Alright...let's give this a try...I really hope I got these problems sorted out and give this story a happy ending.
I agree that Touma sounds slight romantic, but hey, unlike other dense male leads, Kamijou Touma tends to spill out misleading sentences. And he has a clear reason as to not see other female characters as potential love (Violent tendencies, enormous power, bring him misfortunes and the likes)
Imagine Breaker has a great importance in Aleister's plans (97%), so he'll be fine. This isn't the first time Kamijou did something like that. We don't even know what Aleister knows and plans about this whole Gremlin thing, so, consider Kamijou Touma safe for the moment.
It's cold out saying heart warming means alot XD
Enough rambling! Let's move on! Give me a review or two, it really helps my writer's soul.
Disclaimer: I do not own TAMNI and glad that I don't.
"Take off my boots for me."
"I said..."
"I heard it!"-Kamijou didn't really care that they were hiding. Right now, he just want to yell.-"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!"
The other occupant of the bedroom, a young looking girl with blond hair, green eye and an eyepatch over her right eye, who clads in a revealing witch outfit, Magic God Othinus, is sitting on the bed with her legs dangling on the side of the bed. Her right leg in particular, was raised up slightly in the direction of Kamijou Touma. Said individual was fighting imagination, a blush and a teenage desire at the moment.
"What's wrong?"-Othinus blinked.-"I don't feel comfortable wearing this while laying in bed, and I thought you liked to help others."
"Ah?"-Kamijou gulped slightly.
'I...I guess she really just needed help with that. Don't panic, Kamijou, don't panic. She can kill you with one finger but don't panic!'-Kamijou reassured himself as he took a step forward.
If someone were to carry a camera around, they wouldn't hesitate to take a picture or record it, as the spiky haired boy slowly crouched down to the blonde girl's knee level, and take hold of the girl slim and beautiful legs. As he slowly and gently remove her boot, Othinus herself felt maybe it wasn't such a good idea afterall. She certainly felt a blush as his hand unknowingly caress her legs, his cold hands sent shivers up to her spine. And for certain, such fairy tale-like scene only happens with a romantic reason. But for both of them, they just denied that and call it as "something that has to be done".
"H-hey Othinus?"-Kamijou suddenly voiced a question.
"?"-Othinus slightly tilted her head.
" you always have someone take your boots off?"
"!"-It's like a moment of realization for the blonde goddess.
'...It''s the first time anyone has ever...'
More like the first time she has ever let anyone did it.
"Othinus? Did I ask something wrong?"-Kamijou waved his hand slightly.
"It's...the first."-She admitted, adding more embarassment to the both of them.
Feeling he has to resolve it somehow, Kamijou spoke. However, what he was about to say might as well add more fuel to the flame.
"...I'm honored."
It took him a few second to realize how misleading it was, but he can't correct it now.
He glanced upward to see the other person's reaction, only to find her staring blankly at him.
With that, he look down again and try to focus on taking off those boots.
After he's done, neither of them exchange anymore words. Kamijou sat down on the chair, looking seemingly distant. Othinus lie back down in the bed with a blanket over herself, pondering what is wrong with her.
Her feelings for him are rather deep bonding. She used to think of him as "a lowly human that doesn't know his place". But now, she sees him as someone equal, and seek him for comforting her heart. From being enemies, they have come to an understanding and can safely say they are friends. She is both grateful and glad that she has him with her. It's like a break from all the planning, fighting and suffering. Kamijou Touma is the only thing she needed. Having him in her grasp for this long is already enough for her to go on.
Keep it short, Magic God Othinus is lovestruck.
Unknown to her, the subject of her pondering felt the same.
Kamijou Touma has only come to realize the deeds Othinus has done. She gave others hopes as well, even through deception. But she can produce results good enough for those who expect them from her. Even for him. His wish was selfish, clinging on the thread of hope. He didn't really mind if that selfish dream is cast aside. He accepted death knowing that. And yet the goddess next to him fulfilled it. Against all the odds. She completed his dream even if that means abandoning hers. For that, Kamijou was very grateful. They might have had a rough start, but in the end, they would hold each other's hand and guide themselves through the troubles they would face.
But aren't they being overly optimistic?
The entire world is out searching for them. They won't stop until Magic God Othinus is dead. Kamijou Touma's deed may have given her more time, but as thing stand, sooner or later, it would end. Othinus has already accepted it. She has accepted it the moment she chooses this world.
Even with Kamijou, her fate cannot be changed.
It rained.
