A/N: He got to see him, let's see what comes of it. Here's the next chapter! Enjoy!

For a whole week I'm a canister of anxiety and excitement. For a whole week I'm looking forward to the next time I see Master, and yet dreading it all the same. What if he doesn't let me take off the mask this session? What if this doesn't take us to the next level? And the worst thought of all... What if he gets upset that I've asked to see him, and he ends things between us. I have so much hope, and yet so much fear all the same. I just want to see him, touch him, really and truly feel him. I need it so bad. I need it more than air to breathe.

My phone ringing interrupts me from taking care of business on the computer, but my heart flutters when I read who's calling. Master. "Hello?" I answer, a smile on my face. "Hi, Johnny." I hear him say coolly. "Hi, Master. How are you?" I ask. "I'm fine. And you?" He asks back. "I'm great now." I blush a bit. "That's good. Would you like to meet again?" He asks. "Do you even have to ask?" I chuckle. "I assume by now I don't." He replies, and I hear him give an amused hum. "So when are you free?" I ask. "Unfortunately the only time I'm free this week is tomorrow." He answers. "I'm free tomorrow. How is it unfortunate?" I ask. "Because there's no available rooms at the Grand Hyatt tomorrow." He explains. "So then let's go somewhere else." I say. "The only other places we can go is the dungeon or the club." He mentions. "I don't want to go either of those places, Master. I like the privacy a hotel gives at this point." I sigh. "I figured. I don't know then." He replies, and for a moment things get silent.

An idea comes to mind, but I'm kind of scared to suggest it. I don't know if he's going to get mad or not.

"Master?" I call out. "Yes?" He answers. "I have an idea." I say. "What is it?" He asks. "I don't know if this is going to make you mad or not. It's not my intention to upset you. It's just a suggestion." I state. "What is the idea, Johnny?" He asks. "You could come to my house, Master." I mumble lowly, and there's silence for a moment again. "Are you sure you want that?" He asks. "Yes, I don't mind." I reply. "Fine, we'll have our session tomorrow at your house." He says, and I smile wide. "Really?" I ask, shocked. "Yes." He replies.

"Okay! What should I do?" I ask. "I want you in your normal position when I get there." He says. Completely stripped, kneeling on the bed, head bowed, and…masked. "No special instructions?" I ask, hoping he'll exclude the blindfold this time. "No. Naked, kneeling, and your head masked and bowed." He explains, and I give a small sigh before replying. "Yes, Master. Should I leave my front door unlocked for you, or?" I ask, wondering how that's going to work. "No. I don't want you to leave your door unlocked. That's not safe. Do you have an extra key?" He asks. "Yes." I answer. "Good. I want you to send me your address and where you put the key, alright? When do you want me to come?" He asks. "I will. And it doesn't matter to me. Just text me when you're on your way." I reply. "That's fine. I'll see you tomorrow, Johnny." He says. "Okay! Thank you. Bye, Master." I say, and we hang up.

Master: Almost to your house.

Johnny: Yes, Master.

I jumped up from where I'm watching TV, shut off the television, and raced to my room. I went into the master bathroom and tossed my shirt, beater, and jeans into the hamper. I then returned to my bedroom and dropped my briefs on the floor next to the bed. I grab the blindfold out of the nightstand, then climb on the bed. Once getting comfortable at the end of the bed, in kneeling position, I put on the mask and bow my head.

So many thoughts are running through my head. Mainly about how he's going to be in my house. My. House. Mine! I hope we don't do anything that can mess up my bed linen, because I'm not going to wash these sheets for awhile. Once he leaves, I want to be able to drift to sleep, wrapped up in his lingering scent. God, I could sleep for days if that happens. I can't believe he's going to be in my house! I can't believe he even agreed to it! I wonder what he's going to do to me. There's so many possibilities. Maybe I can somehow convince him to spend the night too! Oh God. If he spends the night, I really am going to leave the linen till there's no hint of his smell. He's going to be at my fucking house. This is just driving me insane. The thought of him in my bed. I'm going to fry my own brain before he gets here. I wonder if he'll give me the freedom to ask for anything I want like the last two times. What would I even ask for? Would asking for him to stay count as something? Would asking him to keep me forever be too much? Probably. But—

"Look at you. You're such a good boy." I suddenly hear a voice in the room with me, fairly close. "Master!" I cry out, a little too excited. "You look ready for me." He notes. "I am! But, uhm, Master?" I call out. "Yes?" He replies. "How long have you been watching me?" I ask. "Few minutes." He replies.

