Author's note: Izaya-sama & Shizuo-sama Productions presents Crimson temptation.

Hey hey~ Long time no smut, right? *laughs* We were a little busy with our zombie fic, but it doesn't mean we don't have any yummy stories to share with you, dear readers. So, here we bring our long steamy adventure in baths to warm you up in the middle of freezing winter (not really freezing over here, but who cares~). As for myself (Izaya speaking), I would say this is so far my favourite smexy rp-turned-into-story, so I hope you'll enjoy it as well.

And when I say it's long, I mean looooong. So long that I had to split it into two chapters. So, here you go with the first one, the second's coming soon~

Title: Crimson temptation.
Rating: M (for a reason~)
Pair: Shizuo x Izaya (this story contains
male x male relationship)
Disclaimer: Durarara! or any of its characters aren't intellectual nor tangible property of the authors of this story.

"What do you want to do, Shizu-chan~?" Izaya whispered playfully in Shizuo's ear, wrapping his arms around his lover right after he appeared in informant's apartment in Shinjuku.

Blonde laughed when Izaya's breath tickled him in his ear. "You're being too close~"

"Am I? No way~" The raven chuckled in response, but still clinged to his prey just like a flea. "And what do you plan to do about it, Shizu-chan~?"

"Yes, you are." Shizuo pushed his palm onto Izaya's chest so that the smaller male plopped down to the couch. "And I plan to do that." He commented his action with snicker.

"Hmpf~" Groan escaped from his throat as Izaya fell down on the couch with a soft 'thud', though he quickly recovered and smirking like usual he reached with his arm to tug on Shizuo's shirt. "Not fair that you can overpower me so easily."

"You've had the chance to overpower me lots of times already, flea." A smirk tugged at Shizuo's lips as he surprisingly joined the other without hesitation. "But in the end, I dominate you easily. And you like it."

"Hmm, I can't deny that~" Izaya admitted sheepishly with a chuckle. He used the chance of having the object of his affection so close and got on top of him, gazing into hazel eyes with a smirk lingering on his lips. "How could I resist such a sexy beast as you, Shizu-chan~" He leaned down to start to nibble on Shizuo's neck.

"Izaya.." Blonde craned his head at an angle, liking the soft nips at his sensitive neck area. His hands raked through the locks at the back of Izaya's head and he tugged them back a bit to look into informant's auburn eyes. "Heh, you're being clingy today. Haven't you finished all your work?"
Izaya returned the look and then lazily yawned, resembling a cat that's just about to take a little nap on stomach of its master. "I had to work hard last days, now I deserve some relax, ne~?" With that he comfortably stretched himself on top of Shizuo, brushing his lips against blonde's jaw with small ghostly kisses.

Shizuo couldn't help but smirk sheepishly to himself with the sudden satisfaction growing in him, the emotion evident by the sparkle in his chocolate eyes. "Yeah.. You should pay attention to me more, ya'know." He admitted shyly as he cupped the other's cheek and sealed their lips tenderly.
Izaya didn't hesitate to return the sweet affection, but tapped Shizuo's nose with his forefinger right after he broke the kiss. "Eh~? Nobody ever told you that when you want something, you should take it, Shizu-chan~?" He gazed at the blonde with eyes lit by playful challenging sparks.

Shizuo's expression turned into a frown when Izaya pulled away, leaving him breatheless. "Hmph.." His pupils darted up to look at informant with suppressed dissapointment. "What if I told you, I want you to take a day off? We could go somewhere.. Just you and me."

"Now, that sounds interesting~" Izaya rested his head on his hand, observing Shizuo's face from close proximity. Tips of his finger stroked blonde's lips very softly. "Mind to tell me more? You didn't take me on a date for eternity." He uttered with a grin, showing that the idea interested him quite a lot.