The rain pours down on Sargasso, giving out an omnious feel to it. Like something is about to go very wrong.
Heavy rain and rough wind. This is the condition Kamijou Touma and Magic God Othinus found themselves in.
A short moment ago, they had heard the search parties surprisingly close. Othinus did got up, but Kamijou sprang to his feet, and go out in the middle of the storm to asset them, and if needed, using himself to lure them away from the injured Magic God.
But Kamijou's misfortune hit hard when he sees soldiers armed with assault rifles, speaking English. He didn't get most of it, but a few word struck out.
Academy city level 5.
The only Level 5 around here should be Misaka Mikoto, #3. Does that mean she's nearby?
Knowing his luck, she probably is.
And with her could be none other then the rest of his group. Index, Birdway, Lessar is probably near as well.
'Othinus!'-Kamijou whipped his head back to the half destroyed boat afar.
He has to get her away. Of all confrontation, facing them would be hardest.
Now isn't the best time to talk to them. With that, Kamijou readies himself to make his way back.
That's when it hit him.
That voice...
"Index..."-Kamijou shifted his gaze toward that voice.
And sure enough, the silver-haired nun was there, umbrella in hand.
"Touma? It's you right? Why did you just suddenly ran off? Everyone is worried you know. I was worried."-Index started, kindly let Kamijou under the umbrella.
"Index..."-Kamijou hung his head, staring at her in shock.
"Come on Touma, let's find somewhere out of this rain! I'm cold! I'm hungry!"-Index pouted slightly.
A short silence hung between them.
Index noticed something is wrong, and therefore waits for an explanation from Kamijou.
"...Sorry Index."
"I can't."
"I...I still have something left to do. There is still someone I need to save."-Kamijou stepped out from the umbrella.
Kamijou then told her everything. How Othinus ended the world, how she tormented him, how they fought, as well as their new found understanding of each other, the reason Kamijou Touma must go back.
Index didn't say much. She just nodded and let him go, saying "Then hurry up Touma".
Kamijou nodded, gave his thanks, and with that, he disappeared into the storm.
To be honest, he didn't really knows how Index is going to react. He was extremely grateful that the young nun let him go. He wasn't sure whether she believed him or not, but she did let him go to Othinus, and so far, he didn't saw anyone following him.
He can only hope that her trust for him is still there.
And if she does trust him, then he can't let that kindness go to waste.
He must resolves this.
Only by doing this, he can return to his normal world. The world of a normal, peaceful life with his friends, families, and Index. A world when happiness, peace isn't achieved through the death of a single girl.
He maded his way back. But the sight there was rather unwelcoming. A couple of soldiers are just about to open the door to the room where Othinus is at.
At fast as possible, he ran toward them. It didn't matter whether they were armed or not.
Kamijou greeted the first soldier with a straight right hook, followed by a quick kick to the leg. Then, he grab the soldier's rifle and pushed it upward, hitting the guy's jaw and rendering him unconcious.
Before others can react, a violent shock blasted the door from the inside, knocking the other soldier down and out cold as well.
From inside the room, Magic God Othinus stepped out.
"Puny humans. What made them think they can face a god with that?"-Othinus sighed.
"Are you sure you are okay? Can you walk now?"-Kamijou asked.
"I'm fine. So..."
"Yeah, Misaka, Birdway and Lessar are close. We have to move."
With that, they both stopped talking and proceeded to move.
That bring us back to present.
They didn't really know where they were going, though Othinus did stated that they were somewhere near the edge of Sargasso. And true enough, soon they saw a cliff about 5 meters tall down to the raging ocean.
Kamijou felt cold. The storm is wearing him down. He looked over to Othinus. She isn't as bad as him, as she has a hat and a cape, but she is injured.
They needed to take a break. A nearly turned over boat provided some help with that.
This time, seems like Kamijou was the weak link. As Othinus is a Magic God, even injured and about to lose that power, she still has better resistance to the cold than Kamijou, a normal human. A quick check revealed that he did in fact catch a cold.
A cold.
That made Kamijou gritted his teeth. He still has to protect Othinus. He can't just lie down on the job!
'Now isn't the time to get sick, Kamijou Touma!'-He motivated himself by thinking that, prompting himself to get up.
A delicate and warm hand stopped that movement.
"Rest for now Touma. There's no need to push youself."-Othinus said , taking off her cape and warp it around Kamijou's body. Using her lap as pillow, she gently stroked his head, offering him a chance to sleep and rest.
