Sirius stopped dead in his tracks at what he saw. He was too far away to hear them but he watched as James pulled a small bouquet of flowers from behind his back and handed them to Remus with a large smile on his face. "What the …." he didn't finish his sentence, he merely narrowed his eyes as he continued to stare.

Only after he saw Remus grab James' arm and pull him upstairs was Sirius able to move again. He was about to follow his friends when a voice called to him. "Hey Black." It was Lily Evans.

Lily stared in confusion at the staircase to the boy's dormitory. "Yeah, I don't get it either." She shook her head. "One minute he's falling over himself to try to get my attention, the next he's handing Remus flowers." She frowned. "I just don't get boys." She said flatly before turning around and leaving Sirius alone once more.

With his eyes narrowed and fist clenched Sirius made his way to the stairs. "He tells me he thinks I should admit my feelings to Remus then when I don't he does that!" he thought bitterly. "Some friend."

Remus and James sat on James' bed. James reclined his back against the headboard, his knees bent in front of him and his arms crossed over his chest. They hadn't said anything since they entered the room. If James was honest with himself he'd admit he was confused. He had given Remus the flowers and told him they were from a boy in their year. James thought with everything that happened that day the boy would have figured out who liked him. "So, why did a panic-stricken Remus drag him upstairs, saying they needed to talk?"James wondered. He waited patiently for his friend to speak up.

Remus sat cross-legged on James' bed in front of him, his hands laid in his lap. The young lycanthrope knew he had to say something but he needed to find the right words. He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "First," he began, looking at James intently. "I want to say thank you, I'm very flattered." James sent him a curious look but didn't question him so he continued. "But," Remus wet his lips. "I just don't return your feelings." he finished hurriedly.

If James hadn't been confused before, he was now. "What are you talking about?" his eyebrows raised.

Remus thought for a moment then smiled softly. "You fancy me and I still want to be friends but …." Remus stopped short when he noticed James slap a hand to his forehead. "What?" he asked James, unsure.

James slid his hand from his forehead down his face, minding his glasses. "My friends, they are prats." he thought. "Merlin's' sake Remus!" he said frustrated. "I don't fancy you!, Sirius does!" James shouted as he threw his head back and slapped his hand on the bed next to him. When he took the chance to look back at his friend, not only did he see a surprised Remus in front of him but he also saw a very pissed looking Sirius standing in the doorway. "Bloody freaking hell." James cursed as he threw his head back again."Bugger this." James thought. Sirius opened his mouth to say something but before he could utter a word James held a hand up to stop him. "Don't," James stood up, "Just don't." he groaned in irritation.

James walked towards Sirius and stopped when he was in between his bed, where Remus still sat and looked at James puzzled, and Sirius, who still stood near the door. "First; Remus," he looked at Remus tiredly. "I do like you but not like that. I was acting the way I was because Sirius likes you, you know, likes like, fancies." He was interrupted by Sirius, "James!" Sirius snapped at him. James turned to Sirius. "You fancy him." James pointed to Remus. "He fancies you." He pointed to Sirius. "And I," James pointed to himself. "I had enough of both of you and am going back to the party!" His friends watched in stunned silence as James pushed past Sirius and slammed the door behind him. They heard a faint muttering of, "Idiots, the lot of them."

James had been back at the party for nearly fifteen minutes when Peter sought him out. He had finally began to calm down and was enjoying talking with Frank and a few others about Quidditch.

"Looks like your plan worked." Peter began, nodding to a corner of the room.

James glanced at Peter and followed his gaze. Standing in a corner on the other end of the room were Sirius and Remus. The two stood close to each other and were smiling happily.

"It's about time." James said flatly. He couldn't help the smile that came to his lips though as he watched Sirius tuck a stray piece of hair behind Remus' ear and Remus look down shyly.

Frank laughed next to James. "You went about it in a weird way but," he clapped James on the back. "Good job Potter!" he exclaimed cheerfully with a wink.

James snorted. "Was there ever any doubt my plan would work?"

Peter and Frank looked away. "No, no, of course not." Frank said, unconvincingly. "Never doubted you for a moment." Peter chimed in.

James sighed loudly. "Learned one thing though," He glanced between Peter and Frank.

"Your friends are prats?" Peter offered.

Pushing up his glasses, James shook his head. "Besides that."

"What?" Frank questioned.

"Never try to plan a surprise for Sirius." James said with a grin. They all burst into laughter.