Hey everyone! In honor of the upcoming season 4 I decided to take a shot at writing a fic. Please don't judge too hard but your feedback is always welcome! Xx
"My lady I am so sorry. I should have closed the door but I didn't realize that The Hound was outside!"
Sansa's blank stare remained indifferent as her handmaiden Shae pleaded for her forgiveness. Sansa knew that she was just trying to help, but now the queen was aware of her body's state, and she was as good as dead. Soon enough Joffrey would try to put an heir in her. Sansa shuttered at the thought of having to lay with her wretched king. With clenched fists she muttered, "It's ok" to Shae and excused herself.
The ginger haired Stark closed her chamber door and collapsed onto the luxurious bed in the center of her room. Tears rolled down her rosy cheeks and her striking, blue, eyes, blurred. Her whole world was crashing around her and there was absolutely nothing Sansa could do to stop it. Her father was dead, her sister was missing, her fiancée was a sadist, and she had no friends in the prison like palace she had to call home. She put her head to her knees and gently rocked, not caring that she was tarnishing the silk fabric of her dress.
Footsteps quickly approached her from behind and a small women tapped the future queens shoulders. Sansa fell out of her trance and barely lifted her head to acknowledge the servant.
"My lady, the king requests your presence."
Sansa felt sick her stomach. She felt her eyes water up again, but she didn't want Joffrey to notice that she had been sobbing. With all the strength she could muster up, Lady Stark Sid off the bed and allowed the servant to dispose of her previous dress. She sat in her vanity chair, completely emotionless, as two handmaidens rolled her auburn red hair into a half up half down Southern style braid. They fitted her into an emerald green gown that complimented her impeccable, pale, skin. Looking in the mirror, Sansa felt absolutely beautiful, but given the circumstances she wanted to rip the gown off.
She walked through the halls of the fancy castle with false confidence when she really just wanted to melt into one of the stone she approached her kings chamber,her breathing quickened, and she tried to keep her head up, like any future ruler would. Sansa Stark lifted her jewelry adorned hand and lightly knocked on the mahogany doors. After what seemed like an eternity, a guard on the other end opened the door and let Sansa in.
She timidly glanced at the boy across the room. He was lounging on the day bed with his new toy, a crossbow, in his lap. His blonde hair shined and his eyes glistened with that same evil look Sansa knew all too well. Without acknowledging his lady, King Joffrey flicked his wrist at the guard, dismissing him. He then proceeded to playfully point his crossbow at the gorgeous vixen. He held it for a few minutes in silence and like a bored child, he tossed the bow on the marble floor. Finally looking up at Sansa, he got off the day bed and strode towards her slowly but with much authority. Sansa couldn't help but feel like she was in hell and Satan was only a few feet away.
so what did you think? Please leave reviews! I want to know if I should continue this story!xx