
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. All recognisable characters, content or locations belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Summary: James gives up on Lily after sixth year. Tragedy strikes, circumstances change, and James soon finds himself in search of a bride. He finds her - and his future - in the arms of Juliana Longbottom. JP/OC. AU. OOC.

Rating: T for character death.

Author: tlyxor1.

It was surprisingly easy to let go of Lily Evans. But then, by the end of sixth year, while her venomous words, hateful insults and icy gaze washed over him, all he could think about was the fact that she'd finally lost her appeal. maybe he'd gotten over the chase, maybe he'd moved on from childhood crushes, maybe it was something different entirely. Whatever the case, he had far more important things to concern himself with than his past feelings (re: obsession) with the spirited, vivacious muggle-born.

He was 17 years old, a legally recognised adult, the heir apparent of the Ancient and Noble House of Potter. It came with a variety of expectations James had been groomed for since infancy, and he still found himself unprepared to embrace them completely. Or at all, really.

It was fortunate, then, that no one expected much of him until he completed his final year at Hogwarts.

It was also comforting to know he wasn't the only one terrified of his future. Sirius, his best friend, cousin (of a sort), and pseudo-brother was slated to inherit the title of Lord Black upon the retirement (or death) of his grandfather, Arcturus, and he was - if possible - even more intimidated by the notion than James himself.

In any case, James more or less tried to ignore thoughts of life beyond school, and Sirius was inclined to do the same. Thus, they boarded the Hogwarts Express with talks of summer plans and the dread of NEWT's ahead, and James left his introspective thoughts behind.

-!- -#-

When he boarded the train that morning, it was with a plan to meet his mother and father on platform 9 and 3/4. He was 17, able to apparate home on his own, but Charlus and Dorea Potter were old and sentimental, and James was man enough to indulge them.

As had become something of a tradition since his first year at school, they would go out to dinner to celebrate the passage another successful term, and to acknowledge the variety of accomplishments James had received therein. They would return home afterwards, and what would follow would be another summer holiday learning at his father's knee. Policy, diplomacy, Economics, Business and Estate Management, Accounting, and, of course, the Family Magic.

When not absorbed in his studies, Sirius would be visiting from his grandfather's country home, learning the very same things for his future succession as the Lord of the house of Black.

Except that didn't happen.

Rather, James disembarked off the Hogwarts Express at King's Cross station, sought out the familiar presence of his mother and father, and found the platform wanting.

When he couldn't find them, James assumed that they were late. Thus, he settled down to await their arrival, and watched as - slowly but surely - the platform began to empty.

He ignored the fact that his parents had never been late to collect him. Eventually, however, an hour had passed, and there was yet no sign of them.

Once he apparated to his home in Cardiff, it had taken him only moments to learn why they'd not shown up.

Over the house in Hud Square, the Dark Mark loomed, sickly green and unmistakeable. He wasn't sure why, but his parents had been attacked by Voldemort, and James could see no sign of them.

He didn't know how long he stared at the only home he'd known, - numb - before he was brought from his stupor by the tired eyes of his father's best friend, Beecham Longbottom. The man was dressed in his auror uniform, but James was too caught up in his own horror to realise that his godfather had been called to investigate the attack.

"Are they…"

"I'm sorry, Jamie. They're gone. I'm sorry."

The day - supposed to be a joyous occasion - seemed to go on forever. At the same time, it blurred passed in no time at all. He entered the house, saw all the signs that his parents had put up a fight, and found himself irrationally proud of the fact.

He hoped his parents had given the Death Eaters (or Voldemort) hell.

That said, he didn't waste any time in entering the study. It was untouched, protected by unbreakable blood seals that ensured only Potters could enter. James could remember ours upon hours spent with his father there, absorbed in books and scrolls and his father's lectures, and James could hardly believe he was gone.

He circled the desk, settled himself in the seat James could only recognise as his father's. There, he withdrew the family's ritual bowl - uniquely clay - and knife from within. A slice to his palm, seven drops, a swirl of magic, and the ring that marked him as the heir of house Potter.

How many times had he seen his father perform a ritual similar?

With little fanfare, the summoning ritual was complete, and the family totem appeared in a swirl of gold.

James spoke to the totem for a long time. The family magic was mourning the loss of the family's Lord and Lady, but it was also ready to accept their new Head of House. Thus, James claimed his inheritance by birthright, donned the ring, and accepted the responsibilities the role presented to him.

By the time the day was over, he'd never felt so weary in his life.

-!- -#-

Over a month later, and much had changed. He missed his parents fiercely, but he'd fallen into the role of Lord Potter with almost unnatural ease. The title came with expectations, however, and James found himself having to embrace them far sooner than he'd ever anticipated.

That said, James found himself in search of a bride to take up the mantle of Lady Potter. He had found himself overwhelmed by the responsibilities inherent in the role of Head of House, and he was in want of someone to share the load with.

That was why, when he received the invitation, he accepted. Juliana Longbottom's coming of age ball was no surprise - neither was the fact that he was invited - but what was a surprise was the fact that Lily Evans had been invited, too. He wouldn't have noticed - mind you - but she'd approached him, sympathy in her gaze and condolences on her tongue, and for the first time, James was the one to walk away.

It was oddly gratifying.

He found himself across the ballroom, where Juliana was leant up against a pillar, fanning her face, cheeks flush from dance and merriment.