"It's been forever. I blame you for being busy." Shizuo chuckled in response and took the opportunity to featherly kiss the tip of Izaya's fingers. Then he closed his eyes as options ran through his head. "I was thinking we'd go to the hotsprings, if you want. Then I could buy you lunch. Think I have some extra money by the end of the month."

"Uwaaa, hot water and then some juicy tuna, that sounds simply wonderful, Shizu-chan~" Izaya leaned closer and nibbled on Shizuo's ear, visibly pleased by the proposal. "I can pay my share of the money, you don't have to spend all of your pay check, okay?"

Shizuo blinked in disbelief at how easily his lover agreed. "Really? I-I mean.." He coughed when Izaya started with soft nibbles, feeling a hot breath in his ear. "Thought you didn't like the hotsprings. But I'm not complaining or anything."

"I like to melt a bit in hot water, when the weather is cold. Which really is these days." Izaya slit a tip of his tongue a bit into the ear in front of him. He tickled the place for a second, just to pull away with a soft laugh.

"You got a point. It doesn't help that you get cold easily..."Shizuo chuckled, surprised as Izaya slit his tongue inside. In return he jabbed raven's ribs.

Izaya made a silly grin as Shizuo poked him. "Besides, I know you'll send flying across half of the city any old perv that would try to lay his dirty fingers on my fine body."

Blonde sighed and wrapped his arms around Izaya's torso, pulling him into a protective and warming embrace out of reflex. "Oh, don't worry. I won't let any moron touch you. Besides, they're more into girls than you." He had to laugh a bit. "..Let's go to the one at 'Bukuro than."

Izaya joined him with a knowing chuckle. "Oh well, it could be fun. So? When do you want to go on a date?"

"Ah, we could go now. Unless you have something to do, then later." Shizuo tilted his head in question.

"Oh, I suppose I can delay molesting my lover on the couch..." Izaya looked up thoughtfully, fighting back a smirk, but soon he jumped to his feet laughing. "Sure, we can go right now. Let's go, let's go~" He grabbed Shizuo's hand and enthusiastically pulled him up.

Blonde stood up with a sigh, keeping his gaze glued onto the smaller man. "You can try molesting me when we're at the onsen. That could be a challenge for you. And I know how much you looove challenges." He chuckled. "If we hurry, the train might still be there."

"I can't believe that you encourage me into such a lewd behaviour. Is there the Armageddon approaching or something?" Izaya laughed, grabbing his jacket and some other things, all prepared to leave.

"C'mon. It's not like everybody's gonna see you. We can go to the far-off back~"

"You can bet I won't be able to resist such a temptation, Shizu-chan~ So, come on, snail, or they'll close before we get there."

"Alright, alright, I'm coming." Shizuo shrugged and followed the raven, opening the door of Izaya's apartment. He held Izaya's small hand closely and after closing the door and locking it, he took the other downstairs into the streets of Shinjuku.

Izaya snickered, still thinking about the things Shizuo proclaimed so unexpectedly. As he walked next to the tall blonde, he glanced at him amused. "Seems like you put a lot of thinking into this, Shizu-chan~ I didn't know you have a weakness for sex at public places. What an interesting fact to learn about you..." He chirped teasingly on their way to the train station.

"Heh. I wasn't thinking about sex at all. All I said was that you can be seductive when we're in the water." Shizuo replied back innocently as he arrived at the station with info-broker next to him. People didn't recognize him because he wasn't in his usual bartender uniform, instead in normal clothes. After paying for tickets, he gestured to Izaya to find a seat first.

"Suuuure~" Izaya cooed knowingly as a reaction to Shizuo's innocent facade and looked around the train, which was full of people coming from or to work. Plus there was a lot of students too. As soon as he noticed one free seat, he pulled Shizuo that way. How everything happened all too fast caught Shizuo off-guard but nonetheless he still followed the leading raven. Izaya pushed Shizuo down on the free seat before he had any chance to complain or struggle and then he sat on the knees of his stunned partner. "It makes it more thrilling, doing something so dirty at a place where someone can find out what's going on, ne~?" Izaya wrapped his arms around blonde's neck and whispered the words right into his ear.

