Hey guys! Sorry about updating so late... haven't found the time to do the next chapter but don't worry, chapter 2 is right here! Hope you enjoy ;)
(7 Hours later)
Humphrey's POV (Still on the train)
I woke up with the sound of the rumbling of the train but I felt very warm as well as at the same time I felt slightly cold which made me confused until something clicked in my head; I had slept with 2 females!
Opening my eyes only to feel a strong pain sensation in my eyes as the sun was glaring right into them but the pain quickly subsided as I blinked a few more times relieving the tiredness, and as they adjusted to the light I see Sweets nuzzling my right side and Candy nuzzling my left side which brought a rather enjoyable feeling to my stomach which I had not felt since – wait? Am I starting to fall in love with another girl? I don't know if I could move on or not... maybe this is what fate foretold? Thinking quite deeply I was soon interrupted by the movement of Sweets who was starting to stir out of her much needed sleep, not wanting her to know that I'm awake I closed my eyes while starting to breath slower so that it seemed that I was still asleep.
Her movements became heavier as I felt her weight lifted of my num forearm which she had slept on all night, a few seconds went by and I started to feel Sweets warm breath on my muzzle which caught me off guard but what came next shocked me, her warm muzzle connected to mine quickly making me panic as I didn't want to 'wake up'. After 4 seconds her muzzle disconnected from mine leaving me shell shocked but at the same time I was frozen throughout the whole time.
*Why did she do that? Was it on purpose or was it a morning kiss? Does she like me?* Thousands of thoughts flooded my head like a flash flood on a unexpected pack... but my thoughts evaporated as I felt Candy start to stir out of her sleep which again the weight of her lifted as my forearm now was num. 5 more minutes had passed and I thought it was about time for myself to get up so with that I starting to stir (Fake stir) which wasn't too difficult as I repeated what I had done a few minutes ago...
"Morning Hump', how did you sleep?" Candy asked, making me smile as I lifted my warn out body up off the ground.
"I'm feeling great Candy, thanks for asking. What about you? Did you sleep well?" I replied while stretching my stiff forearms, looking at her with a warm smile.
"Yeah, definitely, best sleep I've ever had!" She said jumping a little while giving me a warm smile back. Candy turned to Sweets who had a very frightened look on her face. "What about you Sweets? Did you sleep well?" Candy asked Sweets who was sitting next to the opening of the train cart.
"Yeah... it was a good sleep" Sweet replied lacking a bit of excitement which was understandable because I know why she's acting like this but Candy had finally noticed.
"Hey Sweets you seem kinda down today, what's up?" Candy asked strolling over to Sweets rubbing her back, but Sweets just slouched with her head down and began to sniffle a little.
"It's just that I did something that I shouldn't have done when I woke up..." Sweets replied with a tear rolling down her eye while looking to her right where Candy was sitting.
"What do you mean?" Candy asked getting slightly concerned for her best friend.
"I kinda err... Kissed Humphrey – on the lips" Sweets mumbled as more tears started to roll down. Candy had a very annoyed expression as she looked over me but I didn't have a shocked expression on my face which confused Candy. Walking over to Sweets' left side I started rubbing her back as I brought her into a warm hug.
"It's alright Sweets, I already knew because I wasn't even asleep... heh – why did you do it though?" I asked looking over Candy who was slightly angry and in deep thought but I again turned by attention to Sweets.
"Really? But you looked – oh you were faking it...? You sneaking little omega and the reason I did it is because you looked so irresistible and handsome I couldn't control myself – I'm sorry" Sweets replied slightly disappointed but she had a smile on her face.
"Wow... thanks Sweets and it's alright" I whispered back hugging tighter, only for her to start grasping for air so I immediately let go of her. "Sorry heh"
"It's alright" Sweets said giving me a sly wink making me flinch.
"O – K so now that's over we better get off the train. You know I had completely forgotten we were on the train" I said looking over at both Candy and Sweets getting nods in agreement. "Candy are you alright?" I asked as she had a strange expression on her face.