Yes. He's definitely a Viper. He slithers around, soundless. I didn't even know he was in here. I didn't hear him whatsoever. With this blindfold on, all my other senses are heightened. That includes my perfect hearing, yet still I didn't hear him. Mmm, my Viper.

As I get lost in my thoughts again, I suddenly feel his hand where my neck and shoulder meet. I quickly go to grab my mask and take it off, but he grabs my hand before I can. "Master!" I whine. "Did I give you any orders?" He asks, and I sigh and hang my head, "No, Master." I answer. "So that means I didn't tell you to take your mask off, correct?" He asks. "Correct." I reply. "Then put your hands back down." He commands, and I quickly return my hands to my lap.


I hear him walk around me, around the bed, for a moment, till he returns directly in front of me. He leans down, raises my chin with one finger, then pecks my lips, cheek, and down my neck. He pulls away and I feel his fingers trail up my chest, to my neck, over my face, and to my mask. My breath hitches. Is he going to take it off? Oh, God, please take it off. I do everything in my power to refrain from whimpering in desperation.

"Tell me what you want." He whispers, trailing his fingers over the material. "To see my Master, if that's what pleases you." I reply. He gives a small hum of approval, then slips the mask off, and I look up and my eyes immediately meet his electric blues. I reach up to touch his face, but stop halfway there. "May I touch you, Master, please?" I beg. "Would that please you?" He asks. "Yes." I answer, purposely leaving off the 'if that's what pleases you' part. He gives a small smirk, before leaning into my touch as he gets down on his knees in front of the bed. I quickly cup his face, running my thumbs over his skin. "You're so beautiful." I whisper as my hands trail along the features of his face. He gives a small smile, but doesn't say anything. He just continues to watch my fascination. I trail my hands down as far as I can reach on his chest, wondering but not really caring as to when he took his shirt off. I feel the muscles beneath his skin ripple underneath my touch. I then trail my fingers over the tattoos on his arms, reaching down and grabbing his hands to hold them. He squeezes my hands and I look into his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks. "Yes, Master." I reply, smiling. "Get back straight." He says as he stands, and I quickly un-hunch my body and resume proper kneeling position. He moves towards the middle of the room, "Come finish undressing me." He commands, and I quickly head to the floor, getting on my knees at his feet, then lean up to undress him. As I unbuckle his pants, I silently thank the gods above that he didn't put that god-awful blindfold back on me. I hope he leaves it off for the rest of the night. I get his pants off, then next I pull down his briefs, him helping me by stepping out of them. As his cock comes free, my eyes go wide. It's fucking beautiful and I begin start salivating just at the sight of it. Not wanting to upset him by lingering, I quickly avert my eyes and focus on folding the clothes. "May I sit them on the chair?" I ask, and he nods, and I quickly stand and rush over to the chair to sit them down.

When I turn around, he's right there and he pulls me into his arms, laying his lips on mine. I kiss back, but I leave my hands at my side like I'm always instructed to do. As the kiss intensifies, he grabs my arms and pulls them up around his neck, and I kiss harder, excited that I get to touch him, my hands running along the back of his head, neck, shoulders, and arms. He eventually pulls away and just stares at me for a moment, a focused, intense gaze.

"Get on the bed." He then commands. "Yes, Master." I say, then quickly hop on the bed, returning to kneeling position. He comes and stands at the foot of the bed, and I stare up at him, still in fascination at his beauty. "Have you been a good boy?" He asks, and I'm a bit taken aback with the intense look in his eyes as he asks that question. Has he always asked with this look in his eyes? "Yes, Master. I've been a good boy. I've been your good boy." I answer, and his eyes flare a bit as he bites his lip. He leans forward and wraps a hand around my neck, "What do you want me to do to you tonight?" He asks.

All the things I thought about asking for as I waited for him to arrive, all the things I thought about asking for since he told me he'd come to my house, they all completely disappear from my mind. Staring up into his eyes, all I want is to please him.

"I want you to do anything you want to me." I breathe. "Anything I want." He repeats lowly to himself as his hand leaves my throat to run down my face. I stay quiet as he stares at me.