Kamijou tried to reject that chance, but his worn down mind and body gave way to the sweet aroma and warmth that Othinus gave off. He soon fell asleep, still keeping his self-order to protect the goddess that is offering her lap to him.
Kamijou heard familiar voices.
" him?"
More familiar voices.
"That's none of your concern."-This voice he can clearly make out as it was close to him. It was Othinus.
Strained his eyes, Kamijou forced himself to wake up.
"Bird...way?"-The first person he saw was that young magic cabal boss.
"Kamijou, you're awake."-Leivinia greeted.
His mind sprang open. They caught up! His group caught up with him and Othinus!
-Touma-kun!-Lessar jumped into view.-Are you alright!? Why are you sleeping on her lap?!
Looked around, Kamijou saw other familiar faces. Misaka Mikoto, Mark Space, some other cabal members in black suits, and Index, Sphinx included.
He can see Leivinia raising her wand and Mikoto started giving sparks. With that, he sprung up to his feet in a fast motion, get out from under the boat, and get to a defense pose.
With that, Mikoto stopped her ability.
"What are you doing you idiot! Why are you protecting her?!"-Mikoto yelled.
"If you stopped pointing your weapons at her, I can explain it to you!"-Kamijou said, not faltering an inch.
"Did...did she seduced you somehow? Are you being mind controlled or something?!"-Lessar also yelled.
"I'm not being mind controlled! My Imagine Breaker can cancel any attempt at that! Please! Listen to me!
"You big idiot! Haven't you consider the fact that she might be using you?"-Birdway said, irritation clear in her voice.
A tug on his shirt stopped him.
"Othi...nus?"-Kamijou said in disbelief.
"I said it before. You dying would remove all meaning of this."
"This time, stay back."-Othinus stepped past Kamijou.
"Don't do it!"
Othinus stopped walking.
"We'll find a way through this! Don't give in just yet!"
"..."-She remained silence.
Kamijou once again tries to protect Othinus, but...
"Stop him"-Leivinia Birdway ordered.
With that, Mark Space and some other cabal members seized Kamijou.
Struggling, Kamijou still yelled.
"Lessar, Birdway! Listen to me! You have to listen to me! She's not what you think she is! Don't do it! She saved us! She saved me!"
None of it reached Birdway's mind.
Lessar and Misaka did seems to be confused. But they still didn't waver enough.
Othinus, who remained silence, suddenly turned back to face Kamijou.
She smiled.
'That smile...'
It's similar to a smile when a mother patted her son's head saying "It's going to be alright" when it's not.
It was a bitter smile.
That didn't exactly gave the effect Othinus wanted. In fact, it was worse. Kamijou struggled even harder, loosen from Mark and other cabal member's grip even as he is pinned to the spot by 3 men.
"Don't give me that smile! Don't just take my role! Let me protect you! I won't let you protect me like this Othinus! OTHINUS!
Mixed with the rain water was tears. And not just Kamijou's.
Magic God Othinus shed a farewell tear as well.
Perhaps it was because she felt that someone truly understood her.
Perhaps she felt that someone truly cared for her.
Some one willing to shed a tear for her.
Feeling nostalgic, Othinus repeated a sentence she had told Kamijou before.
"You have done well...for a puny human."
"Stop it Othinus! I won't let this happen! I won't let you die! You're the only way I can reach the world I yearned, the world I know! I won't let you smile like that again! DON'T JUST WILLINGLY LET THE WORLD KILL YOUR SMILE!"-Tears trickled down his face, but it no longer mattered.
Silence hung.
Everyone was waiting for an answer.
"...This maybe selfish...but...I want you to live on."-Othinus smiled, before turning away from Kamijou.
The spiky-haired high school boy felt strenght left his leg.
But Othinus and Birdway both ignored that.
"So, you decided to turn yourself in? That saves me the trouble. Why were you protecting him anyway?"
"No reasons. Just a last thread of hope for my dream."
"I see."-Birdway slightly nodded.-"Anyhow, let's make this quick."-She raised her wand.
Othinus closed her eyes. A blast would knock her into the raging ocean, and she would drown. A fitting ending for the enemy of the world.
But suddenly...
The voice didn't come from Kamijou.
It was from Index.
"What?"-Leivinia frowned.
"I can see it in her eye. She's not a bad person. Now, at least. And...I trust Touma."
"...?"-Othinus widen her eye in shock.
Index slowly made her way towards them, and stand between Magic God Othinus And Leivinia Birdway.
"Prayer would reach it's destination. People shall thus be saved."-That's all Index has to say.