Shizuo's eyes widened when Izaya ended in his lap, the action made him grunt. "It could be.. Until someone finds out. /That/'ll be ugly. I don't want to get caught in situations like that.." Blonde nervously placed his hands at Izaya's ribs, trying hard not to get aroused especially in the train. "We're in public, you know."

"Whoa, we really are~" Izaya chuckled innocently as if he was just told some shocking news. "Don't be so stiffen, Shizu-chan, it'll be fun. Nobody's going to catch us." He winked at the blonde conspiratorially. "Besides, /you/ were the one who came up with this idea, Shizu-chan~ Take the responsibility." Izaya smirked and one of his hands slid down to stroke Shizuo's crotch, his daring action hidden by his fluffy black coat. He continued with teasing his beloved monster, faking angelic expression while doing so.

"Y-you're not serious." Shizuo bit his lip as he shot a glare at the other, but his efforts proved useless as a faint moan escaped from his mouth. Inside his boxers, his member was dangerously at the peak of getting hard while his breathing became even more erratic. "Izaya, we can't do it here." He looked at the people standing in the train to see if they were making a scene, but fortunately people didn't notice them.

"I know, but it's fun to tease you nevertheless." Izaya laughed impishly and withdrew his hand, just patiently waiting for the right stop for the rest of the journey, sitting innocently in Shizuo's lap as if his hand never wandered to the areas where it was inappropriate in public. Nobody around really gave a damn about what's going on in a train, staring into newspapers or screens of their phones or just gazing out of the window while listening to music. "You're way too paranoid, Shizu-chan. People don't stare at you all the time, they have better things to do." Informant smiled and gently ruffled Shizuo's blonde hair. "But let's spare the continuation into the bath~"

"Tch. Louse." Shizuo laughed quietly as he leaned back, enjoying how everybody was ignoring him for once, without giving him the terrified stares as they squeal behind his back. The ride to the next city was calm from that point and bright from the scenery outside the window; Shizuo held Izaya's lithe body close to him all the time. The pressure in the train suddenly halted and from the look of old men and teenages swarming out from a slowly opening door, he noticed that they've arrived at the stop. "We're here. C'mon.." He urged the other to stand first.

"Weee~ Hot water is waiting for us." With almost childish enthusiasm Izaya quickly stood up and ran out off the train, turning to wave at his companion. "C'mon, Shizu-chan~ You're the one who's taking me out, so lead the way," he grinned brightly and waited.

Blonde stood up groggily and followed after Izaya, struggling to get through the people who's bustling out of the doors of the train. He managed to catch up to info-broker, hugging himself with his hands at the cold weather. "Kughh, sure is cold. Even for me." He approached toward Izaya and walked next to him. "I know this onsen near Sunshine60.. we can go there~"

Everfreezing raven wrapped his arm around Shizuo's to make both -mainly himself though- a little warmer. "Don't tell me you haven't noticed until now that it's winter, Shizu-chan." His auburn eyes stared up at Shizuo in mild disbelief as Izaya followed his lover's leading, but after a second he simply shook his head and let the topic slip from his mind. It was already cold enough as it was, he didn't have to turn himself into icicle by even thinking about the Siberian weather. "Near Sunshine? Oh, I think I came across that onsen few times." He uttered thoughtfully once the discussed topic has changed. "Do you go there often, Shizu-chan?"

Blonde ambled at the sidewalk, which was lightly frozen with thin ice and he huffed, his breathe coming out in vapour. He smirked at how it closely resembled how he smokes during summer. "Yeah, I used to go there sometimes. Found out about it when I was collecting debts. Turns out it was cheap.. even with private rooms and stuff."