"You have beautiful eyes." He whispers, but I look away. No I don't. Nothing about me is beautiful. "Don't you agree?" He asks. I just give a small shrug, and he gives a disapproving hum. "You have beautiful eyes, Johnny. You have a beautiful face. You're beautiful in general. You're perfect. You're such a good boy." He whispers. My shoulders slump and I give a small sigh. My eyes flicker down to the floor, not wanting to look at him. I don't want him to see my shame. I don't believe any of those things. None of those things are true. "Why do you not agree with me?" He asks, laying a hand to the top of my head. I can't give an answer; I don't have one. Instead, I lean forward and lay my head against his body as I wrap my arms around his waist. He just pets my head for a moment before talking, "Sit up and look at me." He commands, and I reluctantly let him loose and sit up. "I said to look at me." He demands, and I look up at him. He squares his eyes at me for a moment, deciding what to do next.

"Alright. I know what we're going to do tonight." He says. "What?" I ask. "Go in the bathroom." He commands. I give him a weird look, but I climb off the bed and go into the bathroom. From the doorway, I watch as he goes over to his jeans and pulls something out of the pocket. He tightens his grip around what are apparently two objects, one in each hand, then comes into the bathroom with me. "Face the mirror." He demands, and I give a small groan, thinking I know what this is.

I pray this isn't a stupid intervention. Ashley and Saraya tried this once. Punk tried once too, on a separate occasion. They made me face the mirror and pointed out 'all that's good about me'. It didn't help a bit. Not one bit. In fact, it only hurt. I figured out a lot more flaws about myself.

He opens a drawer of mine, drops his objects in it, then quickly closes the draw before I can see them. "Stand up straight and look at yourself." He says. I do as I'm told, correcting my posture, then look at myself. I try to look anywhere else on my face, but something about his commands makes me stare directly into my own eyes. "Are you looking in your eyes?" He asks. "Yes, Master." I answer. "Do not move your eyes, understand?" He asks, leaning against a corner, semi-away from my line of sight. "I understand." I reply.

"What's your name?" He asks. "John." I answer. "Last name too." He says. "Oh. John Cena. My name is John Cena." I state. "Are you a good boy?" He asks. "Yes." I answer. "I want you to say it." He says. "I'm a good boy." I mumble. "That doesn't sound like you're too sure of that statement." He notes. "I'm a good boy." I state more firmly. "Whose good boy are you?" He asks. "Yours. I'm your good boy." I answer. "You're my what?" He asks. "I'm your good boy!" I answer back, a small smile on my face as I answer. "And what do good boys deserve?" He asks. "Good things. Good boys deserve good things. I'm a good boy. I'm your good boy. I'm your good boy and I deserve good things, because good boys deserve nice things, and I'm a good boy." I say with ease. "Mm, good boy." He praises. "Thank you, Master. I am a good boy." I smile wide.

He moves from where he is, to behind me, holding my waist. "I want to hear you say it again. What are you? What do you deserve?" He repeats. "I'm a good boy. I'm your good boy. Good boys deserve good things, and I'm a good boy, your good boy, and I deserve good things because good boys deserve good things." I say again. "Good boy." He leans down and kisses my neck and shoulder.

I flick my eyes to look at him, not able to stop myself. He kisses all over my right shoulder, and over my neck, sucking on it, leaving marks. I moan out, but I make sure to keep my eyes open. His hands trail around my waist, one holding my body, and the other grabs my length, and I moan again as he begins stroking me. "Mm, Master." I whisper. He takes the hand that's wrapped around my body and leans over to the drawer. I want desperately to look and see what it is, but I keep my eyes on my reflection in the mirror. I hear the drawer close again, and he returns to his upright position.

"Good boys do deserve good things." He states, and I hear him pop a cap on a bottle. "Grab the counter." He commands, and I bend forward and grab the counter with both hands, keeping my eyes on either my or his face as he starts doing something with the bottle. Seconds later I hear the bottle close and he sits it on the counter. I then feel two lubed fingers slide between my ass. Oh God. He pushes both fingers inside me and I groan out. Master pumps his fingers deep inside me, occasionally scissoring, and I bite my lip and just revel in the feeling of his fingers inside me.

"You gonna be a good boy for me?" He leans down and whispers in my ear as he runs his fingers across my spot. "Oh fuck! Yes, Master!" I yell out. "You're what?" He asks, running his fingers over it again. "I'm gonna be a good boy for you. I'm gonna be a good boy for you! Oh God!" I yell out. "Good boy." He kisses my neck again, then pulls his fingers out.

