Hilda (White): A 16 year old female from the Unova region. She grew up with her childhood friends Bianca and Cheren. Once she received her starter Pokemon from Professor Juniper she began her Pokemon Journey, and succeeded. She's portrayed as an enthusiastic, loving, curious and when she needs to be serious girl. She took down N, beat her rivals, and caught many wonderful Pokemon. However, she feels like her accomplishments isn't enough...she feels like there's more to be done.
If you don't know what Hilda looks like (you obviously should) here.
Red: An 18 year old male who started his Pokemon Journey at the age of 11 on a quest to fill up Professor Oak's Pokedex. First ever Pokemon Trainer, received all 8 kanto badges, took down a whole batch of team rocket, won the indigo league, caught all 151 Pokemon, and slayed his rival, Gary Oak. Quiet, serious, and ambitious Red discontinued his journey in Kanto.
If you wanna know what he looks like in THIS fic, here's a link. .
Hilda's POV
I was awakened my Pokèmon, who always waited for me to wake up every morning. I stretched, pulling a muscle and then grabbing on to it in pain. "What time is it?" I yawned while rubbing my eyes. Of course, I am awoken at a very early time. How unfortunate. I kept only one Pokemon with me in my room, while the rest were with Professor Juniper for further research and she took care of them. I'd usually visit them 5 times a week. I had kept my starter, who is now a Samurott. Her best friend, he's been there from the beginning she she'll never ever leave him. "Aw, I know you want to go outside with me but our journey is over. I need some sleep, it's really early." I yawn.
I kind of felt odd saying but our journey is over because I didn't want it to be over. I wanted to keep going. I decided I'd stay home and hang out with my friends and have a normal leading life, because I felt like there was nothing else left to do...I took down N and Team Plasma, so what more? I took down Hilbert too, we still have arguments on who's the "better" trainer. I don't think one of us is better but he claims that I don't know anything. A normal rivalry sort of thing,right?
Then, there was something bothering me. Like I had to run an errand or do something. I don't know why my dumb brain always pushes me to do something. I sighed, and took a whiff of my morning breath and thought that since I can't fall back asleep anyways I should just get dressed and get something to eat. "I can't feel my face." I groaned and fell onto my bed. Samurott frowned and gave me a nice water gun. "Huh?! I'm up!" I got up shaking my self as drops of water scattered everywhere. Oh great, now my rooms all soaked. "Samurott!" I laughed. "Well, I guess it is time for me to get up, huh?" I smiled at him. He nodded, seeming pleased and I went to my room to get dressed. I didn't really need to wash my face thanks to Samurott.
I went to get the casuals, I changed into my white tank top, black vest, faded shorts, wrist bands, and got my bag. "Where is my hat?" I scramble around my closet. I'm one of those people who needs to wear a hat because I feel completely naked without one. I found it did my hair and went downstairs to eat. Of course my mom wouldn't be up this early. So I just went and made myself a simple breakfast. As I ate I thought to myself what should I do today. What should I do? Call Bianca? Annoy Hilbert? Visit my Pokèmon? Ah yes, that's the first thing I'll do. I doubt Professor Juniper is even awake, well she probably is...doing her er ehm, "professor work" Yeah, I'll call it that.
But then I decided to wait an hour. It's still the early day and there isn't a rush. Besides, with all the free time I got all the time in the world to go to her. I'm just excited to do something. Maybe I can run errands for her, like clean her lab or something? No thanks, I probably will get to help her take care of the Pokèmon. It was still 6:30 am, I went to go brush my teeth and had some coffee, because oops I stayed up late last night. Once I threw my dishes in the sink I heard my mother call my name. "Hilda? Is that you downstairs?"
"Yeah, I'm eating." I replied. "Why are you up on saturday morning?" My mother questioned me. "Samurott." I yawned. "Oh that cutesy thing." My mom blushed. "Uhm...yeah." I stared at her. "So, you look ready? You usually would be in your pajamas watching tv." My mom poured herself orange juice while speaking. "I'm going to see Professor Juniper today." I answered. "Oh, why?" My mom yet agains questions me. "Because, I wanna just do something." I said, hoping for her to set me free. "Okay, then..have fun." My mom waves goodbye. "C'mon Samurott!" I called on him to come from upstairs.
We both went to Proffesor Juniper's lab. "Professor?" I call out. "Hilda? Is that you?" I saw her head inside the cabinet, she seemed to be looking for something. "Yeah, it's me." I walked in. She stuck her head out, and pulled out a notebook. "Hi there! Did you want to see your Pokemon? They seem really fit and-" Professor Juniper was interrupted by me. "No, um...well yeah. But, I wanted to help you around." I gesture my hands around her messy desk. "Oh Hilda, that is very nice of you. You can start at this mess." Professor Hilda sweetly singsonged. "Well, Samurott...I guess it's time to clean this place around." I chuckled.
After hours of work, I kept asking for more errands to do for her. I was in and out of her lab the entire day. I was extra motivated. An hour later I finished yet another task with Samurott. "Professor, what next?" I asked her kindly. "Hmmm...I actually have nothing else for you to do...you've done everything. You wanna go home?" She scratched the back of her neck showing she was out of ideas. She noticed my unsatisfied look as I roll my eyes to the corner. "I can see you really want to do something, you don't like not being on a journey. You're so used to Pokemon Journeys and you want to do more..." Professor Juniper read my mind without me knowing it. I was actually used to acquiring gym badges and city to city...but all that was needed to do was just left done.