Izaya perked his ears in interest. "Private rooms, you say?" Spontaneous wide grin spread across his lips. "That sounds really...comfortable~" As a yarn of non-punishable thoughts started to untangle in his mind, he stopped paying attention to the pavement and soon slipped on the polished ice covering the asphalt. If it wasn't for Shizuo's arm, which he ended up hanging on, he would be lying flat on his back on the cold ground now. "Whoa~" A little nervous laugh escaped him as he tried to maintain his balance.

Shizuo clanged back to raven, preventing him from falling down any further. "Jeez, watch your step~" He sighed and firmly held Izaya's hand, making his way at the onsen. "Ahh, yeah. But the rooms aren't free. You have to pay to get a room. And I heard they have geishas there too, but dunno if it's true." Debt collector chuckled at the idea. Soon he stopped in front of a beautiful glass entrance. "Here it is. You ever been here before?"

Izaya observed the building for a moment and then glanced at the other with a smirk. "Really, Shizu-chan...Do I look like someone who would go to a place like this? I would never go there alone." He pointed at the glass door with a shuddering hand. "Let's go in before we freeze, ne~?"

"I was just asking.." Shizuo walked off in front of the raven and pushed the door open. Still holding the other's hand he dragged the smaller man in with him. The stark smell of roses was in the air as they went to the front counter. After taking care of payment, Shizuo pointed at the narrow room for men. "We just go in here to the springs, and they even prepare kimono for us after we're done. Neat, ne?"

While waiting for blonde to finish handling with young woman in beautiful kimono with floral pattern, Izaya looked around with curiosity. "Hm? Ah, I suppose you can say it's a nice service for customers."

"Yeah. No wonder Tom-san really likes this place." Bodyguard bowed a bit to pretty cashier and she giggled.

Izaya couldn't wait to warm up his frozen body in steaming water, so he walked toward the room that Shizuo pointed at. "Well, let's dip into the bath, Shizu-chan~" Not too far behind him Shizuo walked in the room too. He handed a small key for a locker to informant and shot him a calm smile. "You keep your clothes here. Towels are already placed in the locker. I'll see you at the springs, Izaya.~" With that he wandered off to his locker and stripped.

Humming some popular song, Izaya found his own locker and neatly put all of his clothes in there, stealing a glances at Shizuo stripping on the other side of the room. "Just like in highschool~" He chuckled for himself at the memory, wrapping soft white towel around his waist. "I'm leaving to the bath, Shizu-chan~" He called at half-naked blonde and disappeared from the dressing room.

Shizuo looked behind his shoulder at leaving Izaya and nodded before he messily stuffed his clothes in the locker just like in gym class. "Ahh.." He contracted his abs a bit before wrapping a towel around his hips, slamming the locker close. Then he followed the mist in the air and made a beeline to the springs. "Hmm, shit. This feels great." He sighed pleased as he went to the hot water, while trying to locate his lover in the big pool.

After leaving the locker room Izaya really tried to believe in Shizuo's words that there won't be any old geezers hitting on him, but the loud whistle that echoed through a room as he entered the bath made it really hard to believe. He was really proud of his slim lithe body, which was pretty much the modern ideal of beauty in his opinion, but he always received alarming amount of lusty glances from random people, not really depending on their gender. It was hard to tell whether it was because of his androgynous beauty or effeminate behaviour, but nevertheless the reason, it was quite bothering. With a sigh he looked for the least crowded part of the pool and went that way, dipping himself into the warmness, while leaving the towel on the side of the pool. "Aaah, this feels so nice~" With a pleasured sigh he leaned against the wall while sitting down and closed his eyes until he felt some presence near him. "Damn..." He facepalmed inwardly when he opened one of his eyes and spotted some guy, who definitely wasn't his Shizu-chan, moving inch by inch closer to him. Informant moved to the side as well, keeping a good distance between himself and the other man. "Geez..." He rolled his eyes as the guy sat right next to him with awfully friendly 'hello~' uttered his way. "I don't have any interest in you." Izaya looked at the guy coldly, but the idiot wrapped his arm around Izaya's shoulders, speaking in disgustingly sultry voice. "C'mon, we can have a little bit fun together."

