She was the Vongola Tenth, a queen. Betrayed by those she loved she fell and swore revenge. Dark!Kyoko, AU, Dimension/Time travelling.

Line Break


That's all she could see.

She – what was her name again? – lay floating in the darkness. How did she get here? Why was she here? Who was she? Questions flitted about her head but she had no answer to any of them.

So she lay there in the darkness, waiting.

A year could have passed or five hundred, it was hard to keep track of time suspended in the dark.

Then she was falling.

The wind whipped through her hair and over her bare skin and only a heartbeat later there was painpainpainpainsomuchpainpainpai-


Brown eyes snapped open before slamming shut. 'Why is it so bright? What happened to the darkness?'


She – so her name was 'Kyoko'? – slowly opened her eyes and peered up at the blurry shape above her. He looked so familiar, who was-

She froze when her vision cleared and everything came rushing back to her. She lay there on the soft grass for a minute, ignoring the concerned calls of him.

Why was he looking down at her with such concern and worry in his eyes when the last time they saw each other he was glaring at her with hatred and anger with his arm through her stomach and her blood on his face?

Why was her brother and former Sun Guardian standing over her, looking twenty years younger?!

"ARE YOU EXTREMELY ALRIGHT, KYOKO?!" Her brother "asked".

Kyoko flinched at the sheer volume of her brother's shout. God, she had forgotten just how loud he was when they were younger. "I-I'm fine Ryo- big brother. Wh-What happened?"


Kyoko narrowed her eyes in contemplation. Something wasn't right. The last thing she remembered was dying so how did she get here? She sat up with help from Ryohei and stared down at her tiny hands and legs. She looked like a child and sounded like a child but just to make sure, "Big brother, what's today's date?"

"IT'S FEBRUARY 11, 2004!"

Kyoko stiffened slightly in surprise. The reason why she and her brother looked twenty years younger was because they were twenty years younger. 'Well,' Kyoko glanced at her brother who was now fist-pumping and yelling something towards the sky, 'I'm twenty years younger. Ryohei looks and acts exactly as he did when we were children.'

She had always been adaptable.

She stood and dusted the grass and dirt off her skirt. "Hey, big Brother, we should get home, it's getting late and Mama's making hamburger tonight." Going through her past self's memories, Kyoko discovered and she and Ryohei had gone out to play at the nearby park and that their mother was indeed making hamburgers for dinner that evening.

Ryohei let out a cheer and began running down the block. "HURRY UP, KYOKO! WE'RE EATING HAMBURGER TONIGHT!" he yelled back.

Kyoko giggled - it was all too easy to slip back into her "nice girl" persona - before running after Ryohei. As they ran down the street, Kyoko glared at her brother's back. If she was indeed in the past, then that meant she would become the Vongola Tenth once more; her glare intensified at the thought of her so-called "friends" and "Guardians". This time she wouldn't make the same mistakes again. Oh no. She'd get her revenge on the people that killed her.

Her dear brother would be first.

Line Break

Okay, lemme clear some things up. Kyoko comes from a parallel world where she became the Vongola Tenth and Tsuna was the love interest.

Dunno how often I'll update this as it was just the summary I found on my laptop - I haven't planned this out at all.

Kyoko - 5 years old

Ryohei - 6 years old