Ok so now I'm trying a Code Lyoko story. I've had this one on paper for a while and now I'm going to publish it. Please review. I like reviews. This story is written with the human world of the original code Lyoko with the Lyoko outfits of Evolution. If you haven't watched Evolution this fic will confuse you. Fair warning. Disclaimer- I do not own Lyoko because I am not French.

In the fight between William and his clone.

"William I need you to grab that clone of yours." Jeremy said.

"Ok, when?" William replies.

"When I say go."

William then turns to smoke and tackles his double.

"Anytime now Jeremy." William said.

"Now!" Jeremy replies.

William grabs his copy and makes sure he can't get away. Then William and his clone start to devertualize. They appear in scanners across from each other. They fall out of the scanners unconscious.

30 minutes later

William woke up on the floor of the main lab his friends staring down at him.

"What happened." He asked as he sat up and saw his doppelganger tied up across the room. His outfit had changed like there's do. He looked like William still but his jacket was gone and his shirt was red with a black Lyoko/Xana mark.

"You came through the scanner and blacked out were not sure why." Aelita explained.

"When did he wake up?" William said nodding to his doppelganger.

"About ten minutes ago." Jeremy said. "Are you ok?"

"Just a little woosie. Why did you bring him here?" William replied.

"I noticed that he had a real life code not just a monster." Jeremy said.

"Now that your up we can question him." Ulrich said.

They all got up and walked to where Williams clone was tied up.

"Ok first, who are you? Why did Xana send you? Why do you look like William?" Jeremy said.

"First of all my name is Xanos, second Xana didn't make me come I was trying to find some one, the third I believe William can answer that." The clone replied.

Everyone looked at William. He held his head as he remembered things involving him and Lyoko.

"Ah there it is. He's starting to remember. I won't hide it from you because what I say William can remember it too be." Xanos said.