Shizuo stretched as he moved around in the water, the hot and steamy air was really getting to him. There were a few old men goofing off at the side, while serious-looking business men loitered at the other side, clinging to the edge of the bath. Remembering that they're supposed to meet at the back, Shizuo made his way to the back of the onsen, the number of people was not as many as they were at the front. "Izaya..?" Shizuo spotted the object of his search and the other man, and with a scowl he approached them.

"O-oi, I said I'm not interested. Take that arm from me if you don't want to see it broken." Izaya hissed irritated, just when he spotted blonde tuft approaching him. "Shizu-chan~" He called in relief, got rid off the guy's arm and quickly headed to his beloved partner.

Blonde watched the whole scene with a growl, like a bomb - just waiting to explode. He huffed through his nose similar to like a bull's, and as Izaya headed towards him, he pushed him gently off to the side. "Stand aside. That bastard had his filthy arms around you. Pisses me off." With incredibly furious eyes he quickly went towards the guy, with the same aura like how he used to fight a cunning information broker before he actually got together with him. "Oi, bastard." He called off to the horrified man as he grabbed the guy's hair and dunked his head under the water violently, causing a splash.

Izaya sighed and even when he felt kind of happy upon seeing Shizuo's protecting instincts kicking in, he slowly approached the blonde and tapped his shoulder, standing behind him. "Eee...Shizu-chan? I would gladly let you drown that creepo, but if this is going to continue, they'll kick us from here..." He wrapped his arms around Shizuo's tensed body soothingly. "Let's just enjoy the bath in peace, ne? I suppose everybody will leave us be now, Shizu-chan~" He proposed and planted a few soft calming kisses between Ikebukuro fortissimo's shoulder blades.

Fuming blonde calmed down eventually as all his focus settled back to his lover. Letting go of the guy's head, he jeered at the man before he turned and quickly kissed Izaya's cheek as a warning to any other guys in the onsen, just to let them know that the sexy raven is taken. Then he lifted surprised informant up and carried him over his shoulder. "Let's go to the other end. Where no guys will come and pester us." He finally let the other down just at the most secluded area at the back. "Hn. Much better."

Faint blush spread across Izaya's face as he was carried so unceremoniously across the whole pool and he plopped under the water right after Shizuo put him down, letting just his nose and eyes above the surface. "Causing such a ruckus, Shizu-chan..." He rested his head on blonde's shoulder when he calmed down after a minute. But despite his scolding words, smile shined on his lips.

Shizuo rested next to Izaya in the water with a sigh, because few people already recognized who he is thanks to his blonde, bleached hair and familiar temper. "Doesn't matter. If it meant shaking that guy off, then I don't mind causing a scene. Besides, you like attention." He closed his eyes with a smile, liking how the mist heated up his body and relaxed his tense muscles.

"I suppose I have to thank you, my knight in shining armour~" Izaya snickered and kissed Shizuo's cheek. "Hn. Don't have to thank me..." Blonde flushed as he got a peck.

"And you wanted to say that I /usually/ like attention, Shizu-chan~" Izaya corrected the statement as his hand rested on Shizuo's thigh and stroked it. His movements weren't visible under steamy water at all, but he was sure that the other can feel it just well, when his fingers teased Shizuo's inner thigh. "Not really so much when I'm being carried around as a sack of potatoes, butt naked. I don't want any other eyes besides yours on me. Moreover when I plan to play with you a little, sweetheart~" He uttered in his velvet seductive voice, lips curled into his usual mischievous smirk.

Feeling movement underwater, Shizuo turned to gaze at his partner with a playful smirk on his lips, his possessiveness growing at every minute. "Good. Because I don't want anybody else seeing you like this.." He reached out to stroke Izaya's cheek, before pulling his face into him, crashing their lips together.

