Please read all of this before you turn back...

Ladies and gentlemen of the fan fiction, that sounds really corny doesn't it? Anyways, I have an announcement to make, well, aside from this not being the 6th chapter to my story. It's kind of ironic that I hate it when people take forever to update their stories/don't finish them, so I'm being a hypocrite...

But like I was saying before, I have an announcement that you may be interested in none the less; I'm going to start writing again #hears gasps of shock and disbelief in the background# yes, you heard me, I'm going to start writing fan fictions again.

Now, you may be asking, "Why now of all times?" "Why couldn't he have done this sooner?!" and other similar questions. The main reason I'm going to continue is, because my girlfriend of 7 months broke up with me... not that I can blame her, she has far too many activities in this upcoming year of high school to have as much time together as we'd like; It just hurts that she wouldn't let us try to stay together despite her overcrowded schedule. (And yes, that's the real reason) But after doing what I could to get over it, I started thinking of all the things I put off on the back burner; low and behold writing fan fictions was one of them.

Although I have most likely lost many fans due to my neglecting of "You're All I'll Ever Need" it couldn't be helped really; between school, anime, video games, playing guitar, being in a relationship, and many other things I couldn't get around to it.

Much to your disappointment, I really don't want to continue my story, as I have many other ideas for future stories (all of which will be listed below) Now, you have a few options,

You can either beg me to continue a story that I can think of no real end to unless I went through the whole series (PLEASE, for the love of whatever holy entity you pray to, do not ask me to make it that long)

You can support those stories that I plan on writing

You can hate me until the day I die

You can offer to continue my story and take it where you believe it should go, so long as it doesn't turn into a Shinji/Asuka pairing.(If that were the case and you wanted to continue my story, I'd have to be satisfied with your previous work, enough to trust my original plot in your hands)

That's all I can think of anyways. So ummm....yeah. Without further adieu, I give you the pairings for the stories in the order I was planning on writing them in.

1. Outlaw Star – Gene and Aisha

2. Inuyasha – Inuyasha and Sango

3. Evangelion – Shinji and Hikari

4. Final Fantasy VII – Cloud and Yuffie

5. Final Fantasy VIII – Squall and Selphie

6. Evangelion – Shinji and Asuka

7. Final Fantasy X – Tidus and Rikku

8. .HackSIGN – Kite and Blackrose (from the video game series, not the anime)

9. Tales of Symphonia – Lloyd and Sheena

10. Teen Titans – Robin and Raven

11. Final Fantasy VIII – Squall and Quistis

12. Nadesico – Akito and Ryoko

13. Gravion – Aiji and Luna

14. Rurouni Kenshin – Kenshin and Misao

As you can see, it's a very long list considering that most of them will not be one-shot fan fics. Also, you may notice that most of the pairings are the unlikely ones? The answer to that is very simple, in near all series, the girl that the main character gets together with is not only a damsel in distress on numerous occasions, but a ditz in some instances as well.

So I would much rather pair the main character with a girl that he would have much more in common with, such as Inuyasha/Sango, Tidus/Rikku, and Lloyd/Sheena.

On a side note, I may be changing my account name from Evangelion361 to something different, since I have no intention of keeping to the Evangelion series alone.

With all of that said and out in the open, I can do little else but wait for your responses.

Until then...
