demands.

"Chomper is teething," Ethan explains, and I nod.

Mom gives us both weird looks. "Well,...anyway, you're supposed to be going to Cherrygrove first," she says.

I cheer. "I was right!" "Since it is so late..you'll have to stop there..." she adds.

I frown. "NO WAY! We're gonna travel ALL through the night to get there!"

Mom looks at me skeptically. "O...kay? But that's a bit dangerous. I want you to promise me you'll only travel during the day."

I pout. Why can we travel only during the day? What is out there that is so scary? "Alright..."

My mom nods. "Good. Now do you know which direction is North?"

"Nope!" I chirp, and mom facepalms.



"We're finally here!" I exclaim, throwing up my hands in celebration.

Ethan struggles to pull himself out of a bush filled with thorns. "Neat."

I nod, and pull some twigs from my hair. "Let's go to the Pokémon center and check in!" We walk around Cherrygrove til we stop in front of a white and orange building. I skip through the electronic doors, and head up to a woman with pink hair. "Hiya!" I say. "We wanna book a room here because my mom said we can't travel at night cuz it's dangerous."

The woman smiles. "Ah...okay," she says, and pulls out a key. "Here."

I pay her for the room, and Ethan and I head up stairs but stop. "Wanna go and buy stuff at the PokéMart?" I ask.

Ethan nods. "YEAH!"

Both of us go back down, and leave the key on the counter. "We'll be back after we buy some stuff," I say, and run out the door. "TIME TO BUY FOOD!"

"What about our Pokémon?" Ethan asks.

"...AND POKEMON FOOD!" I correct myself. The both of us head into the building with the big blue sign, and stock up on supplies.

"Can we get this?" Ethan asks, pulling a keychain off a shelf.

"SURE!" I say, and grab a loaf of bread. "We're gonna get this too, right?"

Ethan nods. "Yeah!"

An old couple looks over at us. "Such energy..." the man says.

"Yes, they're just like a married couple," the woman comments.

I smile, and wave at the two before skipping over to Ethan and dumping all our stuff into a shopping basket. "I'm gonna go and buy a bunch of Pokéballs potions, and repels," I tell him, and head over to the opposite side of the store.

"Pokéballs,..." I murmur, pointing my finger at the shelf as I walk sideways. "...Oof!" Looking up, I see someone with a hood covering their head.

"Sorry!" I say. "I'm just-"

The figure immediately leaves, as if repelled by me. I frown. Am I repel-like? Like those cans of Repel? Do I repel people? AM I A REPEL!?

I walk over to Ethan feeling dejected. "Someone walked away when they saw me!" I pout.

Ethan glances over at me and grabs some toothpaste because he forgot to bring his. "No, that can't be it," he says. "It was probably that Silver person you were talking about who didn't want to be friends with you."

I frown, and punch him on the top of his head. "There is absolutely no way that was them. And they did TOO wanna be friends with me!" I snap. "They just aren't very vocal about their feelings."

"How do you know?" Ethan asks, rubbing his head.

"I sensed it," I reply smugly.

"Now you're making stuff up," Ethan says, and I snatch the shopping basket, and raise it above my head to hit him.

"My, my," the old woman says. "They are a couple." I wave again, forgetting my anger, and we pay for our pile of goodies.

"You sure you want this?" the clerk asks as I dump all our stuff on the counter.

I nod. "Yup!"

He shakes his head, and starts scanning stuff.


I carry the paper bag in my arms as we exit, jumping around so that Chomper doesn't bite my ankles, as Ethan feeds Cutie pieces of bread. "Wanna go to the center now?" I ask, and Ethan nods. "Okay!"

Both of us nod and walk towards the Pokémon center. Suddenly, something swoops down and snatches the shopping bag from my arms.

"H-hey!" I yelp, and take off after it. "Thief!"

Ethan follows me as we run into the darkening forest.

Yup! I'm gonna end it there! Cliffy... ;) Who's the thief? WAIT AND SEE! ;)

Tell me what you thought!