"Mmm~" Raven gladly gave into Shizuo's possessive kiss and without even parting his lips from the other's, he moved to sit in blonde's lap. Kissing his lover sweetly back, his hands trailed up and down nicely toned muscles of Shizuo's stomach and chest.

Bodyguard delved his tongue inside info-broker, the kiss just growing even more passionate as he started licking the crevice of Izaya's lips, wrapping his arms around the slender body to pull him closer. Eagerness of the kiss and feeling of safety and comfort in Shizuo's arms together with a thrill coming from doing something like this on the edge of being find out, that all made Izaya shudder in excitement and his member responded to it too. It got harder by every touch of Shizuo's tongue on his lips. Shizuo strangely got aroused right there too, the thought of being in public didn't bother him, which was rare because he's always been against that. Underneath the water, his member soon rubbed against Izaya's.

"Hnnn~" Izaya moaned sweetly, but quietly into Shizuo's mouth, when blonde's cock started to rub against his and his tongue soon joined the other in a heated battle of French kissing. Shizuo's cock started to twitch with a sharp thrust of his hips. The blonde created a delicious friction with Izaya's member, even being underwater, the fact turning him on even further. After battling in raven's mouth, tongue surging with each other, Shizuo broke the kiss with a gasp and instantly latched onto his lover's neck, licking the skin with a growl emitting in his throat. "..Izayaa.." He groaned as he held the other close to him.

Izaya's fingers dug into muscles of Shizuo's back as his senses started to be overload with stimulating sensations. With his arms tightly wrapped around the blonde, he rocked his hips against Shizuo's, rubbing both throbbing cocks against each other. "Shizuo..." He breathed out in response between sharp pants and mewls as the addressed man assaulted his neck just the way that made him melt. "N-ne... We probably shouldn' the public pool..Shizu-chan..." Izaya panted softly into blonde's ear, but rolling of his hips didn't match his words at all. His rational self didn't stand a chance against the primal animalistic instinct that made him crave for release. Each thrust of his hips was bringing both of them closer to a blissful end.

Shizuo didn't seem to care about Izaya's words at all, he rather decided to seal his lips with his own again, in a way to shut up the overly talkative flea. Feeling like he wanted to mark the other all over, to be the one to fill him and pleasure him, he kissed him hard, not giving Izaya any time to react. "Mnn.." He moaned in the kiss, getting nearer to the brink of release as pleasurable sensations overtook his body. Izaya succumbed to Shizuo's demanding lips and let him completely ravish his mouth, orgasm slowly building in pits of his stomach. With another powerful roll of his hips that made his hard rod meet with Izaya's, Shizuo came in the water with a loud grunt, semen gushing out of his tip.

"Aah~ " Izaya gasped into the kiss when semen shot out of his pulsating member too and joined Shizuo's, disappearing in hot water of the big pool. He continued to thrust his body against blonde's until the sensation jolting through his body disappeared. "Shizu-chan~ So make such a" He panted smiling and put a butterfly kiss on a corner of Shizuo's lips. "It was great though." He nuzzled his face to crook of Shizuo's neck, resting after the energy draining activity.

Panting heavily, Shizuo placed his hands on Izaya's black hair as the smaller man rested on the crook of his neck, a wave of pleasure shivered down his spine after the powerful orgasm. "Tsk. Don't care. Those other men'll know that you belong to me." He watched white strings flowed through the water in the direction of people who were still staying there and resisted a laugh.

"I just wanted to imply that...Imagine there's someone doing exactly the same thing as you and me and we're now nicely resting in water full of their body liquids." Izaya snickered, his breath tickling the blonde on the wet skin, while his hand stroked the broad heaving chest lovingly. "There's a big difference between being covered from head to toe by your cum and someone's else, Shizu-chan~ The first is hot, the latter is disgusting." He continued in his playful rant, enjoying the sweet remains of slowly disappearing afterglow.

