Well, I just couldn't keep this idea from forming; especially when I saw an episode of Grimm, where the main guy's Bluebod friend is captured and forced to fight in this cage "fight-to-the-death" battles. I just had to write a Tea X Atem story for it. :3

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, nor any of its characters. I DO however own the plot of this here fanfiction, and should you steal it, I'll ream you a new one. ^^

I'm going to use their English names, because it's easier for me. ^^;

Prologue: The Capture


1 Year After Atem Left To The Afterlife…

Tea sighed deeply as she watched the rain fall in sheets outside of the restaurant's window. Ever since Atem left, Tea would visit the restaurant they shared a date in every Sunday. She would even sit in the spot he sat in; it somehow made her feel closer to him. She really missed him. Finally, a year later, she acknowledged her feelings for him openly.

She felt her heart break as she watched him leave through that door, but she wanted him to be happy; to finally be at peace. But that didn't stop how she felt. She tried dating a few guys, but after the first date, she never saw them again. It just wasn't the same. She had so much in common with Atem that it was easy to talk to him. Now that he was gone though, it just wasn't the same. Sighing again at her stupidity for acting so broody, she stood up and left her payment on the table before grabbing her jacket.

Once she had her jacket secure, she slipped out into the still sheeting rain. She quickly ran through the rain, and decided that a shortcut for getting home and out of the rain faster was the best option. So she made a quick left into an alley, and rushed down the street. She was already soaked, but that didn't stop her from running all the same. The rain blurred her eyesight, and so when she felt a sharp pain to the back of her head, she wasn't expecting it and instantly staggered to the ground on her hands and knees. Gasping in pain, Tea felt the back of her head with her right hand, and when she held it up in front of her face, she saw red. Looking up, Tea saw 4 large men in black outfits surrounding her. One held what looked to be a metal bat, and one man held a whip. The other two men were unarmed, but were larger in stature, making up for the lack of weapons with brute strength. Tea tried to back up, but one of the unarmed men tackled her to the ground. She began punching, kicking, anything to try and get the larger man off of her, but to no avail. The other large unarmed man came forward, and as the first one held her down, he quickly cuffed her hands to her feet. When Tea tried to scream, the man on top of her gave her a swift punch to her jaw, cutting her scream short and making her see stars.

"Quick, gag her and throw her in the van. The boss will be very happy we found a fighter this time," one of the men said. Tea had no idea who it was, as she was stunned by that point. The next thing she knew, she was being hoisted into the air, and then thrown roughly into what appeared to be a kennel. Tea heard a lock click and a trunk slam, before she felt the van start up with a rattle. Being exhausted and in pain, Tea succumbed to the welcoming blackness of unconsciousness.


End Of Prologue: The Capture

I know it was short, but that's how prologues are-short introductions into the story. ^^ I hope you all review and tell me how I am doing so far for my first Tea X Atem fanfiction. ^^