I don't own the characters, only the story. Enjoy!

"Demi! Get up!" Demi's older sister, Dallas, yelled.

Demi groaned hearing that and opened her eyes slowly before throwing the pillow over them from the light. "Ok! Ok!" She then sighed and glanced at the clock seeing it was 6:30 a.m. Demi had to be at school by 8 o'clock. She absolutely hated going to school, she used to love it. It was her favorite thing to do. Demi loved to learn, and read, but now she was scared to go to school, all because of one reason, Selena Gomez.

Selena and Demi used to be best friends. They grew up together, went to Elementary school together, went to middle school together, did everything together, but now they are in high school and things have changed. The summer before her freshmen year Demi and Selena were freaking out talking about how much they were excited to be going into High school together. Once the year started Selena made friends and they didn't like Demi, they thought she was too nerdy and laughed at her. Selena wanted to stick up for her, but she was finally in the popular crowd and didn't want to wreck that, so she ended up picking on Demi too.

Now, Demi is four weeks into her sophomore year and Selena is still picking on her, but it's worse because now Selena is head cheerleader and the most popular girl in school.

Demi got up with a heavy sigh and cringed at her own breath. She put on her glasses and headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth; after that Demi went to her closet and picked out some clothes, biting her lip as she looked at her book bag. She really didn't want to go to school today, she didn't want to deal with Selena, but she knew if she skipped school she'd end up missing a lot from her classes, even though she already knows all of the stuff.

"Demi, are you ready?" Dallas asked coming into her room with a small smile. Demi looked up at Dallas and nodded grabbing her bag. "You okay?" Her older sister asked wrapping an arm around Demi's shoulder and leading her downstairs. Demi just nodded again and grabbed a banana.

"I'm going to walk to school; you don't have to drive me." She said softly to Dallas and walked out of the house. She looked back at the house and snuck over to the trash can throwing her fruit away. Demi barley ate anything anymore; she'd always take her dinner up to her room and wait till her family was away from the kitchen before throwing it away.

Honk honk!

Demi looked up to see a car driving by and noticed it was some of the football team. "Hey, loser!" One of them said throwing balled up papers at her. She looked down and stopped before walking another way to school, digging her nails into her arm and dragging them down deeply and harshly.

"Don't you fucking cry." She growled to herself.

When Demi walked into the school she instantly ducked her head and put her hood up on her sweater hoping not to be seen as she goes to her locker. She grinned slightly to herself seeing as no one saw her and grabbed her books for her first class, shutting her locker. Demi's grin faded instantly when she heard someone.

"Look who's here!" Selena called to her with a smirk, crossing her arms and walking toward Demi with her friends. "Why do you look so down nerd?" Selena laughed bitterly and shoved Demi against the locker, making her drop her books. "Scared?" She asked looking mad. Demi closed her eyes tightly when she was thrown against the locker, her arms hit one of the locks and she bit her lip squealing slightly trying to hold back a cry.

Selena noticed this and her eyes softened slightly noticing something was actually wrong with Demi. She then hardened her gaze and backed up. "Fucking wimp." She muttered to her friends, not wanting them to notice Selena was concerned and they walked off.

Demi quickly picked up her books and ran to the bathroom going into a stall when she saw some girls. She lifted her arm and ran her fingers over it, letting a tear drop and hit the cuts. She winced and sniffed before hearing the girls speak. "Hey Selena, guess who's here already waiting for you?" One of the girls said. Demi's eyes filled with more tears and she leaned against the stall putting her head back on the wall starting to breathe heavier, feeling her throat swell.

Selena looked at the stall and heard slight sniffs and small sobs. She then looked to her friends and smirked. "I got this one, go wait out in the hall." She chuckled. The girls smirked and nodded, leaving. The door shut and Selena looked at the stall, walking up and placing a hand on the door. She thought of things to say, that might make Demi calm down, but shook her head deciding to leave her be. Selena walked up to the mirror and fixed her make-up, before putting it back in her bag. "You can come out you know? I'm not going to hurt you." She said after making sure no one was in the bathroom besides Demi.

Demi was confused hearing that, she wiped her eyes and pulled her sleeves down standing still and quiet. "Demi, come out." Selena said a little stern and stood up straight, crossing her arms.

