Jack poured some classical witches brew into some ancient, grey bowls. He then handed a bowl to Sally, Emily and Elder Gutknecht. Whilst he did this, Zero had begun to sleep beside Sally's leg as she sat on the edge of Jack's bed.

" So..what is it you wish to know, my boy?" Elder Gutknecht spoke weakly, whilst looking very fragile sitting on the chair of Jack's desk.

" What caused this ' block' -as you so call it -between our worlds?" Jack asked curiously.

Elder Gutknecht placed a spoonful of the witches brew between his rotting teeth, it soon after falling through the gaps in his rib cage and splashing all over the Floor. Jack politely ignored this.

" There is no way in telling who or what caused it. Or even how it vanished. But I personally believe it is something that we will never truly understand" The old man spoke, his wise words drifting their way into Jacks curious skull.

" We may not understand today or tomorrow, but maybe we will... one day" Emily spoke in a tired voice as she gazed through Jack's large window down onto his little town, the pumpkin sun now setting in its amber brilliance. Jack then realised that his guests must be tiresome from their journey - and he to felt quite sleepy. It had truly been a long day.

" We will discuss everything tomorrow. But for now, please, you must rest!" Jack insisted to his guests.

" I will just send Sally off, then I will see to you two. One of you may sleep in my bed, and the other on the armchair - I'm sorry, I should of been prepared for two of you" Jack admitted, angry with himself. Him and Sally walked down the spiral stairs.

Jack walked Sally to the door, his mind lost in abyss. Even with all that had happened in these mere few hours, he still felt that dreaded feeling in his hollow chest when Sally had to go.

" Now you be careful Sally, I-" Jack was about to start his usual speech of safety measures for Sally's trip home, But she placed her cotton finger on his skeletal mouth before he could continue.

" I'm just some silk and thread, Jack. What could possibly hurt me?" She questioned, care soothed into her voice.

" You're more than that Sally, much more." Jack spoke meaningfully, almost offended by what Sally had said. He gently lifted her tiny hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing it lovingly as he did so. He wished he could hold her right now, cuddled in front of his fireplace and reading delightfully spooky stories together. His dead heart dropped at the thought of her departure. Sally smiled shyly and her large eyes were looking straight into Jack's sockets. His heart yearned for her to stay. Suddenly Sally let out a high-pitched giggle which made Jack's spine tingle with shock.

" Jack, you do this every time. And as always, I will see you tomorrow. You have family waiting for you to return upstairs" She said in a factual way, snapping Jack out of his mental love bubble. He smiled and waved goodbye as Sally walked down the path, shutting the gates behind her. Jack sighed and shut the front door. He then turned and started his trip back upstairs to his sleeping guests. Elder Gutknecht had fallen asleep in the armchair - snoring loudly as he did so - and Emily lay peacefully in Jack's bed, her back towards him. Jack felt more at ease knowing his guests were comfortable. He blew out the candles in his room, wondering about what new yet fascinating information he may learn from his new friends tomorrow.