A/N: This story is rated R. It contains male/male sexual affection, semi- sexual situations, and strong language. Written in Third Person Limited Omniscient POV, but lapsing into Zell's first person for his personal thoughts (Zell's thoughts are marked by // thoughts //). Just an experiment in writing for me. Hopefully, you'll enjoy. Please review! =)

//Soft lips. . . I never imagined he'd have soft lips. He's so strong, but his lips are so soft. He kisses me with those lips, and I feel like I'm going to cry. He touches me . . . slowly . . . sweetly . . . and then . . . //

*Knock knock knock *

"Huh . . . ? Oh . . . shit." // Wow . . . I made one helluva mess. Heh. Didn't know I had it in me. //

"Zell! Are you in there?"

//Uh-oh. That sounds like Quistis. I can't answer the door like this. If I can just get to the bathroom quietly, I can wash off, and then go find her later to see what she wants. I'll just get out of bed and . . . //

*Thump *

"Zell! I can hear you in there! Open the door, I need to talk to you!"

// . . . good going, Dincht. Clumsy as ever. . . Towel . . . gotta find a towel . . . gotta find a towel and clean up . . . Ah-ha! I always knew keeping a towel under my bed was a good idea.//

Zell cleaned off as quickly as he could, and pulled a pair of sweat pants on. It wasn't exactly the most fashionable look, but it worked. Walking over to the door, he took a second to calm himself.

//Good job, Dincht . . . you pulled it off without a snag, hehehe . . . now all that's left to do is open the door, and look annoyed with Quistis for waking you up early. //

Zell reached for the doorknob, and . . .

*Whoosh *

//Ouch. //

"Zell? Zell, where are you?" Quistis closed the door and, finding Zell behind it, pulled him away from it. "Zell, this is no time to play hide-and-seek. I know you're childish, but this is just a whole knew level of ridiculousness!"

Zell was simply too stunned to reply.

"There's a slight emergency. Someone triggered the Training Center's emergency lock-down. To make matters worse, there seems to be a short circuit in the wiring of the lock mechanism. We don't know what's happened, but we want you to find out."

Zell was slightly confused. Wouldn't Squall do a much better job of handling the T-Rexaurs that prowl the Center? "Why me? Why not Squall?"

Quistis paused. This was going to be good. "You're the only one small enough to fit through the ventilation system. That and the fact that Squall won't want to help the person trapped inside."

Uh-oh. Squall was a pretty aloof guy, but he would never refuse to help anyone, unless that person was . . . "Seifer."

"Yep, the one and only."

//Great. He'll probably beat me up once I find him . . . or make fun of me for being able to fit through the vents. Maybe I should just refuse to do it.//

"What If I refuse to do-"

"Headmaster Cid said he would personally order the cooks in the cafeteria not to cook hotdogs for 2 months. The hotdogs would be replaced by meatloaf surprise."

//Shit. Old man knows how to manipulate me//. "All right, all right. Any idea where I should look in the Training Center?"

"No clue. He could be anywhere. He could even be hurt."

"Wonderful. Something to look forward to." Zell had to chuckle to himself for that. Everything and everyone had been on-edge in the garden since Seifer, Raijin, and Fujin had returned.

"That's not funny, Zell. Regardless of what he has done in the past, Seifer is now a student at this Garden. As a member of SeeD, it is your responsibility to help him in any way possible."

Blah blah blah blah . . . doesn't she ever shut up? "Anything else, Instructor Trepe?" //Heheh . . . that'll tick her off. We'll just add a mock-salute, and . . . //

"Oh yes, Zell, there is one more thing. Cid gave specific orders that you are to remain with Seifer until we can get the problem fixed. That might take some time, so I'd suggest you try to enjoy your stay with Seifer."

Quistis walked away feeling quite satisfied with the situation, and Zell simply stood in his room with an angry look on his face. He disliked Seifer. Hated him, even. If his hotdogs weren't being held hostage, he wouldn't even agree to help Seifer in any way, shape, or form.