"W-why?" Demi stuttered picking her books up and holding them to her chest.

"I want to talk to you." The head cheerleader said and walked a bit closer. "Get out here, now." She demanded. Demi bit her lip and nodded to herself, walking out and looked at Selena. Selena looked at her before staring into Demi's red eyes. She sighed and grabbed some make-up wipes from her bag, walking over to Demi and cleaning up her face. "Your eye liner is smeared." She whispered and then threw the wipes away, taking out some eye liner and fixing it for Demi. She then smiled slightly when she was done and tucked some hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry; I didn't know I pushed you that hard that it hurt you, where did it hurt?" She asked softly grabbing Demi's hand and about to lift Demi's sleeve before demi yanked away with wide, scared eyes.

Demi looked at Selena for a moment before running out of the bathroom and down the hall. Selena ran out of the bathroom as well and saw her friends; she set a glare on Demi and growled acting pissed. The football team laughed seeing Demi run and shoved her down to the ground. Demi yelped and hit the floor, her head hitting the ground. Selena's eyes widened and she heard Demi scream, that scream remained in Selena's ear as she ran to Demi. Demi laid there holding the back of her head in pain as Selena bent down. "Demi! Demi look at me!" Demi didn't reply as her face went blank and her eyes rolled back, passing out.

"Fuck! Go get help!" Selena shouted at the football team, whose faces were shocked and horror washed about what just happened. Two of them ran away for help and Selena looked back down at Demi trying to wake her. Selena then noticed Demi's hand was filling with blood. "Oh my gosh! Demi!" She screamed and lifted her head, taking off her cheer sweater and placing it where Demi's head was bleeding. She started crying harshly and trying everything she could to help Demi. Her eyes ended up being so filled with tears that her version was blurred. The sound of an ambulance was heard and Selena looked up seeing four teachers running over and the principle. "Help her!"

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

"She's waking up." Demi heard faintly. She hummed and opened her eyes seeing white walls, and medical stuff.

"Dallas? Mom? Where am I?" Demi whispered confused and shut her eyes again holding her head. "My head hurts so badly." She whispered again.

"I know honey," She heard her mom say. "You're in the hospital. Selena claimed that you fell down at school and busted your head in the hall." She said softly holding her head.

Demi got a flash back of what happened and frowned pushing her mother's hand away. "You talked to Selena?" She asked a little shocked.

Her mother nodded with a smile. "She rode in the ambulance with you. She refused to stay at school knowing what happened. I didn't know you two were still friends." She grinned and looked to the door. "She's in the waiting room with your sister, let me go get her." Before Demi could say anything, her mother walked out.

No one knew about how Selena bullied Demi. So, she could get why her mother was so happy, she only knew the good of her. Demi sighed and looked at the blank wall then door at her arms, thank god her sleeve was down on her left arm, she was afraid they would've put the IV in that one. Thankfully, they put it in her right arm where there were no scars.

Demi looked up hearing a knock at the door and saw it open slowly; Selena popped her head in before walking in fully and closing the door. She smiled and fixed her skirt thinking of something to say to Demi. Selena couldn't think of anything so she just ran over and hugged Demi tightly.

Demi's eyes went wide at that and she just looked down at Selena, not moving at all. Selena slowly got up and she wiped her tears. "I thought I lost you." She forced a small laugh out and ran her hand through her own hair. "I was so worried." She whispered and looked over to her sweater on the counter with blood stained all over it.

Demi followed Selena's gaze to the sweater then looked back at Selena, "Why are you here?" She said with no emotion. She really hated the fact that Selena had the nerve to be worried and concerned after the years she bullied her.

Selena looked at Demi with hurt in her eyes then sat on her bed she was put in. "Demi, I care about you a lot. I'm so sorry for what I have done to you these years in high school. What I've done was very wrong of me and no, if you're thinking it took me just now to realize that's not true. I've always known, but I was tired of being a nobody and being bullied, I feel like I'm finally somebody Dems."

"So you left me and made me deal with all the bullying on my own. No to mention you turned on me and bullied me worse, even though you know exactly how it feels." Demi growled at Selena and set a glare on her.

Selena looked at her for a couple moments and felt her heart shatter. "I'm sorry." She whispered and got up leaving the room.

And of course, ten reviews as usual makes a new chapter appear !