"Well honestly I'm not... I'm just really, really jealous of Sweets for kissing you" Candy replied frowning but a sneaky thought popped into my head which I was really unsure about.
"You'll be fine, I'm sure you will get your chance - wait why am I making it sound as if we do this all the time? Strange hm..." I said to mostly myself, I looked over to Candy who had a strange smile.
"Humphrey can I talk to ya a second?" Sweets asked sounded a little excited, I nodded so she gestured me to follow but then Candy started to follow us to the back of the train cart.
"Nope Candy, you're staying right there" Sweets commanded pointing towards the opening of the box cart.
"So what did you need to talk about?" I whispered so confused I we both leaned closely.
"I want you to go over to Candy and kiss her – on the lips while being sneaky?" Sweets whispered back making me go wide eyed therefore making Sweets giggle a little.
"Well... alright but just this once to make you happy..." I whispered getting a kiss from Sweets on the side of my muzzle, Sweets blushed madly.
Turning round I knew exactly how to get Candy as she had her back turned to me making it a lot easier for me. Bringing my body close to the wooden floor of the box cart getting into a stalking position which was perfect, I started creeping my way over not even making one sound, I took a quick glance behind me only to get flicks of Sweets paws gesturing for me to move which I gladly did. Slowly creeping inches away from Candy I came up to her left shoulder and swiftly tapped her fur making me move speedily to her right side, which made her flinch to her left shoulder but realising nothing was there she turned to her right only for me to make my move and position myself perfectly, she then turned right and I pushed my lips straight onto hers where at first she was shocked but soon closed her eyes and went with it, I loved the feeling of her lips on mine but after 4 seconds I pulled myself away leaving Candy dazed.
"Hah! And you thought I wouldn't do it" I said triumphantly high pawing Sweets making her laugh on the ground.
"Wow... What happened... that was the best feeling in my life" Candy said dazedly walking towards while leaning to the left and right almost like she was 'drunk'.
We both laughed but soon our laughter came to a halt as the train was now starting to slow down which concerned us until we all realised Humans could be coming so with me looking at both of them and nodding, they both knew exactly what I meant so we all sprinted out. I was the first one to land no problems on to the cold snow but I soon notice that there is a slope next to where I had landed which made me realise that Candy and Sweets weren't the best jumpers until it was too late. Seconds passed as we all rolled down the shallow slope which was lucky because it was covered with fluffy, cold snow. After 5 more seconds we had finally came to a stop as my back was on the snow and something warm was on top of me.
I opened my eyes which were very dizzy as I had double vision but they soon adjusted as I saw me and Sweets had our nose touching (Like we haven't heard this a thousand times in different stories) and our body touching. My eyes bulged with slightly, my body started to heat up and my paws started to sweat a little as Sweets eyes opened but she obviously soon realised what happened as she went wide eyed blushing because it always showed through her fur as well making her jaw dropped.
"Well this is awkward..." I laughed slightly trying to make it less awkward for us both. Sweets 'gulped' slightly.
"Yeah, kinda is... let me just get up" Sweets laughed as she struggled to get up while trying not to hurt me. Something didn't add up there was a very cold sensation in my lower region so trying to be discrete I looked at my lower half to find that my 'Member' was half out. I blushed madly as I got up and landed on to my haunches where my paws hid my lower section. Luckily throughout that trouble Sweets was helping Candy to get out of a pile of snow she got stuck in. After my you know what went back inside I got up and shuffled my way to Sweets and Candy through the snow where Sweets had got Candy out of the snow.
"So... anyone knows how to survive the first night?" I asked with enthusiasm as I joined them. They looked at me then they both looked at each other a shook their heads.
Well there's chapter 2 :), took me about 6 hours to do this only because when I finished chapter 2 the first time my laptop ran out of battery and I didn't save it -_- really pissed me off but finally here it is! Please leave reviews so that I know your guys are enjoying it! Thanks.
~ B-dog