Something to prove I'm not quite dead, yet. I wanted to give my readers something since I can't decide what to do with Haku and Zabuza in 'Narumiko, Kogitsune no Yoko'. I'm dedicating the creation of this story to Marionette of Wonderland for being a wonderful supporter and giving me great ideas. These chapters should come out shorter since my main focus is Narumiko, although this story may move along quicker since it doesn't have characters I'm unsure what to do with... For now.


Seren Elain Liliwen Potter, otherwise known as 'Freak' to her guardians, willed the locks on her cupboard to open.

Once she heard the light click as they released themselves, she slid out of the small space and padded towards the backdoor softly. She was rather petite for a seven, nearly eight, year old; malnutrition made her small frame look like that of a five or six-year-old instead. Her raven colored, blue-black hair was chopped to look like a messy, semi-stylish pixie-bob that looked Bulgarian Rose red in direct sunlight.

She'd once tried to grow out her slightly curled, wavy hair, to look nice and pretty like the other girls at school, but she'd found out that long hair only gave easier access to pain caused by her aunt yanking it to lead her to her cupboard if she got in trouble. Dudley had also liked to use it during their 'bonding games'; which usually resulted in more pain and bruises for her. It also got too messy and in her way during chores since her aunt wouldn't let her do anything to make it look nice. At least, now that it was short, it looked like it was supposed to be styled to look messy; plus she only needed her fingers and not a proper brush which was good since Aunt Petunia wouldn't let her have one. It also helped that, while her hair is kept short, it remains straight; albeit thick.

Upon reaching the back door, she left the house as quietly as she had her cupboard; with her family none the wiser. Running to the back fence, she slipped through the loose board behind the Gardenia bush and ran into the woods; completely barefoot and clothed in a large, short-sleeved shirt that had previously been her cousins- and still retained holes from when he'd play too roughly. Her petite frame drowned in the shirt so much that it reached her knees and drooped down one shoulder. Running further, where the moonlight didn't enter the tree canopy, she willed a ball of floating light to guide her path.

She never knew where that ability came from, she was the only one in the family with gifts; she only had to think really hard on something and want it to happen with all that she had. Seren had a suspicion that it was the 'magic' that was forbidden to speak about in the family. Even though she knew there'd be big punishment if her family ever caught her doing anything with her special ability, she just couldn't help herself.

It felt like home.

No matter what went wrong in her young home life, the spark that she felt buried deep inside made her happy. It felt warm when she was cold, it was comforting when she was upset and it worked to make her happy when she was sad. The best part was that it always felt protective when she was being hurt, even though she had to try really hard to keep it from lashing out at her uncle when he hit her; she felt loved when it gave her that protective feeling. It always did it's best to give her what she wanted or needed and tried it's hardest to do as she asked; still it had its limits, though. No matter how hard she and her 'magic' tried to make things happen, certain things just weren't possible for them.

Like food and drinks, a bigger cupboard, taking her places or new clothes; although, she could make her current clothes look nicer or change colors, sometimes even make a pattern or design. If she was careful, she could use the spark inside of her to help with her chores without her aunt noticing. The 'magic' was always as helpful as it could be which made things a bit easier for the girl.

She had taken to calling the spark inside of her Vormund, which she'd read was German for guardian; she found that out when she hid in the public library during one of her cousin's 'games'. If she concentrated really hard, there were times when Vormund would be visible; he often twirled and twisted around her body like a snake, which made her happy since serpents were her favorite animals.

Halting her thoughts on Vormund, Seren realized she'd reached her destination. At the base of one of the larger trees in the woods, there was a hole hidden between the roots large enough for her to crawl through on her hands and knees. Inside was the Den, the place where she felt the safest and cared for. Crawling through, the sounds of hissing and slithering scales reached her ears before Vormund's ball of light followed her inside to light up the entire Den. Thanking Vormund, she silently asked him to make the 'faerie', as she dubbed any of Vormund's light balls, a softer color so as not to disturb the snakes too much.

The faerie went from a bright white to a soft green that was easier on the eyes in the enclosed space of the warm Den. The feel of smooth scales gliding around her waist and over her shoulders accompanied the musical hissing of the oldest female Adder in the Den.

~Hello, Mother.~

The large female tightened her coils around the small child in a gesture similar to a hug. Mother slid her large head to look Seren in the eye, slowly blinking her vertical slit, red eyes, before flicking her black tongue lovingly over the girl's cheek.

~Hello, Hatchling.~

Seren huffed as she slid her delicate fingers over the zigzag patterns on Mother's back. ~I'm not a hatchling, Mother.~

Mother hissed out a laugh. ~Would you prefer Snakelet? But you are not a snake, young one.~

~I didn't hatch from an egg either, though. Nor am I a neonate, I was not born of a snake, Mother.~

Mother tightened her hold on her precious Speaker. ~Perhaps I will call you Yearling, instead?~

Seren thought it over before sighing sadly. ~But I am not that, either, Mother. I am not snake as much as I wish I was, so what can I be called? And don't say Speaker because that makes it sound like I'm better or something...~

~Then it is time for you to be given a true and proper name.~

~Mother, I already have a true name.~

~Ah, but not a Den name, a name given to a snake of age within the family. You may not be a true Adder or snake or serpent, but you are ours and its time to prove that you are excepted as a true Adder child of my Den.~

Seren couldn't help but suck in air at the thought of being so tenderly loved by the Den Mother of the Adders. The thought that she was getting the gift of a snake name made her so incredibly happy that Vormund caused an energy spike that sent mini faerie lights dancing through the Den; the lights moving so quickly that the tails caused them to look like floating snakes. The multi-colored lights caught the attention of the entire Den.

Mother thought for a few moments, enjoying the loving caresses her young speaker gave. ~Perhaps Sarff? It is Welsh for serpent... Or hydra, from Latin, instead of serpens or draco?~

Seren giggled at the thought of being called a name that dominantly referred to dragon. ~I like Sarff, Mother. It's similar to my true name, Seren; although, my true name means star in Welsh.~

Mother hissed her agreement. ~Sarff it is, little Speaker.~ Mother hissed loudly, so that the entire, focused, Den would hear the twelve-year-old Adder's decree. ~From now on, our beloved Speaker shall be referred to as Sarff. I expect all of my Children to obey this request, honor Sarff as you honor me.~

The resounding hisses of agreement and congratulations on being gifted a strong name from Mother, made Seren feel so cared about that a few crystalline tears leaked from her jade colored eyes. Mother saw this and gently licked away her tears of happiness.

~Thank you, Mother. Between you and Vormund, I am very happy.~

Giving her Sarff a loving squeeze, Mother directed her towards the writhing mass of settling snakes as the Den prepared for sleep.

~You are very welcome, dearest Sarff. Now let Hud rest as you sleep among your snake brethren. I shall wake you before morning comes so that you won't be punished.~

As Seren was covered with her snake siblings, and offered their shared warmth, she sleepily asked Mother a question that she'd been meaning to for the two, nearly three, years she'd know this particular group of Adders.

~Mother~ She was cut off by her own yawn ~Why do you refer to Vormund as Hud?~

A soft whisper of a hiss brought the answer to her ears as she drifted into sleep's embrace. An answer that she would question for days to come, questions that Mother and the rest of the Den would be only too happy to find out and answer as best they could. The answers they would give to her, would give her hope that all would be well and that she'd find happiness in the future.

~Because it is Welsh for Magic, my darling little Sarff, and you will learn of it in due time. Rest wrach ifanc, young witch.~