"Open your mouth." He commands, and I open my mouth and he slides in his fingers. I greedily suck and lick at them, and he gives an approving hum. As I do, I see him moving around as I continue staring in the mirror. He messes around in the drawer some more, before closing and standing up straight again. I hear the lube cap being opened, and he begins applying more. He pulls his fingers out and grabs my waist again.

"Do you want me to use a condom?" He asks, and my eyes quickly look to his reflection. "W-What?" I ask, feeling as if I heard him wrong. "Do you want me to use a condom?" He repeats, and I just stare for a moment. We're…we're going to have sex? He's going to have sex with me? With…without my mask? "Johnny?" He interrupts my thoughts. "Uhm, no. No." I answer. "You sure?" He asks. "I'm sure." I reply. "I figured." He nods, then tosses something, I assume the condom packet, on the counter.

"You're not to move your eyes off of us, alright? Don't close your eyes. Keep your eyes on us." He commands. "Yes, Master." I reply. He taps the back of my thigh, and I quickly change my stance, spreading my legs and bending over a bit more, and he leans forward and I feel the head of his length at my entrance.

Oh my God.

This is really going to happen.

This is happening!

This is really happening!

He pushes the head in, and I groan out, feeling a bit uncomfortable. God, he's so big. "You can take it. You're a good boy." He whispers, and I nod. He pushes all the way till he's fully inside me, pressed flush to my back. He wraps his arms around me and just holds us in place. "Does it feel good?" He asks. "Yes, Master." I quickly reply, nodding my head over and over. God, I can't believe this is happening. He begins kissing along my neck and shoulder, getting me to release soft, little moans. As he does, he begins giving slow, deep strokes inside me. I bite my lip in pleasure. Staring at him, there's this look of…something like simple bliss on his face. He lets loose some soft groans in my ear, and I practically cum just from that.

"You feel amazing." He whispers in my ear, then kisses along the back of it. I just grip the counter tighter as I watch. "So deep inside me. Feels so good." I whisper. I'm not used to this kind of sex. I'm used to hardcore sex, pain sex, hard, rough, fast sex. This is so different. But it's not bad. It's good. It's amazing. I can feel every inch of him. I can feel every movement, every pulse, every stroke. It's as if we've become one, and it feels incredible. He kisses along my neck and shoulder some more as he strokes. "M-Master." I moan.

My hands begin shaking. I'm not used to this. I don't know what to do or how to react to this.

His hands move from my waist to on top of mine on the counter. He interlaces his fingers on top of mine and we grip the counter together. "You're such a good boy, Johnny." He whispers, switching to the other side of my neck. I just nod and continue staring. He soon pulls his lips from my skin, and instead places his chin on my shoulder and stares back at me through the mirror. The moment our eyes meet, it's like electricity runs through my body and I tremble against him. "You're perfect." He whispers, placing a kiss behind my ear, not breaking eye-contact.

Between our locked eyes, his lips all over my body, and him stroking deep inside me, I feel myself nearing my end. I can hold off though. I can't let this end too soon. I want this to last forever. I don't know if this is going to ever happen again.

He takes his right hand, still holding mine, and brings them to my chest. He lays it against my left pectoral as his finger runs against the faint outline of where he carved me. I watch him as he does, his eyes filled with wicked intensity. After he's got his fill, he opens our hands and lays them against my chest, then looks up to meet my eyes, a soft smile on his face. My eyes go wide because of how I take the actions. He holds our hands there for a moment as he stares, before returning them to grip the counter and focusing on his strokes and kissing my body.

"I need to cum." I announce softly, not wanting to ruin the quiet and serene moment. His eyes flicker to glance at me, acknowledging that he heard me, but he tightens his grip on my hands so I can't move them, and he makes no attempt to help relieve me. He just continues slowly stroking. I throw my head back in aggravation, but he uses his own to push mine back down to force me to continue looking at us. I see him smirk at me before continuing to kiss over my body.

I just keep moaning at the feeling. There's not much else I can do. I don't know if he's trying to get to his ending as well or what, but there seems to be no attempt to speed this thing up or let me cum. I keep quiet, other than my moans, till I absolutely can't hold back anymore.