"Tell you what." Professor Juniper walked over to a shelf and reached out for a notebook. She quickly flipped through the pages. "How about you go on another journey?" She suggested. "Where?" I was confused. "Hilda, you're lack of knowledge on our world amuses me." Professor Juniper chuckled. I didn't get what she meant...but okay. I cocked my head to the left to signal her to continue on what she was going to say. "I have a good friend, named Professor Oak." She begins. "What town? I never heard of him." I was surprised. "No, Hilda...not town...region." It came to me, I understood what a region was I'm not that dumb, but what? "Kanto. Interesting place. Beautiful Pokèmon and in my opinion has more challenging gyms. The idea of a Pokedex was created by Oak and he had two of his apprentices help work on it with him." She explains further more. "And?" I wanted more information. "I think you'll enjoy it there. I can ask him to give you and empty Pokèdex for you to complete on your own, and do more activities there to keep you busy for a while. Because that's what you love, being busy. It's like a fresh start." Professor Juniper explains again. "A new region...how far is that from here?" I was confused. "The other side of the globe..." She trails off. "This is beyond exciting. Where do I start? When can I go?" I literally ate her up with all my questions. She pointed a finger at me and went to another room. She came back. "Here are plane tickets to Pallet Town, that's where Professor Oak's lab is. "Oh my gosh..this all seems to fast.." I looked at the tickets with utter surprise. "Do you not want to go?" Professor Juniper bulged her eyes and cocked her head to the side. "No! Of course! I-I-I" I stammered with surprise. This was all too exciting...an adventure...
"Samurrot! Let's head on!" I squealed to my Pokemon. "Hilda?" Professor Juniper asked. "Yes?' I said. "I know you won't be happy with this but I think you should leave Samurrot here." Professor Juniper raided on my parade. "Why." Was the first thing that escaped my mouth, I said it in a rush, demanding. I mean, no one can just tell me to leave my best friend behind on this exiting new quest right?
"You wanted a new challenge so I'm giving you one. Kanto isn't familiar with Unova pokemon. We have a more advanced system and you'll have an advantage. It'll be too easy for you, and you'll be back here in a few days." Professor Juniper convinced me. As she was talking I knelt down next to Sammurot stroking his head. I didn't know what to say, but she made a good point. I wouldn't be gone forever. I would be back. I looked unsure. "You can pick a starter from Professor Oak." She suggested. I sigh and made my decision. I have to go to Kanto. "Yes." one word, I said for her to easily comprehend that I was ready for anything. "Good. Here you go it leaves today because I know how excited you are." Professor Juniper yet again read my mind. How cunning.
Then, off I went. I marched home to try to convince my mom to let me go. Of course she would. She's used to it. It's a tradition. "Mom." I walked in. She smiled at the doorway handing me my backpack loaded. I raised my eyebrow inviting her to explain. "Professor Juniper called and said your on your way to a new region!" Mother pats my shoulder. As I peered over I saw Hilbert behind her. "Hilbert?" I gasped. "Hilda...you're going to a new region, huh?" He chuckled. I smiled idiotically. "Yes, and that includes not you." I teased. "You won't even last a day." He smirked. Hilbert never knows when to stop. We have this sort of freniemies type of deal. I mean, he just finds it hilarious to tick me off. We always exchanged insults back and forth...it's kind of my way to flirt...I kind of have the slightest crush on Hilbert and I know he likes me too...but I can't think about that. He ruffled my hair. "Make Unova big for us, kay squirt?" He smiled at me. "Will do." I shake his hand as a goodbye. "Here, take this picture of me. I know it's beautiful." Hilbert winked. "No." I frowned. He slid it into my backpack with his famous smirk. "Try not to cause trouble." I said. I hugged my mom as a goodbye, until next time.
I ran to the airport. I was about to do something big. I mean, I don't think anyone from our region has been through what I'm going to experiance soon. I felt..lucky. I jogged foreshadowing my future it was clouding with excitement. I wanted to gush about it with Samurrot, but he wasn't there. I suddenly felt inconsolable for just leaving him like that, sort of like I was being selfish. I thought that I let the excitement carry me away. Should I turn back? I can't do that. Mom probably told everyone what I was about to earn, she even told Hilbert. And Hilbert..is he thinking about me? I know I will be, because I'm doing it right now and I should stop.
There it was, I showed the people my ticket and looked at the dashboards. It read Olivine City, Johto, Petalburg City, Hoenn, Lumoise City, Kalos, and other regions reading Orange Islands, Sinnoh, and there it was...Pallet Town, Kanto. I was amused on how many regions there where...it seemed like I didn't even know a quarter about Pokèmon when I really did. "Pallet Town Kanto...Boarding." The announcer read. Oh no, I gotta run!
I was suddenly finding myself in the plane waiting for Kanto. What did I expect? Who would I meet? I just stared at the window waiting to reach the other side of the world...
I drifted off to sleep...
I woke up and someone pushed me to warn me we're landing. I stared at the place, it Pallet Town seemed very astonishing. Rivers, woods, and the small station is where we were left off at. The plane landed and it was time for me to get out. Once I did I smelt Pallet Town's air. It smelt like nature, didn't have the big city looks like Nuvema Town. I still favored it. Still thought it was beautiful.
I saw an old man; red shirt, beige pants, white lab coat, grey-ish hair and determined eyebrows walking towards me. "Hilda?" He asked for me. "That's me.." I suspiciously looked at him.
"I'm Professor Oak. From Pallet Town. Welcome. Let me get you started." He took my bag and walked me down to his lab. This is where it begins.