The Neighbor

Anime/ Manga crossover

InuYahsa/ Ouran High School Host Club

Series of drabbles and short chapters, maybe a few longer ones here and there.

Kagome/ Hikaru

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story; all recognizable characters belong to their rightful owner.

Summary: Kagome is Hikaru's anti-social neighbor who lives just down the hall in their apartment building, the only two people on the top floor as well. Kagome is secretive, and she's been a mystery to Hikaru (a charming womanizer who is loveable) who has tried many a times to gather her attention. Will he finally have his chance when something happens in Kagome's apartment that causes her to room with him for a while?

The Neighbor

A young woman strutted down the hallway from the opened door of Apartment number 371 of building 2, section B. A man stood at the doorway leaning against the frame with nothing on but a towel wrapped around his waist, his ash gray hair slicked back and smug grin on his face.

A slightly elder woman passed the young woman in the hallway, not even giving her a glance as she walked on; when the man in the doorway saw this newer woman his grin turned less smug and more of a sickly sweet grin.

"Hello, Kagome!" She stopped her walking, shifting her dark eyes to his cat like ones.

"Hikaru." She said her greeting and walked towards the only other apartment on the top floor. Apartment 372's of building 2, section B, door slammed shut.