Blonde bodyguard smoothed out the satin skin at Izaya's back under the water, ripples flowing at the surface of the onsen. "Hmph. I won't let you anywhere near someone who takes interest in you. Only I'm allowed to mark you and claim you." He nodded to further justify his speech.

"Speaking about that, I wouldn't mind to be filled by your right now, Shizu-chan." Izaya exclaimed all of sudden, whispering the proposal in a lewd voice right into Shizuo's ear, after he realized that the one heated moment wasn't even near enough to satisfy his neglected libido.

Shizuo nuzzled his nose into semi-wet raven coloured hair, arousal threatening to take over his body again. "Izaya.. I'll gladly fill you up to my liking but we can't do it here. It'll hurt for you." He replied breathlessly, furrowing his brows.

To make Shizuo simply nod to his proposal, Izaya nibbled on the sensitive place on blonde's ear while purring seductive words into it. "You said something about private rooms, didn't you? I suppose we could check the service that they provide in those little oasis of relax hot...pleasure~"

Shizuo shivered pleasurably at every breath of a whisper that his sly lover purred in his ear. His eyes closed when Izaya nibbled one of his sensitive spots. "I-I told you they're a little too expensive for me.."

To deliver more impact to his speech, Izaya grabbed Shizuo's chin with his hand and turned blonde's face to side to look at him. "Just give in, ne~? I'm sure we'll both enjoy to our heart content, Shizu-chan." He grinned, not even trying to play innocent this time, as he gazed at his partner with expectations shining in his brown-reddish eyes.

Shizuo gazed back in Izaya's eyes as a mixture of emotions swirled inside him, making him want the raven even more. "Fine.." He cupped Izaya's face and rested his forehead onto informant's. "Just this once, I'll let you pay for the room. And I always wondered how you look in a kimono..Not bad, I guess. C'mere~" He grabbed Izaya's hand as he stepped out of the water. A male worker handed him the robes and he grabbed them.

"Yay~" Izaya's face lightened with a genuine joy as he followed Shizuo out of the basin, wrapping himself into a soft warm bathrobe that his companion handed to him. "You won't regret this, Shizu-chan~" He intertwined his fingers with blonde's and dragged him towards the reception, to ask for a private room. Shizuo followed Izaya towards the reception eagerly and stared into space, waiting for the payments to settle.

As Izaya settled everything and paid for the room, he carefully listened to instructions, knitting his brows together as if something was troubling him. After the young receptionist finished, he gave her charming smile and leaned closer to her, whispering something into her ear so Shizuo couldn't hear what it was about.

"Oi, Izaya, what are you...?" Blonde tilted his head with a frown at how info-broker whispered to the woman, curious on what the flea's trying to keep a secret from him. Izaya turned back to him, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "This will be so much fun, Shizu-chan~" Before he had a chance to say anything more, a beautiful geisha appeared and leaded them both into their private onsen room. Shizuo was awe-struck when the geisha came into the room and all questions disappeared from his mind as he was staring mesmerised at her beautiful porcelain face, reminding him of a doll. When they came to the open sliding doors of their room, Shizuo continued inside, but Izaya stayed on the corridor with a woman and waved at the blonde. "Ne, make yourself comfortable, I'll be right back, Shizu-chan~"

Just when Shizuo entered the private room, he turned around as Izaya waved at him. "Fine, but don't take too long." Looking around, a blue kimono caught his eye so he put it on, letting out a huge sigh at the after effects of hot water on skin, which was a calming sensation that settles all around his body.

Not too smutty, was it~? *smirks* Take it like a teaser for the next chapter, which is even longer than this one. This was a full-of-plot chapter, the next one is'll see~ I wonder if you can guess correctly just how many times Izaya & Shizuo are going to have their sweet time *snickers* Oh well, if you have a guess, you can leave a review. Or leave a review if you want to motivate us to work on the second chapter more quickly~ Anyway, stay tuned.