Hello everybody and welcome to the story! As usual, I do not own ANY of the characters and well, let's get started! Enjoy!

"As soon as we arrive, I'm lying down and sleeping for the next couple of moons..." Red arms stretched with a long yawn, tired from the extended mission.

"Here I thought the great Gawain would train harder to try to win against Lancelot for once." The young cat grinned.

"Percival, need you remind me?" The red Echidna groaned.

"You need not waste your breath Percival," Lancelot grinned, "No amount of training will allow him to achieve my abilities."

"You arrogant-" Percival interrupted Gawain's complaint,

"What will you do when we arrive Lancelot?"

Lancelot looked at the castle that lied roughly two miles from the large plain they walked on, "I will spend all the time I can with my son before being sent on our next mission." His eyes saddened, "He's been feeling lonely since his mother..."

Percival and Gawain nodded and quickly changed the subject, "How much longer until he starts his training?"

Lancelot let off a small chuckle, "He is but a child at the moment." He looked at the small slingshot in his hands, "Let him be a child until the right time."

The knights smiled and continued forward, unaware to them that a shadow had followed them since the end of their mission.

'There they are.' A hedgehog began to form from the shadows below as he casted his neon green eyes on the small group. Slowly, his eyes narrowed, 'The ones who nearly destroyed my entire army.' He sneered, 'You shall pay dearly for intruding into the outskirts of my domain!'

He entered his shadow once more and silently continued to follow them until they were roughly a mile from the towns gates.

"Daddy!" Yelled a small blue hedgehog that had a smile brighter than the sun's rays.

Lancelot got on one knee and 'oofed' as the little one ran straight into his arms. A small smile etched itself on his face as he embraced the child tightly, "Hello Sonic."

Sonic's smile soon turned into a pout as he pulled away, "What took you all so long?! You promised you'd be here by the last moonlight!"

Lancelot pet Sonic's quills, "I apologize, but there was a small... delay in our mission."

Percival and Gawain looked at each other then back hoping not many questions would be asked.

"What matters is that you are home now." Sonic smiled as he hugged Lancelot again, "I hope to hear a great story tonight father."

Lancelot's smile shifted to a more pensive look as he measured the distance from the gates. After a few seconds, he looked Sonic in the eyes, "How did you get out of the castle? Let alone, this far from the town gates?"

Sonic turned pale, "Um... I... Funny story... er..."

"You know you are not allowed outside castle grounds without supervision." Lancelot folded his arms as he stood up.

Sonic scratched the back of his head, "They were with me..."


"Hurry! We need to get to the gate before dad arrives!" Yelled Sonic as he ran.

"We are going as fast as we can!" Two knights yelled from behind.

'Wait a minute!' Sonic stopped suddenly, making the knights almost topple over.

"Is something wrong young one?" A knight asked.

"No, I just remembered something." Sonic looked around, "I shall return as soon as possible."

Sonic took off leaving the two knights behind, "If we cannot find him-" The second knight interrupted, "Lancelot shall have our heads."

"We have to find him!" They quickly headed towards the direction they felt the wind hit them when Sonic rushed by.

'What can I get dad as a welcome back gift?' Sonic inspected each item until his eyes landed on a red pendant.

"A very interesting piece, would you not say so child?" Sonic looked up at the shop keeper and listened, "It is said that this pendant is but a fragment of a stone that holds untold power and- ... Are you listening?"

Sonic had lifted the red stone up carefully and noticed a bit of silver stretched down like claws, holding it to the silver chain that glinted in the sun's rays.

"This is perfect." Sonic smiled as he took out a pouch full of rings, "Will this do?"

The shop keeper looked surprised as he counted, "Why... yes..."

Once the shop keeper gave Sonic his change, he began to look for the knights that had escorted him into town, 'Oh no...'

The two knights had forgotten of Lancelot's possible fury and were busy showing their swords and telling stories to the women that lingered nearby.

'If I wait father will reach the gate before I do!' Sonic looked at his shadow, 'It is almost sundown!' sprinted off, 'They won't notice my leave.'

As he reached the gates, he noticed the door was just about to close after a large carriage had made its entrance, 'Time to see how fast I can really be!'

Sonic let out into an all out sprint, surprising the guards with a rush of wind. Sonic laughed happily when he saw the knights trying to fix their helmets, 'They never saw me!'

*End Flashback*

'If I tell them that it will ruin the surprise!' Sonic looked up and grinned, "I just wanted to see if I could get away without being noticed exactly like the way you do when you no longer want to hear their petty arguments."

Percival and Gawain held in a chuckle.

"Let us see how you fared." Gawain looked over the landscape and chuckled, "Well, looks like we have another who is as swift as you Lancelot." He looked over to the castle gates, "I see no sign of panicked knights, though I'm sure they will cower once you show your presence."

Lancelot sighed as he got down to eye level, "Promise me you won't do it again."

"I promise." Sonic was about to take out the crystal pendant from his quills when he noticed something over his dad's shoulder, "Dad... Who's that?"