"M-Mas-Master, I hav-have to cum." I re-announce, loudly this time. "No. Hold it." He commands, finally deciding to verbally acknowledge my problem. "Master!" I whine, needing immediate release. "Hold it!" He commands. I growl in anger, but nod. "Say you're a good boy." He commands. "I'm a good boy." I say. "Repeat it. Don't stop repeating it till I tell you." He says, and I inwardly groan.

The last time we did this, my dick almost exploded from having to hold back from cumming so long. That, along with the fact that I got broken. I don't want to get broken again. I don't want my brain fried. I hate when he makes me cry.

"Be a good boy, Johnny. Do as I say." He releases my right hand, and wraps his hand around my cock and begins stroking. I whimper in helplessness, but do as I'm told. "I'm a good boy. "I'm a good boy..." I say as I stare at us in the mirror, praying he'll let this end soon. He releases my cock and other hand for a moment to grab my waist again. He pulls out, re-angles, and pushes back in, right into my spot, and I belt out a scream of pleasure. He stays pushing into it, not moving. In fact, he pushes against it, then lays against my back. He wraps his hand back around my length and begins stroking again as he's stabbed into my fuck bundle. "…OY! I'M A FUCKING GOOD BOY! I'M A GOOD BOY!" At this point I'm screaming and only milliseconds from my break. "Such a fucking good boy." He mumbles to himself. His sexy, deep voice in my ear is what sends me to my breaking point.

The tears begin waterfalling down my face, and my mantra comes out in broken pieces. Last time he let me cum the moment I started crying. This time, he waits till I say my mantra another 7 or so times before letting me.

"Don't stop repeating it. You can cum." He allows. He strokes faster and my cock spasms in his hand as I release all that I'm worth. My tears continue falling and the mantra is continuously said after I'm finally empty. Once I am, he begins stroking inside me again. He only gives about 4 more pumps before he's at his end as well, emptying himself deep inside me, marking me. Stream after stream fills me up, so much so that it starts dripping out of me.

"You're such a fucking good boy." He says, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me to lay in his arms as he leans against the wall. "Shhh." He says, signaling that I can stop repeating it. I stop talking, but that does nothing to affect the tears. I just let the sobs rack through me, my body shaking violently. "Shh, it's okay, Johnny." He whispers. It doesn't help.

He leans me forward a bit and pulls out of me, then grabs my body and quickly leads me back to the room. He lays us down and I crawl into his arms, him holding me tightly.

"You were such a good boy. You're always a good boy. You're my good boy, aren't you?" He soothingly praises as he rubs my back and pets my head, and I nod, answering his question. "Yes. You're my good boy. So good, Johnny. Such a good boy." He just continues giving me praise as I lay there shaking, but eventually the same line over and over tires him, and we sit in silence, him just holding me tightly.

"Would you like to know something, Johnny?" He asks eventually. "Yes, please, Master." I reply, still shaking a bit. "You know how I told you that you're the only one that I touch so intimately?" He asks, and I nod, "You're also the only one to ever see me." He continues, and I gasp a bit. "Really?" I ask. "Yes." He replies. "Why, Master?" I ask, curious. "Because you're such a good boy. Good boys deserve good things." He replies. "Thank you, Master." I say, cuddling closer. "You've stopped shaking. Are you okay now?" He asks, holding me tighter. I note that I indeed did stop shaking at his confession. "Yes, Master, I'm fine. Thank you." I reply. "Good. Thank you for being such a good boy for me tonight." He whispers. "Thank you for tonight, Master." I mumble, drifting to sleep. The last thing I remember before falling into unconsciousness is him kissing my head.

When I finally come to, I feel something caressing my head. I try to open my eyes, but they're so heavy. I give a soft irritated groan, and the caressing stops, then starts again. I manage to get my tired eyes cracked open a bit, and I look up too see Master sitting against the headboard, watching me as he caresses my head. My heart attempts to do flips at the thought of him spending the night with me, but it's too tired. My heart, my eyes, my body, everything is just too tired.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I try to gather the strength to talk, but even my voice is tired, so I just settle for nodding.

"How are you feeling?" He asks. Fuck, that's an answer I have to speak to reply to. I crack open my eyes again to look at him, and give a weak smile. The talking thing just isn't going to happen, so I just give another nod, then close my eyes again.

"You're so tired. Worn out." He gives an amused hum, and I smile a bit wider as I lean into his touch some more.