Sensing that he had no choice in the matter, Zell left for the Headmaster's office to confer with him.

Zell entered Cid's office with a scowl on his face. Cid, unfazed by this, greeted his student cheerfully. "Ah, Mr. Dincht, come in, come in. I'm glad you've accept my request that you aid Mr. Almasy."

//"Accepted?" Well gee, I had such a choice.// "Yeah, well . . . I'm only doing it because I don't want to lose hotdog privileges."

At this, Cid made a comical "confused" face, and began to shift his legs nervously. "I'm afraid I don't understand. What do you mean by that?"

Now it was Zell's turn to be confused. "Quistis told me that you would cut off the hotdog supply if I didn't agree." Zell was beginning to smell the smelly smell of something smelly.

"Why, I never said such a thing. I simply told her that if you would not concede to help Seifer, she would have to."

//Ah-ha! Quistis, my dear, you're smarter than I gave you credit for. //

"I see." Knowing that he couldn't back out without doing some explaining, Zell decided to go ahead with the rescue. "It doesn't matter, Cid. I'll just go ahead and do it. Where do I go in at?"

"It will be easiest to enter from the vent by the vending machines in the cafeteria. You'll have to crawl around a little bit, but it will take you directly to the middle of the Training Center."

"Sounds good to me." With that, Zell left for the cafeteria. //Maybe I'll stop to get a hotdog while I'm there . . . //

Zell was disappointed to find that all the hotdogs were sold out by the time he arrived in the cafeteria.

//Stupid morning hotdog rush. I can't believe not even one is left.// He found the vent without any trouble. Climbing in, however, was not as easy.

After a few attempts, and some painful squeezing, Zell managed to find himself inside the ventilation system. After cursing out an imaginary Seifer, he began to crawl through the ducts. When he arrived at the vent he assumed to be his gateway to the Training Center, he listened for any signs of activity. He heard nothing.

//Hm . . . I don't even hear anything moving around. What if he's actually hurt . . . or dead. Man, that doesn't sound as appealing as I thought it would . . . //

Zell opened the vent and attempted to make his way into the Training Center.

//Now I'll just hop down to the ground, and search for---//


//Ohhhh shit. That hurt. //

Zell tried to get up and walk, but as soon as he did . . .

"Ahh!! Fuck! I think I twisted my ankle when I fell."

Zell began to worry less about Seifer and more about himself.

// If a T-Rexaur found me in this state, I'd be toast . . . I have to get to the "secret area." I should be safe there.//

Wobbling and hopping the whole time, Zell made his way to the secret area in the Training Center. After managing to pry his way in, he slumped down from exhaustion.

// I think I need a nap . . . //

Zell settled down in as comfortable a spot as he could manage, and began to drift off until he heard . . .

"What happened to you, chicken-wuss?"

//Fuck. Of all things I DON'T need, the most annoying one shows up. Oh well . . . at least I found him.//

"I came to find you Seifer. I was told to rescue you if necessary."

"Ha. Looks like you're the one who needs rescuing. Why would they send you after me? Isn't Squall much more suited to handle a situation like this?" Zell was gritting his teeth by now. Why he ever agreed to this, he'll never know.

"He wouldn't do it. I was the only one who would agree to help your sorry ass." Zell thought the statement carried more weight if he left out the part about the hotdogs.

"Oh. Well wasn't that nice of you? You're my knight in shining armor." The smirk on Seifer's face said it all.

"Look Seifer, I was ordered to stay here until they got the doors fixed and could get you out. Now that my ankle is hurt, I can't leave the way I came in even if I wanted to. So can we please just get along while we're here?"

For a moment Seifer's demonic smirk turned into something . . . different. Interest, maybe? Then as quickly as it had appeared, it vanished, and Seifer was again smirking as though he were the devil come across a poor helpless child.

"Sure, we can get along. We could even become great friends after this. Hey . . . let's play a game. Truth or dare?"

Zell looked at Seifer with an incredulous look . . . but seemlingly without his consent, his mouth uttered the word "truth."

"Ever fucked a girl?"