Percival and Gawain looked back immediately with their swords ready, Lancelot stood up holding out his sword and covering a confused Sonic.

"I warned you..." Percival whispered, "We should have waited a bit longer before coming back to our lands."

The hedgehog, covered with armor, slowly made his way to the group and stopped two meters away, "Sir Lancelot... Knight of the Round Table and faithful to that vile and weak King Arthur." The voice was pure ice, each word laced with utter disgust.

"You will not talk about our king in such a way!" Gawain yelled.

"Who are you!?" Percival asked, 'He looks nothing like the creatures we faced in the darkened lands.'

Lancelot glared him down as his question remained in his head, 'And why do you look like me?'

The same quill style, height, and even the streaks. If it weren't for the fact that the hedgehog was dark grey lined with blue grey streaks, anyone would mistake him for Lancelot.

"My name is King Mephiles the Dark and YOU are the ones who barged into MY territory." He clenched his fists.

'The king of shadows!' The knight's put up their guard, 'He finally revealed himself.'

"You are the one who ordered your minions to take the lives of the innocent to feed your fowl shadows!" Percival countered.

Mephiles ignored her as he readied his sword, "You shall regret ever intruding into my lands."

The knight's eyes widened as two Mephiles clones appeared and all three swords turned to pure crystal.

Lancelot whispered, "Sonic, take my small pouch and go back to the castle. You may find need of what is inside."

Sonic nodded as he did what he was told, noticing that Mephiles had not yet acknowledged his presence.

The three knights clashed with the three shadows and started an all out brawl. Sonic did his best to not look back and immediately took out what was in the pouch.

'A slingshot... He remembered...' Sonic tied the pouch on his side, filling it with rocks on his way back.

The knights began to have trouble thanks to the clones abilities to sink into the ground. They grouped together as the three shadows circled them.

"Any plans?" Gawain asked.

One of the shadows leaped into the air nearly hitting Lancelot's helmet.

"What in the name of...?" Lancelot observed as the shadow of his sword seemed to liquify and pour into Mephiles's sword. Slowly, Mephiles had a perfect crystalline copy of Lancelot's Arondight.

"I believe this sword suits me better than a lower class knight like you." Mephiles chuckled.

"Let our skills be the one to decide such a preposterous comment." Lancelot raised his sword and swiftly lunged towards the dark king..

Mephiles merely jumped side to side, avoiding the chance of being impaled.


Lancelot turned around towards the sound, "SONIC!" He started to head towards his direction, but was blocked off by by Mephiles.

"Did you really think I did not see the little runt?" Mephiles laughed, "While you were all focused on me, another shadow of mine went after him."

Lancelot managed to break a bit of the crystal as he brought it down from an aerial attack.

"I must admit, I was quite disappointed when I saw him." Mephiles blocked Lancelot's blade second attack with ease, "I had imagined him more... aggressive looking? Stronger?" He smirked, "I guess the apple indeed doesn't fall far from the tree."

Lancelot growled and shoved Mephiles as hard as he could, "Percival, Gawain! Get Sonic now!"

"I wish we could!" Both knights were having trouble getting around the two shadows.

Spears appeared above Lancelot and one by one fired towards Mephiles at a rapid pace. Mephiles raised the sword and sliced through each one.

"I have to say, I'm very dissapointed with you as well. Are you not supposed to be the strongest of the Knights of the Round Table?"

"He is the strongest!"

Everyone looked up to see Sonic with his knees skinned from a fall.

'He out ran my shadow!?' Mephiles eyed the child suspiciously while avoiding another round of spears.

Percival shoved the shadow back as far as she could and appeared next to Sonic, "Remain silent and restrain yourself."

"He is not one you should anger." Gawain added as he stood next to him as well.

Sonic was about to say something but was interrupted by the Dark Lord.

"You should listen to them little one." An evil smirk appeared, barely making his ragged teeth visible. His eyes nearly froze Sonic's core, "You never know when I will strike."

"Get Sonic out of here." Lancelot's voice had tensed and betrayed his calm facade.

"But dad I-"

"Are denying your father's wishes!?" Lancelot growled.

Sonic's ears pinned down at the scolding.

"You do not wish to let him see your defeat?" Mephiles chuckled, "How cowardly."

Lancelot began to glow red as energy poured through him.

Gawain quickly picked up Sonic and ran along with Percival, trying to get as far away from the oncoming attack as time permitted. Mephiles' shadows chased after them, but for a different purpose.

Mephiles sighed, "Do you really want to go through that attack?"

"Chaos Blast!" Soon, the red energy expanded, lifting up dirt and destroying the earth below him.

Lancelot quickly got out of the dust cloud and waited to see if his attack had done its job.

"A powerful attack for a hedgehog like yourself."

Lancelot turned around and barely had a chance to raise his sword and block Mephiles's jump attack.

'The sword...' Lancelot gazed at the cracks that decorated the blade, 'It's glowing red...'

"I believe it is time for you to taste the calamity of your attack."

Lancelot dodged the first swing and landed in the crate he had created with his first attack, but he quickly realized that the first swing was the least of his worries.

