Hey guys! Long time, no update! I'm really sorry about that, but this story had kind of been on the backburner as I've just started a new fic for The Dark Knight. Go have a look if you're interested. I guess I've kind of just been low on inspiration for this story. Hopefully, it will kick back into gear soon.

On the bright side, I've finally learned how to separate the paragraphs with the line thingy. Yay!

Happy reading!

xox Alice


You're not just any girl.

Lily blinked at James in surprise.

'But,' she stuttered, turning a pale pink as one of his hands found hers, 'everyone knows… your, well, reputation.'

James could have kicked himself. Of course she thought that he was just using her! It wasn't as if he had given Lily any reason why she shouldn't think so, the way he picked up girls left, right and centre. James brushed a thumb over her knuckles, marvelling the way that her small hand fit perfectly into his, contemplating how best to respond.

'Don't you get it Lil?' he said softly, looking into her green eyes, 'All those times I told you I liked you, I wasn't lying.'

Lily frowned.

'But you started saying things like back in, I don't know, what was it, fourth year?'

'Yeah, I did.'

Lily's eyes widened.

'All this time?' she asked softly, squeezing his hand.

James squeezed back, 'The whole time.'

Lily rocked back on her heels, contemplating this new development. She had been so sure that James had acted the way he did just to annoy her. Looking back, it blew her away. Lily had never realised how deep James' affection for her really ran. There had been so many times in their younger years when he had teased her to the point of tears, just because he could, but once he got a little older and a little wiser, the intention behind his jabs changed. Suddenly, he was flirting, and scaring off other boys who attempted to talk to her outside a platonic relationship. Lily had just thought this was a new cruel and unusual way in which he could upset her, but in the light of this new information Lily was forced to accept that it had been jealousy that stirred his actions, not mischief-making.

Lily realised she had been staring blankly at James for quite some time, and he smirked, winking. Ah, Lily thought, there's the arrogant James we all know and tolerate.

James seemed to sense her train of thought, and quieted, looking at her seriously in the eyes.

'So,' he ventured nervously, 'what do you think?'

'What do I think?' Lily asked, frowning at him, 'Is that you asking me out? Because that's pitiful.'

James gave a small nod of acquiescence and coloured, and Lily felt a small fragment of pleasure that she had made him blush like he had done to her so many times in the past, before she quashed the feeling with the thought that James was trying to have a moment with her and she shouldn't spoil it.

'Here's a tip,' Lily told him, grabbing his head with both hands, touching her forehead to his and looking him straight in the eyes, 'When you're asking a girl out, don't make her ask you if you're asking her out.'

She got up to leave, but turned around just before she reached the door and said cheekily, 'Make it romantic.'

James slowly made his way up to the Gryffindor common room. He didn't want to go back to the Head's dorm just yet – he assumed that Lily had gone straight there – and anyway, James was feeling the need to debrief with his mates. James tapped a quick tattoo onto the curving bannister of the staircase he was heading up. He wasn't sure exactly what he was feeling. Surprise, mostly. That really wasn't how he expected the night to go. He did feel genuinely guilty for sticking Lily with of the work these past few weeks. He hadn't really thought of it at all, if he was being honest. Not for the first time, he wondered about Dumbledore's state of mind when he chose him as Head Boy. James obviously wasn't doing a bang up job if he was leaving all of the work to Lily.

Lily, thought James, creasing his brows. What just happened?

He hadn't meant to kiss her, he really hadn't. It had just sort of happened. She was so close, and her hands were going everywhere, and she was just so darn cute when she was angry. James certainly hadn't expected Lilly to react as she did. She was enthusiastic.

James ran a hand through his hair and smiled to himself. He couldn't wait to tell the boys about this.

Make it romantic?! Lily thought to herself furiously. What the hell was that! Make it romantic?

She groaned and leaned her head against the wall outside the Head's dorm. She mumbled the password (it was 'toerag' – James' idea of a funny joke) and pulled herself inside as the concealed door swung open. That really wasn't how she planned their little chat to go. The kiss was, well, amazing, but it was her end remark that had her in the throes of embarrassment. He had asked her out, for Merlin's sake! Isn't that what she wanted? Why hadn't she just said yes?

Lily dragged her feet up the stairs to her room, and collapsed onto the bed.