
Despite their appearances, they were anything but normal. Every single one of them was different. Special. Unique. And they understood that.

But it didn't mean they had to like it.

Sure, they understood that they were there for an important purpose. They were going to save to world. And in order to complete this task, they were created to be different. They were each given an amazing gift, a gift so incredible it didn't quite seem possible.

But that gift was actually a burden in disguise.

They seemed invincible, like nothing could hurt them. Each of them was strong in their own respect, able to handle whatever was thrown at them. They were bionic humans and nothing could stand in their way.

But even if they were half bionic, they were still half human, too.

Every human reaches a breaking point. The stress and pressure humans face can just be too much. Everyone reacts differently when they reach that point. Some can manage themselves better than others.

But everyone breaks down eventually.

They confronted more than the normal amount of stress and pressure. They were constantly thrown into impossible situations, and they always came out of them okay. They put on their brave faces and simply continued on with their daily lives.

But there are always repercussions.

Behind their brave faces they had to deal with their inner demons. They had to battle themselves and their feelings, feelings that sometimes seemed too intense to control. They pushed down their feelings and emotions and fears and hurt and pain until it didn't show.

But there are always repercussions.

So that was the prologue! Every chapter after this will focus on a specific episode and its repercussions. Let me know what you think!