Be Mine

Disclaimer: Law & Order: SVU belongs to Dick Wolf and NBC. I own nothing

Pairing: Cabenson

A/N: So here's a one-shot for Valentine's Day. Established Cabenson. Set Season 11

Summary: Alex and Olivia are content to be able to see each other on Valentine's Day.

Reclining on the worn couch in Olivia's apartment, feet tucked beneath her legs, a glass of red wine sitting delicately on the table beside her left arm, Alexandra Cabot couldn't be any more content. After being in WitSec for nearly 3 years and out for 3, she had longed to regain stability in her life. Starting with the brunette detective that she had fallen for when she began working as ADA of the SVU team. They were finally getting somewhere, as close to a relationship either women could've, before Velez and Zapata. It was only when she'd come back to testify that they couldn't ignore the pull of being apart for nearly two years. And now, even after being apart three years, they still had that spark.

"What are you thinking about?" She jumped, slightly startled, as Olivia sat next to her, handing her a plate of Thai food.

She smiled softly, "You remembered." They spent their first unofficial Valentine's Day over Thai food all those years ago.

The brunette returned her smile, "How could I forget? You kept trying to correct the way I used chopsticks for noodles."

They both laughed softly at the memory before the blonde turned to her, a small smirk on her lips, "You were using them wrong."

"Eat your food, counselor." Olivia gave her a pointed look, her smile cutting off any attempt at seriousness between them.

"What, no roses or chocolate?"

The detective shook her head, "Nope. Just a movie and me."

Setting her food down, Alex turned to the brunette, "That sounds perfect to me."

Maybe this was the best part of Valentine's Day, Alex mused. She was wrapped softly in the detective's arms, their food long gone, wine glasses drained, a romantic-comedy playing softly on the TV. Olivia gently tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and kissed the side of her neck, "What are you thinking about now?"

She smiled softly, "Just how this is perfect."

"Alex," She inclined her head back so she and Olivia were seeing eye-to-eye. The brunette smiled, "Be mine?"

She smiled and leaned up, pressing a kiss to the brunette's lips, "Always."

A/N: Yes, it's short. I just wanted to shower you all with Cabenson love, so does it matter that it's short? Anyway, review please. Also, to anyone reading my OUAT fanfic, chapter 3's gonna be up in a week or so. Maybe.

Hime no Kowai Shumi