Disclaimer: I don't own these characters and I do not want to make a profit from writing this story.

Author's Note: his was the result of a prompt I got on tumblr and thus had to share it here. And I'm really liking this version of the Snow Queen. XD Who knows, maybe I'll write more with her if people demand it.

The Secret To Fashion

Bunny was getting concerned. The New Year's Eve party was halfway over and he hadn't seen Jack since the sprite went to chow down at the pastries the yetis had set up.

He had wondered if Jack would be feeling a little overwhelmed. North's annual New Year's party did include almost every single well known spirt on the guest list. He knew the reason was that it was important for the Guardians to stay in touch with the other beings of their world. However, the large crowd could be hard at times for Bunny to handle and took ever fiber of his being to not find a quiet corner to hide into draw instead.

Course, Bunny was as old as the earth himself and Jack had only had his first year of Guardianship under his belt. He did tell Jack if he wanted to slip out early, none of the Guardians would be offended. Yet, Jack has assured Bunny he be fine and he seem to have had a good chat with Tooth and Befana earlier.

Still, that didn't explain why Jack was missing. Bunny frowned as he peeked into North's office. Nope, not there. He ran a paw over his ears in thought. Where on earth did that little-

"Psst! Bunny!"

He jumped as Bunny whirled around. "What the-Jack, what the bloody hell are doing in there?"

Jack's raised a finger to his lips as he anxiously glanced up and down the hallway from the closet his head peeked out. "Quiet! She might hear you!"

"She?" Bunny asked as she arched an eyebrow.

"You got to sneak me out of here!" Jack pleaded. "She's been chasing me all night!"

"Who has?" Bunny asked, feeling frustrated.

Suddenly, they heard humming and Jack paled. "Crud! It's her!" He looked to Bunny with the expression a mouse had when trying to flee a cat. "You never saw me!"

The door slammed shut as a woman in a long white fur coat appeared around the corner. She blinked upon seeing Bunny and gave a bow of the head. "Good evening, Easter Bunny."

"Good evening, Snow Queen," Bunny said with his own quick bow and arched an eyebrow. "Having a good time?"

The Snow Queen gave a sigh. "Yes, but I would be having a much better time if I could find your new Guardian."

Bunny glanced to the closet, but coughed and stepped forward. "What do ya need Jack for? Something I can help ya with?"

The Snow Queen sighed. "Honestly, I am only trying to make the boy presentable!"

"Presentable?" Bunny asked.

The Snow Queen shook her head. "That sweater of his was fine when he was only a winter sprite, but NOW he's a Guardian." She tilted her head at Bunny. "He should be looking more regal! Don't you agree?"

Bunny shrugged. "Can't say fashion was ever a field of mine, but why are ya concerned?"

"Because," the Snow Queen replied. "He is a personification of winter and as a Queen of winter I can not sit by and let that," waved a hand. "Fashion disaster continue!"

"Ah," Bunny said as it all started to click together. "And did you have a better outfit for him in mind then?"

The Snow Queen grinned. "As a matter of fact," she opened a robe and pulled out a light blue military style uniform. It seemed fine at first glance, until Bunny notice how the collar and sleeves all had lace sewn all the edge. Embroidered snowflakes also appeared in various spots and was that glitter he spotted too?

"Don't you think it would look smashing on him?"

Bunny held back a chuckle and couldn't help but think Jack would feel like he was a well dressed penguin. "Err…yes, very." Still, that didn't seem to be enough reason for Jack to be fleeing in fear.

"And," she said as she reached back into her coat. "I got these adorable heeled boots made for him."

And that would have been the straw that broke Jack's back. Bunny held his tongue as he stared at the bright blue boots. White snowflakes had been painting on the sides, and like the outfit it also glittered. If Jack wore those boots it would be like watching a cat trying to walk in a pair of booties.

"They are quite…unique," Bunny said, hiding his amusement.

She sighed as she tucked the outfit away. "Now, if only I could catch him." She then turned away from the hallway. "Could you please let me know when you find him."

"Certainly," Bunny said. "Uh…why not try asking Sandy. He might know."

The Snow Queen gave a nod as she walked away. Bunny didn't move until she was gone and then went to knock on the door. "All's clear."

The door creaked as Jack dared to poke his head out. "Thanks, she's been chasing me all night!"

"Ya sure ya just don't want ta give up and wear it?" Bunny said with a laugh. "I think the glitter would bring out ya eyes."

Jack glared. "Ha, ha! You can tease all you want later, but can you PLEASE take me out of here?"

"All right," Bunny said as he thumped a foot to call a tunnel. "Was about ready ta head home anyway, but ya have ta explain ta North why we left."

"Gladly," Jack said he looked into the tunnel. "But can we keep that 'outfit' between us? Tooth would be tempted to put that on me too."

Bunny laughed and ruffled Jack's hair. "Secret safe with me kiddo."