"You look breathtaking tonight, Miss Juliana." He clasped her hand, bowed over it and kissed her knuckles, all while his gaze never left her own.

And indeed she did.

James couldn't remember seeing it happen, but over the course of their Hogwarts years, while they'd drifted apart in friends and hobbies, Juliana had grown into a beauty with high cheek bones, a slender nose and a rosy-lipped smile. She was slightly above average in height, with willowy curves and the longest of legs, so it was fairly safe to say that when he'd first laid eyes on her that night, he'd been awed. She was far from the girl with the wild curls and freckles of their past, though he could appreciate her outspoken, charismatic personality.

Shrinking violet, Juliana Longbottom was not.


"And you are looking very handsome yourself, Lord Potter," she answered. A curtsy followed. "I hope you are enjoying yourself this evening?"

"I am," he confirmed.

They met gazes, and James cracked first. He erupted into a bout of uncontrollable laughter, and he couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so carefree. Juliana laughed too, and for some time, they reminisced over days past, where the world was the width of a variety of family manors, when magic was beautiful and when happiness was everlasting.

It was disturbed by a defeated sigh from Juliana. "I'm sorry, James, but I'm afraid duty calls. My mother expects me to dance with all the geriatric codgers she can find."

James chortled, but didn't hesitate to offer his hand. "Do you care to dance, mademoiselle?"

She beamed, slid her smaller, lace covered hand in his, and allowed James to lead her onto the dance floor. A waltz played, and the two fell into step with ease, years of practise - together and apart - ensured that they crossed the floor with light, fluid steps. All the while, they chatted between themselves, smiles on their faces and the occasional peel of laughter heard by the other party goers.

After three more dances, they separated, Juliana to continue with her duties as the birthday girl, James to seek out Sirius. His friend was easy to find, lurking by the refreshments table. He was in the company of Frank Longbottom, his betrothed, Alice Prewett and surprisingly, Lily Evans.

Sirius had never hid his distaste for the muggle-born girl, and he'd practically exulted when James informed him that he was done chasing her.

"Well, if it isn't the Casanova himself," Sirius mocked, "You looked awfully cosy with Miss Juliana Longbottom for a while."

James took a moment to look around, ensured that no one was watching, and proceeded to punch his friend in the side.

"Ow," Sirius protested, "That was uncalled for, Prongsy. I was just stating what I saw, you great-"

Frank cleared his throat, Sirius gave an unrepentant grin, and James shrugged helplessly.

"In all seriousness, you look like you enjoyed yourself. I'm glad. You needed that." Sirius clapped James on the shoulder, took a swig of the whisky he'd smuggled in, and commented idly, "So Miss Evans here made head girl this year."

James glanced at Lily, nodded his acknowledgement, and congratulated the witch on her achievement. His gaze, however, returned to Frank who, for all of the promises of brothers forever, seemed to be glaring holes into James' head.


"What are your intentions towards my sister?"

Sirius choked, Alice arched a curious eyebrow and Lily looked to be sucking sour lemons, but James hardly noticed. He'd caught Juliana's gaze across the ballroom, and his mind had blanked, the only thing on loop in his head the fact that Juliana Longbottom was absolutely beautiful.

"I think that answers your question, Frankie," Sirius quipped. Frank nodded his agreement, a bemused expression on his face. He clasped James' shoulder, met James' gaze with a solemn one of his own, and gave an earnest smile.

"I love you like my brother, Jamie. I would trust no one else to take care of my baby sister like you would. I'll give you my blessing for a courtship offer, but if you break her heart, I promise you, there will be no end to your suffering."

James was in a haze for the rest of the night. If it was as a result to his epiphany, the few glasses of elf wine he'd consumed, or something else entirely, he wasn't sure. He'd danced with Juliana some more though. He spent the remainder of the night with Frank and Sirius, or in conversation with his godfather, Beecham, about James' last year of school.

By the time he left the ball, however, he had a solid plan in place - a plan he saw into effect the next morning.

-!- -#-

The following morning, James returned to Longbottom Manor with a jewellery box in hand, with sweating palms, and a racing heart. He'd dressed formally for the occasion, and was met by Lord Harfang Longbottom in the Entrance Hall. The man wore a smile on his face, and there was warmth in his eyes.

"You wish to court my granddaughter," he stated - not a question.

James nodded, back straight, jaw set determinedly.

Harfang Longbottom smiled. "For both our sakes, I hope she says yes. She's brunching in the courtyard with her mother."

James' returning smile was nervous, but nevertheless, he followed the older wizard out of the manor, and out towards the courtyard.

Once upon the two witches, Harfang offered his hand to his daughter-in-law, and together, they departed, knowing smiles on both their faces.

"Good morning, Miss Juliana," he greeted, fidgeting with his hands.

"It is, isn't it? You're welcome to sit, Lord Potter."

He did so with an appreciative smile, and as Gryffindors did, he charged right in. "I really enjoyed last night, Miss Longbottom. I hope you and I may share such opportunities in the future." He withdrew the jewellery box and slid it over. She opened it with a puzzled smile that quickly turned into an awed sigh. "This is a courtship necklace from the family treasury. I'd be honoured if you accepted it."

"It would be my pleasure, James. Would you put it on for me?"

he did so with shaking fingers, clasped both of her hands in his own, and kissed them reverently. He was positively bubbling with happiness. He'd not felt like this in a long while, and despite himself, he hoped it would last.

-!- -#-

Rewritten and Reposted: 20th June, 2016.