Zell was a little embarrassed to admit that he hadn't. He'd kept the details about sexuality a secret, out of fear. " . . . No. You?"

"You didn't ask truth or dare."

"Truth or dare, Seifer?"


"Did you ever fuck a girl?"

Seifer's face returned to the smirk that was his trademark. "Quistis."

When he said it, Zell's eyes widened with surprise.

"No way! Quistis? Our Quistis? The most stuck up girl in the Garden?"


Zell was quite shocked. He never though Quistis would go for Seifer like that. he knew she had a thing for Squall . . . hell, even he did . . . but Seifer?

// Well, I do have to admit . . . he is pretty good looking . . . I wonder if he was any good . . . maybe I should ask Quis-//

"Truth or dare?" Seifer was looking at him with blank eyes. Maybe he was getting bored with this already.

" . . . Truth."

"Not very adventurous, are you? All right . . . have you ever wanted to fuck a girl?"

. . . Surprise. That was definitely the emotion expressed in Zell's face. // Shit . . . does he know I'm gay? //

"Uh . . . yeah. Of course." On to the next question, please.

"Who?" Seifer seemed genuinely curious.

" . . . You didn't ask truth or dare. And it's my turn besides. Truth or dare?" //Ha. Two can play that game. //

"All right . . . truth." Seifer's facial expressions didn't betray his inner feelings . . . he was planning something, and Zell didn't know what . . .

"Was she any good?" Zell hoped that changing the subject back to Quistis would get Seifer to leave his previous train of thought behind.

"No. She wasn't. Truth or dare?"

Now Zell was worried. If he said 'truth,' Seifer would just ask him something embarrassing again. He couldn't leave the game, he still had to put up with Seifer for Hyne-knows how long. So he said . . .


Seifer thought for a moment, or seemed to. After coming to what seemed to be a suitable conclusion, he smiled at Zell, and told him his dare.

"I dare you to kiss me. And make it good."

Zell's heart was racing . . . Seifer definitely knew, or he wouldn't be taunting him like this.

" . . . I'm not going to kiss you. I'm not like that."

Seifer began to inch toward Zell very slowly. It made him very nervous.

"I think you are like that. I think you want to kiss me, too. You were looking at me earlier . . . after I said I'd fucked Quistis . . . you wanted to know how I was, didn't you?"

"Seifer . . . stop this . . . I don't want to play this game any more."

By now Seifer was right in front of Zell. They were so close Zell could feel the warmth of Seifer's body. He couldn't move . . . his arms and legs weren't responding to anything he did. His heart was racing, and his breathing was deep . . .

"Oh but Zell . . . I think you do . . . and besides, you can't quit until you do my dare . . . "

And with that, Seifer placed his lips on Zell's, and liquid fire began to run through Zell's veins. He opened his mouth to gasp, and Seifer's tongue slid into his mouth.

// Oh my god . . . this can't . . . this can't be happening. //

As the kiss ended, Zell realized that he had enjoyed it. He liked the taste Seifer left in his mouth . . . a taste he couldn't quite place. All he knew was that he liked it. As he drew back, Seifer place a hand on Zell's cheek, and whispered:

"Thanks for the kiss . . . I needed that."

Zell wanted to say something, but just as he began to, he heard a buzzing sound.

"That must mean they have things working again." Seifer's smirk was something new, and genuinely warm . . . "I guess that means we can't play any more." Zell could hear the other SeeD cadets making their way toward the Secret Area. "I won't tell anyone . . . you don't have to worry." And with a wink, and a smile, Seifer left to let Quistis and the others know where Zell was. Shortly thereafter, Quistis and a few others entered the room. Two SeeD cadets helped Zell to his feet, and Quistis ordered them to take him to the infirmary.

As Zell left, he could only think of one thing . . .

// His lips were so soft . . . I never imagined he'd have soft lips . . . //

Continued in the next chapter, in which confusion and confrontation run rampant.

A/N: Well, what do you think? My first FF8 Fanfic! I will continue it, if a couple people like it.