Then, Misaka Mikoto, Academy City #3 esper, spoke.
"I had said that sentence once too. 'Even if it's selfish, I still want you to live on.' I said it to that idiot over there. And yet, he saved me. And I believes that he would clench his fist for the right reason."-Mikoto then stood next to Index, blocking Leivinia.-"So I'm hoping that idiot would do so this time too."
"Tch."-Leivinia clicked her tongue.
But, true to Mikoto's word...
A certain spiky-haired idiot clenched his fist again, standing up despite all three men holding him down.
"Well said...Index...Misaka. Thanks...I really...needed that."
"Go for it, Touma/ idiot."-Both Index and Mikoto said.
That was the trigger.
In a stunning movement, Kamijou grabbed Mark Space and performed a judo throw, then proceeded to pry himself from the other two with brute force.
Sense the lack of time, Birdway turned to see Othinus behind Index and Mikoto.
"We won't let you!"-Index started singing a song, while Mikoto pulled out her coin.
"Tch. Stop him!"-Leivinia ordered her men to stop Kamijou.
Kamijou Touma uses the rain water to slip through their grasps, getting closer by the second. Just a few more step...
"Move it!"-Birdway acted, charging between the two girls, effectively got out of Mikoto's Railgun and stopped Index's song as well. She summoned an explosion.
"UWWWWWOOOOHHHHHHHHH!"-Kamijou Touma reaches forward with his right hand...
The explosion hit Othinus, and did the expected. It flung the frail girl's body over the edge of Sargasso and about to hit the raging sea.
Kamijou acted on instict and ran after it with incredible speed. He once again raises his right hand, hoping to catch the goddess.
He didn't reach it.
His hand missed Othinus's hand by a few iches.
With that...
With that...
He can only watch the Magic God dissapear into the waves.
It been a month since then.
Sargasso has dissapeared, the incident has been resolved, Tokyo was safe again.
Kamijou Touma has been brought back to Academy City, and upon entry, he learned that his stipend from Academy City has been quadruped.
It seems like a way of saying thanks by someone, or just a consolation.
His story has been validated, through a meeting with Shokuhou Misaki, cleared the misunderstanding.
But for the past month, anyone who had seen Kamijou Touma had noted a remarkable change in him.
He always seems sad, disturbed. He seems to be yearning for something and wasn't enjoying his life anymore. When Komoe-sensei talked to him, he just said that he lost a friend.
Peole who had heard of it did ask him to get better. Shokuhou Missaki has visited personally, Kanzaki Kaori did talk to him over the phone, Kazakiri Hyouka manifested to visit. Heck, even Hamazura and Accelerator had visited.
For two weeks, it remained. Then Kamijou decided to smile again and try not to blame himself. Doing so would make others worried and the likes. During that, unless you look closely, you won't be able to tell that Kamijou was still heartbroken.
But then...
A certain morning.
"W...Wah?! Touma! TOUMMMAAAAAAA!"-Index yelled from behind the (now repaired) bathroom door.
"Guburlwa?"-Kamijou get up from the bathtub-"What is it Index, hold on, breakfast would be ready in..."
"That's not it Touma!"
"Eh?"-Kamijou opened the bathroom door and stepped out-"What else would get your..."-He trailed off as he saw what Index was pointing at.
There, on the balcony railing...
Blonde hair.
Green emerald eye and an eyepatch.
A revealing witch outfit with a red cape.
There, on that balcony railing, hangs...
Magic God Othinus.
A letter seems to lay on the ground infront of her.
It was really short, with the sender being Leivinia Birdway.
"I dragged her out like I dragged you out from the Artic Ocean. Accept it as an apology."-That's all that was on the letter.
"Mmmm..."-The beautiful goddess seems to be waking up.
Kamijou patted her shoulder slightly.
With that, she opened her eye.
They gaze at each other for a moment.
-T...Touma? Kamijou...Touma...?
-O...Othinus? Magic God...Othinus...?
'So...this is a heart warming reunion...huh?'
They both smiled.
"Welcome in, Othinus."
"Thank you."
A grumbling sound came from Othinus AND Index's stomach.
-I'm hungry.-They said in unison.
Faced with that, Kamijou Touma only said...
"Fukou da."
A/N: All done! So, what do you think?! Did I do good enough? Did the ending satisfied you all?
It's 1h30 here, 14/2. Happy Valentine's day! Maybe I'll make an OTP fic on it...maybe.
Anyway, rate and review! You opinion matters more than you think!
Until next time