"Did you enjoy last night?" He asks, and I open my eyes a bit and give a full smile as I nod. "I did as well. Thank you for being such a good boy." He whispers. I just nod.

"I need to get going soon. I needed to get home last night, but I didn't want to leave you after last night's events." He explains. I give a sigh, but nod. He gives a surprised hum, probably surprised at my cooperativeness. Usually I'm begging and pleading for him to stay. Right now, however, I just don't have the strength. I just want to go back to sleep for the next few days.

"Are you going to be okay if I go?" He asks, and I give a small smile and nod.

"Go back to sleep, okay? I'll call and check on you later." He commands. I nod. I feel his body begin moving, and I open my eyes a bit to see what he's doing. He shifts till he's laying next to me.

"Your goodbye kiss." He smirks, then leans in to kiss me. I'm too tired to move my arms, but I gather up the strength to get my tongue to play with his. We kiss for awhile, then he pulls away and climbs off the bed. I close my eyes again and just listen to him gather his things up.

"Goodbye, my good boy." I hear him say from the doorway, and I open my eyes and look towards him with a smile, "Goodbye, Master." I hoarsely say. He smiles at me, then leaves, and I close my eyes and let sleep take over my body again.

Next Chapter:

"Okay, we're here. What do you want?" I hear a voice as I sit in the kitchen, and I turn and see Ashley and Saraya entering my kitchen. I slam the oven shut and run over to them. "Sit down! Sit down!" I grab them both, throwing them over my shoulders, then drop them each into a kitchen chair, them screaming as I do. "What the hell is your problem, John?!" Ashley screams. I run over to the oven, get the oven mitt, and pull out my breakfast pizza. I drop it on the table, then quickly slice it. "It'll cool while we talk." I say, sitting down between them. "What are we here for?!" Saraya asks.

"Guess what happened last night?" John says. "I don't know, what?" Ashley asks. I turn to Saraya. "What happened?" Saraya asks. "Wait, what?" I ask. "What happened?" She asks again. "You didn't ask about the sex though? You always ask that!" I complain. "Yeah, and you always say no." Saraya shrugs. "But you always ask! You can't just break tradition." I whine, and she rolls her eyes, "Fine, John. Did you guys have sex?" She asks. "Yes!" I yell.

"What?!" Both girls yell, practically jumping out of their seats. "We had sex! We had sex! We had, amazing, mind-blowing, Heavenly sex!" I reply. "Details! Detaaails!" Ashley yells. "Well he came over yesterday—" Saraya interrupts, "Came over? Came over the house?" Saraya asks. "Yes, we decided to have our session here. He came here and he let me take off the mask. Guys, he's beautiful. He's like literally the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. And so we were kissing, and he let me touch him, and that was amazing in itself. He asked what I wanted to do, and I told him he could do whatever he wanted. He took me in the bathroom and made me tell him I'm a good boy over and over for awhile. Suddenly he asked if I wanted to use a condom or not, and I was like 'wait, woah, what?' And so we had sex. It was literally the most incredible thing I've ever experienced in my entire life. It was so amazing. And to top all that, when I woke up this morning, he was still here holding me. I practically had to drag myself out of bed this morning to call you guys." I explain.

"Oh my God, that's…wow!" Saraya replies. "And he didn't make you wear the blindfold during it?" Ashley asks. "Nope! I got to see everything! He makes the best sex faces. There should be an award or something for it." I answer.

"So what do you think is going to happen now?" Ashley asks. "Do you think you guys are going to be something more now?" Saraya asks. "I don't know either of those. I mean, hopefully we can start regularly having sex. That's just something I would take all day everyday, it's that amazing. But I don't know…he's always telling me 'oh, you're the only one I'm like this with. You're the only one I touch like this. You're the only one to see me.' and I'm sure that means I'm the only one he's fucked! The bigger picture just keeps getting bigger and bigger! Hopefully after awhile I'll be his." I say, a big smile on my face as I blush heavily. "Aww, John." Ashley nudges me. "Guys, you don't understand what I feel for him. I would literally do anything to be his. He's so perfect, and…and he wants me. Me! That's just so crazy to me. I want him. I want to be his. Someway, some how." I state.