"Chaos..." Mephiles jumped down with his sword raised, "Blast!"

At the second swing, the chaos energy erupted from the blade and headed straight for Lancelot. The Knight's eyes widened as he used one more trick.

"Chaos Punishment!" Lancelot disappeared as the energy consumed the field behind him.

"Where did that-" Mephiles' ear twitched as he ducked right before Lancelot could land a blow to his head from behind.

Mephiles raised his sword for the final blow while Lancelot was in the air, "Say goodbye, Lancelot of the Rou-"

Lancelot looked confused as to why Mephiles had not brought down his sword. Mephiles shook his head and a small rock landed an inch from his foot.

He sneered, "Who dares to...?"

Both Lancelot and Mephiles looked up from the crate and saw the five year old hedgehog holding his slingshot.

"Sonic!?" Lancelot yelled with disbelief.

"Dad! Percival and Gawain got ambushed by more of those things and were forced to split to different directions!" Sonic yelled panicked.

Mephiles glared daggers at the sight of the one who stopped his attack. He began to sink into the shadows ready to intercept his new target. Lancelot raised his sword and aimed a blow towards Mephiles, but the king had already disappeared and begun to move swiftly towards the little one.

"Sonic! RUN!" Lancelot began to race towards his son.

Sonic froze when the dark shadow passed below him and without warning, grabbed him by the scruff and lifted him up. Mephiles laughed as Sonic yelled for his father.

"Set... him... down..." Lancelot's voice darkened.

Mephiles' eyes remained fixed on the blue hedehog, "I believe you are in no position to make any orders."

Lancelot grew worried as Mephiles began to inspect the little hedgehog. Sonic whimpered as Mephiles grabbed his chin and made him look straight into his eyes.

"I swear Mephiles, if you hurt even a quill on his head-" Lancelot clenched the blade's hilt, unable to finish his threat.

"Such a rare color among hedgehogs." Mephiles averted his gaze for a second, "Wouldn't you say Lancelot?"

"What is it that you want?" Lancelot held back the desperation that threatened to enter his voice.

Mephiles chuckled, "There is no need to worry," He set the Sonic down and pulled his arms back, holding them with firm grip. His free hand began to caress Sonic's quills, "He's too young to survive in the shadow's domain, let alone perfom even the simplest of tasks."

Sonic shivered and closed his eyes as a cold hand made it's way through his quills, 'Please don't find it!'

A light tug was all he felt as the hand withdrew.

"A quill?" Lancelot spoke absent-mindedly, fearing for any harm that may befall his son.

Mephiles continued to caress the quills, eventually stopping and inspecting the one he had taken, "To track him..." Mephiles smiled wider, showing his canine like teeth while a laugh that chilled the bones of the knights ripped the tense silence, "Through time, that is."

"NO!" Lancelot raced towards Mephiles only to be blocked by two other clones, "Out of my way!"

As he struggled, Mephiles walked a couple feet away from the crate and a dark portal opened before Sonic.

Mephiles neared the young ones ear as he whispered, "Know that I will come for you." Mephiles picked Sonic up by an arm roughly, causing him to whimper. Mephiles continued as he stared into the young ones eyes, "If only to watch your father's face when he sees you as a pet, bringing wine to his new master and king." His voice rose for the knights to hear, "Say goodbye to your son, you pathetic... excuse... of a knight!"

Percival and Gawain jumped in from Lancelot's sides and brought down their swords on the new intruders, "Go Lancelot!"

Mephiles let go of Sonic's arm as Lancelot sprinted towards them.


Lancelot dove to grasp his son's hand, but missed by centimeters due to a foot that stomped harshly on his gloved hand.

"Now, now..." Mephiles lifted his foot. Lancelot was about to dive after Sonic, but was kicked aside by the evil king, "I cannot allow you to aid him, can I?"

Slowly, Lancelot's mind recorded the terror filled voice as it echoed through the closing portal. "Lancelot..." Percival and Gawain's ears pinned down as they finished off the last clone.

The said knight slowly rose, never averting his gaze from the portal that once stained the earth.

Mephiles stepped by his side, "Do not fret. I would never allow much harm on my future slave."

Lancelot swung his sword letting out a stressed yell. Mephiles merely sunk back into the ground and mixed into the shadows nearby. His voice echoed, "Let this be a lesson to you all. If you take something of mine, I'll personally take something that is yours."

"MEPHILES!" Lancelot stabbed the ground with his sword and slowly fell to his knees.

Percival slowly approached the distraught knight and spoke with urgency, "Lancelot... I know this is probably the last thing you want to hear but we need to hurry and check on the towns people."

"There could have been an attack within the gates while we were distracted here." Gawain added.

Lancelot sighed, "Both of you will check on the town." He stood up, "I need to look for Merlina."

Gawain and Percival nodded in understanding and took off behind Lancelot.

'What did he mean, through time?'

That's all the time I have for today! Thank you all for reading! Please leave a review if this is something you're interested in reading, have a question, or just want to critic. It is HIGHLY appreciated! I hope to see you all soon! Until then! :)