Sorry everyone. Not an update.
I'm going to put this story on hiatus. The reason? Partly because it has taken me a long time to write the coming chapter(that was oh so kindly pointed out by a guest reviewer) but mostly because I'm tired of getting guest reviews who only writes "Please update!".
I HAVE written it will take a very long time for me to update and that I do not wish for reviews that says "Update!". These reviews only put stress on me and that makes it no fun to write. And no fun=no writing at all. I can't force myself to write and if I do, the story will only turn into crap. And I don't want that with this story.
The solution? I'm putting this story on hiatus until I have most of the story done. And that will take a very long time considering how it have been so far. I have a few reasons on why it will take long but I will put the reasons futher down so if anyone that does not wish to read them may skip them without skipping anything else.
I really love this story and I have no plans of abandoning it, but, as I have said, I'm tired of getting stressed over something I do for fun. I hope you guys will bear with me and wait patiently for the chapters that will come. You guys have been awesome who have read this story so far and I love that you have enjoyed it. And I promise you this, I WILL finish this story with the glory it deserves.
And a word of caution: Do not send me any more reviews saying "Update!" or anything alike. I have seriously been thinking on deleting this story until I have finished it and put it back up again. Luckily I caught myself and did this instead. But I can't promise that it won't happen if I continue to get "Update!" reviews. Please remember this.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
~A very tired writer
Ok, here's the reasons why it will take time for me to write and the reasons it have taking me such a long time to write so far:
I have been working a lot the past two years and for some time it was combined with studying. I worked 75% and studied 50% which means I had things to do 125% of my time. My work really takes a lot of me, both physically and mentally and I don't usually have the energy to write after work. And soon I'm going to stop working and start studying full-time(in two weeks actually) on the university and since it will be my first year I have no idea what will wait for me. I will need to focus on studying so I won't get panic at the exams in january.
And those who are following me as a writer knows that I'm into another fandom at the moment. Transformers actually, and since I got IRL friends who's into that fandom too I have stuck there much longer in any other fandom. I do have a longer story that I'm working on in the Transformers fandom and I'm focusing most of my attention on that when I'm writing. But that doesn't mean I have forgotten about this story. It means it only takes longer for me to write this one.
These are the reasons(or "excuses" if you want to look at it that way) why it have taken, and will take, a long time to write and finish this story.
To all readers and reviewers out there: Continue what you do and stay awesome!