"Are you going to tell Punk that you guys had sex?" Saraya asks. "Not at all. He's just now coming around and not complaining about him anymore. I'm just going to keep letting him think we're still on the basics." I answer. "You're going to be in so much trouble when he finds out." Ashley chuckles. "He's not going to find out, because neither of you are going to tell him. Right?" I command, looking at the both of them. "I won't tell, promise." Saraya says. "I'll keep my word." Ashley says. "He's going to find out, ya know? One way or another." Saraya says. "Yeah, John. Besides, what reason are you going to have for glowing?" Ashley asks, laughing. "I'm glowing because I'm John fucking Cena, bitch." I smile proudly, and they laugh.

"So when are you going to see him again?" Ashley asks. "I don't know. We haven't talked about that yet. I'm sure he'll call soon." I answer. "And what's going to happen next time?" Saraya asks, wiggling her eyebrows, and I laugh and blush, "Well hopefully he'll fuck me again. I don't know." I shrug.

"Hey, Ry, I bet he's got their freaking wedding planned out in his head." Ashley laughs. "Aw, John, you're such a girl." Saraya laughs. "Shut up. Both of you. Gosh, I hate you guys." I chuckle. "Whatever, you love us." Saraya smile. "Yeah, well—" I'm cut off by my phone ringing.

"Hold on," I say to them, then go over to the counter where I left my phone. I look at the caller I.D. and see it's him, "Oh my God, it's him!" I yell. "Answer it!" They both yell. I nod and click the answer button.

"Hello?" I try to sound as calm as possible. "Johnny." I hear him give a hum, holding an emotion I can't pinpoint. "Hi, Master." I smile. "I see you've finally woken up." He says. "Yes, Master." I chuckle. "How are you feeling?" He asks. "Great. Amazing. Perfect." I answer. "Well that's great, amazing, and perfect then." He chuckles. "It is." I reply. "I apologize for spending the night. I was worried about you and I didn't want to wake you to call your friend." He says. "No! No, it's okay. That was totally okay. I really, really appreciated it." I quickly correct him. "Mm, well good." He replies.

"So how are you today, Master?" I ask. "I'm doing well. I would like to see you again, though." He replies. "Today?" I ask. "No, unfortunately I'm busy today. I want to see you again tomorrow." He explains. "Really? Usually I'm the one begging to see you so soon after a session." I mention. "Yes, well…I need to see you. I've even got something for you, something to make our next time a bit more…interesting." He gives a soft, amused hum. "What is it?" I ask. "That's a surprise for if you're a good boy." He answers. "I'm always your good boy." I mention. "That you are. So are we on for tomorrow?" He asks. "Yes, Master, of course!" I reply. "Good. I don't know how early I'll be able to clear my schedule, are you doing anything tomorrow?" He asks. "Nope, I'll be home all day." I answer. "Good. I'll be over as soon as possible." He replies. "That works for me." I smile. "I'll see you tomorrow, Johnny. Be sure to be a good boy." He says. "Alright! I will." I reply. "Goodbye, Johnny." He whispers. "Bye, Master." I smile, then we hang up.

"Ooh, Johnny's got a date!" Ashley giggles. "When do you get to see each other again?" Saraya asks. "Tomorrow. He said he wants to see me again, then he said he needs to see me." I cheese. "Ooh, he needs you!" They both say at the same time. "Whatever," I laugh, "He said he got something special for our next time." I mention as I sit back down. "What?" Saraya asks. "I don't know, he wouldn't tell me. He said it's a surprise for if I'm a good boy till he gets here." I answer. "Johnny's a good boy." Ashley teases. "Shut up." I laugh.

"So, since you'll be busy all tomorrow, we should all go do something today." Saraya says. "Like what?" I ask. "Let's go to the beach. Let's see if John out-glows the sun." Ashley laughs. "He definitely does" Saraya replies. "Whatever, guys. You suck. Let's go to the beach." I chuckle.

A/N: THEY HAD SEX! THEY HAD SEX! AND RANDY SPENT THE NIGHT! AFTER THEY HAD SEX! SEEEEEEEEEEEX! IT FINALLY HAPPENED! THE THING NO ONE, ESPECIALLY JOHN, THOUGHT WOULD HAPPEN! And now that they've had sex, where do they go from here? Seems Randy's getting deeper into this situation, so hopefully things go up from here. Wonder what special he's got for he and John's next session. Hmmm. Please leave reviews with your thoughts/guesses/etc! Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading :)