KG: Man I guess I haven't done this in a while. What is it, a year? Man that wasn't good. Guess some might be mad with me. Sorry what can I say? In any case let's get this over with. I've wasted enough time talking to youortyping to youshut the hell up!

Music of the Month: Miss Jackson by Panic at the Disco feat. Lolo.

Quote: You only have power over people so long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer in your power - he's free again." by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Night slowly descended over the lands of the country of Tea. The moon shined brightly in the sky as people slowly, but surely began to fall under the spell of temporary slumber. This was no more true than with the Land of Tea's Daimyō. In his mansion the daimyō slept. His rising bulge of a stomach signified that he was at rest and at peace. He had a meeting with a few other Daimyō in a couple of days. He had to get his rest when he could. Plus another reason that he could sleep as calmly as he did was because he knew he was protected by some of his best guards and warriors that he had stationed around the grounds. He didn't have to worry.

Near his window the curtains flapped from a gentle breeze. The flapping of the curtains stirred him from his slumber by assaulting his ears. He gently opened his eyes and leaned forward. He took notice of the curtains. With a soft chuckle he shook his head. "Looks like I'm more stressed out than I thought," he said to himself. Shaking his head, he dropped on his feet to the ground. He did this gently as he hoped he wouldn't disturbed his wife. He made his way over to the window. "Cold night. Though I thought I closed this window," he said to himself. With a small shrug he grabbed the folds of the window and gently placed the shutters down. With a tired yawn he looked out into the distance. As he did this he figured he was more sleepy than he assumed. Reason being? Well, there was a man…floating in the air right in front of him. The Tea Daimyō rubbed his hands over his eyes. He had to be dreaming right?

As his eyes got accustomed to the moonlight he figure did not move away from his spot. Rather, the figure was glaring directly at him with sharp, unwavering eyes. The figures arms were folded. He wore clothing like the Daimyō had never seen before. No doubt it was probably something worn by those of higher status. His dark, red eyes pierced the veil of the curtains. Slowly the figure raised his finger and pointed directly at the Daimyō. The man shivered at the spot before he backed away from the corner. He blinked his eyes hard and then opened them. The figure was gone. Swallowing the heavy lump in his throat, the Daimyō tried his best to take small, calming breaths. This couldn't have been good for his heart. With a sigh the Tea Daimyō walked back to his bed. Strange how he felt even more weary just now than he had the rest of the day. As he pulled up the covers from his bed, the Daimyō suddenly paused. Pressure. He could feel…some kind of pressure over him. He could hear voices inside his head. He could…feel his will leaving.

"Turn around," a voice said with authority. The Daimyō effortlessly turned around. His soulless eyes bore the sight of the figure in front of him. The figure smiled before stepping into the moonlight. "I am Issa Shuzen, head of the Shuzen family. I am your Lord. Now, kneel." Issa commanded, his voice cold and hard. The Tea Daimyō without complaint fell to his knees and bowed his head so low his forehead touched the soft carpet. He didn't move. Or rather to say, he couldn't move.

"Your life, your will, your wife's life, her will, everything that moves and breaths in this compound is an extension of my will. You will obey my orders and you will follow my instructions to the letter. For us, everything we do is to the glory of Maou-sama. You will show him respect in private and in public you will act normal. You will make decisions aligned with his interests when I give the orders. Understood?" the Head of the Shuzen family asked with a small glare. The Tea Daimyō spoke. "Hai, I am Issa-sama's servant. I am also a servant of Maou-sama. Everything done is to the glory of Maou-sama," the Tea Daimyō responded without emotion and without fail. Issa slowly turned around and headed back to the closed window. As he opened it, he slowly began to disperse as the screeching of bats could be heard before he ultimately disappeared from the Daimyō's presence. As the Daimyō looked up, he did nothing and said nothing. He merely raised up the covers, called into bed, and fell asleep. Weird night.


Meanwhile, Issa swiftly landed on the rooftop of a hotel that the others had been staying. It was bland, but it was livable he supposed. As he landed, he dropped down to one knee. "It is done Maou-sama," Issa said. In front of him stood Naruto as he looked over the possessed lands of the Land of Tea. He had to admit that he had seen these lands numerous times in his sealing. It wasn't a very bad land. Granted there were a few more things he had seen around lands like this than he truly cared for, but it seemed as good a place as any to get started.

"Arigatou Issa. Since I am going to meet the Daimyō tomorrow then I shouldn't have a hassle. Not like I couldn't deal with this easily, but I'd rather avoid bloodshed by my or any of our hands if I can help it," Naruto remarked. Issa nodded though he always didn't necessarily agree with his king's policy agains the human race. Granted yes, he understood the repercussions of doing so, he still felt…irritated. Many, and Issa meant many, demons had been killed by humans which was actually what prompted the Maou to create the Juubi in the first place, but the humans got away with it. Whether they were ignorant or not should not have been the case. Then again, humans were incapable of ever having one person to rule over all like the demons did. They couldn't compromise and most of all, they couldn't accept when someone was better than them. Rather Issa dare say he pitied the humans more than anything else. Truly a hollow existence.

"Understood Maou-sama. I have also scouted out the outer perimeter. There doesn't seem to be anyone foolish as to head for you or perhaps they do not you've arrived just yet. However if you truly wish to go along with this mission then no doubt the humans will retaliate," Issa replied. Naruto sighed as he knew that to be true, but he had enough of humanity taking the lives of what wasn't theirs. He also had enough of seeing the scrutiny his children had been placed under. He was going to get them all. No matter what Kami and Michael had to say about it. "Yes, I know Issa, but don't worry. I'm not going to leave Makai by itself again. I will also not abandon my people. You have all waited for me long enough, you don't need to wait anymore," Naruto answered. Issa offered one final bow before standing to his feet. Both demons made their way back inside the hotel.

Naruto bid Issa a goodnight as he went into his own room. Honestly how could humans have rooms so small? A portion of Naruto's closets were bigger than this room, though Naruto had to laugh. It only showed just how much he had missed being able to have any kind of space. As he went into his own room he noticed his mother tending to his adopted daughter. The smile on his mother's face was somewhat apparent. In the glow of the lights, she truly did look more beautiful than Naruto possibly gave her credit for. He truly missed his mother and his missed her warm, calming presence. Her golden eyes just seem to radiate a type of elegance than he wasn't sure many high-class demons could possess and yet…Naruto remembered the struggle he put her through. For his mother to even contemplate the Demon Sacrifice ritual weighed heavily on his mind. It also told him just how much she had missed having him around. Granted their relationship was…special. Even without her ears or her tails she was still…lovely.

"I take it from the small smile on your face that the mission went well?" Ahri asked holding Saya in her grasp. Naruto rubbed the back of his head. "Yep, Issa managed it, though I knew he would. Now Akasha is heading to Kiri to speak with some of the water youkai. I figured I should take them in order, but since I have Kyuubi first then I figured to just start with the nearest location," Naruto answered. Ahri swiftly nodded.

"Do you believe Konoha is going to come after you?" the fox-woman asked making Naruto snort as his laid back on the small bed and closed his eyes. "I wouldn't put it past them. In their eyes, Kurama is about the highest demon they could conceive to be powerful. However Kyuubi and the rest of the bijuu would be just about lower A-class demons. That's not to say he couldn't become Beyond S-class like you, myself, Issa, Gregory or Venelana, but that type of class requires much more dedication than even some hardened demons are willing to admit to trying," Naruto figured. Ahri closed her eyes as she and Saya fell to the bed as well. Saya giggled from the rush of wind as she wiggled herself out of Ahri's grip and landed on the soft bed. Naruto and Ahri watched her for a moment before both snickered. As their giggles subsided, Naruto noticed his mother's eyes soften.

"I missed you…a lot. When you didn't come back after dealing with the Sage I…only assumed the worst. I just couldn't take your position no matter how much others insisted. Sochi, I…," Ahri blinked as Naruto took a piece of her hair and held it to his lips. Ahri watched her son for a moment as Naruto closed his eyes. For Naruto, the demonic essence that resided in this hair was calming. He gently chuckled to himself. "I missed you too Kaa-chan. I was too complacent. I overestimated myself against Hagoromo and I payed the price for it. All my time in seal I thought about you and the rest of Makai. I'm sorry for leaving such a heavy burden on you," Naruto apologized. Ahri blinked before sighing to herself. With a twist of her body she rolled her entire body over her son's. She then looked at him.

"You really are a worrying son. But I'm glad you've returned to me. Just…be more careful next time," Ahri pleaded. Naruto had to admit that his mother never pleaded. Granted she would ask for lots of things every now and then, but she would never seriously plead. Naruto closed his eyes once again. The Maou raised his hand and caressed his mother's cheek. "I promise. I'm here to stay this time," Naruto responded. Ahri merely nodded and leaned forward.

Saya didn't know why her momma and dadda were suddenly hugging tightly with their faces so closely knitted together. She was only aware of the warm, demonic essence that told her to stay near it. In that demonic essence was safety as well as some kind of love. Say more than likely instinctively knew it. It made her happy and boundless with joy. Plus the person taking care of her, Saya recognized him as her father. They say that like a bird, a child imprints upon its parents recognizing who they are when they are born. Perhaps because her father offered her that sense of security was why Saya felt so comfortable in his embrace. He was like momma.

Naruto and Ahri detached from each other's lips as both panted. "There are many things I can charm sochi. However I'm sure you know there aren't many things that can charm me," Ahri said in a rather defiant tone that Naruto took note of. Her rolled his eyes before smirking. "Kaa-chan, your abilities are one of the things that makes you a Beyond S-class Demon, but I think you're underestimating me," Naruto remarked much to his mother's impish joy.

"Oh? and what are you going do about it?" Ahri asked with a devious smirk. Naruto would have more than liked to show her what he was going to do, but right now they had an audience and Naruto wasn't ready to subject his adoptive daughter to that type of scene. "Need I remind you we have a separate set of eyes Kaa-chan? You're going to scar my poor daughter," Naruto reminded making Ahri turn to Saya who had cluelessly been watching the scene while she sucked her thumb. Ahri smiled gently remembering the young unknown vampire.

"Spoilsport," Ahri said with another separate sigh as she rolled off her son and onto the bed. Naruto just chuckled good-naturedly. As both noticed Saya yawn, Naruto and Ahri prepared themselves for bed. After turning out the lights, Naruto gently kissed Saya's forehead as he watched the vampire fall asleep. Naruto and Ahri collected themselves as well before retiring themselves.


Naruto sat on the carpeted floor with Issa, Gremory, Ahri and the Four Great Satans sitting behind him. In front of the eight members sat the Tea Daimyō with at least five guards, each with either a sword or a spear in hand. Along next to the Daimyō had been the man's supposed minister. Naruto could only silently grin to himself. As the Maou had already known evil and chaos appeared in all forms. Even in the realms of heaven, and Makai there were such things. The human realm was obviously no exception. Quite the opposite, Naruto figured that the human realm exemplified that more than Makai or Heaven. Humans valued having their own way too much to have compromise. Naruto had asked Tenmei and Touhou to scout out other areas while the other attended the meeting. Naruto had also asked for Hagi to look after Saya for the time being.

It was at this time that the Minister to the Daimyō spoke. "Well, I didn't think that we would be meeting the person who caused such a ruckus in Konoha a few days ago. How small the world is," he said with a rather cunning smile. Naruto didn't reply and neither did any of his attendants. The minister to the Daimyō raised an eyebrow before the Tea Daimyō himself cleared his throat. "You are indeed a wanted man, Uzumaki-san. The reason I even accepted this meeting with you was because you claimed it was critical to the success of the country. Please speak your piece," The Tea Daimyō replied. At these words, Naruto finally opened his eyes. Those eyes made the guards, minister, and Daimyō shiver. Eyes radiating with untold, unattainable, boundless power. The type of eyes that told them they were speaking with a higher authority than what they should have been talking with. Naruto sent a glance to Issa with a small smirk. Issa just bowed.

"Very well, first things first Daimyō-san. As of this moment, I will be taking control of Degarashi Port," Naruto stated clearly leaving no way for anyone in the room to question what he was saying. Sirzechs and Falbium sent a small glance to each other. Ajuka narrowed his eyes while Serafall merely smiled to herself. That was easily just like their Maou at times. No doubt his irritation with humans was leaking a bit in his speak, but no one clearly minded. After all, one were sealed away for a millennia then it would stand to reason that they would still be more than a little pissed off.

Silence came over the room. The guards looked at the blonde like he just grown a second head. The minister to the Daimyō stammered while the Daimyō himself was speechless. All the people on the opposite side of the table just stared at Naruto for the better part of about a minute before everyone heard laughing. Naruto turned a raised eyebrow to the minister. He didn't recall saying something that warranted laughter. The minister calmed himself with a sigh. "I never took you for a comedian Uzumaki-san, but surely you jest. The Degarashi Port is currently under the control of the Wagarashi family. Control of Degarashi has been under the control of two families for many years. Both families have had an influence in the stabilization of Tea Country. You can't just come here and proclaim control over Degarashi Port so easily," The minister replied with another lasting chuckle.

"What would you do with Degarashi Port even if you did attain ownership of it?" the Tea Daimyō asked much to the minister's interest. Naruto didn't speak for a moment taking into account the room as well as the atmosphere. One thing about being a king was that all deals had to be made in the interest of the nation as well as the king himself. While Naruto could have cared less about humanity as a whole he would have liked to make the conscious attempt to not become the demise of the entire race if he could help it. If humanity was the cause of its own destruction then he was sure that his race wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

"What I plan to do with Degarashi Port isn't any of your concern. Just know that I will make the port a lot better than what you have been doing to it. So I must merely meet with the head of the Wagarashi family. Is this correct?" Naruto asked. In the centuries that he had seen the world known as the Elemental Nations, he had come across many places and the creation of Tea Country was one of those places. One thing Naruto knew was surprised by was that some of his clansmen had tormented this particular land for a time. Naruto had no idea of why, but upon the Maou's investigation it had led down to the humans, unknowingly mind you, taking two demonic jewels that some of had possibly grown. Naruto remembered them, they were merely lantern crystals for those ground Youkai who liked to live in the earth. Those jewels had been offered to a shrine near these grounds and that seemed to appease the demons though Naruto was probably more sure that his mother forced forgo the crystals for more important matters. This more than likely for the humans meant that they had gained some type of favor. If Naruto had to give humans one thing, then it was that ignorance was bliss.

On that note, Naruto stood to his feet as did the rest of his council. "You know Uzumaki-san, Tea Country has a treaty with Konoha. We're more than obligated to tell them that you're here. Please don't make this difficult for yourself and for us. If you truly wanted to take control of the region then you would have to participate in our Todoroki Race, but even then that is a tradition only reserved for members of the Wagarashi and Wasabi families. Understand what I'm saying?" The minister said with a small smirk. It was then that the Daimyō gently bowed. "Forgive him Naruto-san. He's just a stubborn man. I merely say that I must look out for the best interest of the country as a whole and a wanted man like you is bound to draw unnecessary attention," The Daimyō replied. At these words, Naruto released a small chuckle. How interesting. It was even that Naruto knew he could thoroughly end Konoha or even the rest of the world if he wished, but it didn't align with his agenda.

"If you wish to alert Konoha to my presence then that's fine. We'll be on our way," Naruto said as he and his entourage quickly left the room without anymore words being spoken. The Tea Daimyō released the pent up breath he had been holding. The man had witnessed many a great shinobi, but none exuded such a mighty, heavy, kingly aura like the young man before him. Meanwhile the Minister to the Daimyō scowled away from the sight of the Daimyō himself. While it was in the country's best interest to turn over Naruto to Konoha, at the same time it was probably beneficial to learn of his skills. This deserved a talk with the Wagarashi family.


Naruto and the others exited the Daimyō's compound. "So what now, Ma-tan?" came the question of the female Leviathan Satan. Naruto looked up at the clear, blue sky for a couple of moments."Honestly from the couple of interactions we've had with humans I am still impressed by their hubris," Falbium replied with a small look of indignation.

"I would imagine that we'll be doing exactly what you said we would be doing Maou-sama. We'll now meet with the Wagarashi family?" Sirzechs asked swiping a blade of his hair from his face. "It would make the most sense, though it's obvious that the Minister is in league with one of these families. His aura is showing signs of degeneration. If I had to say then he's not going to live for very long," Gremory responded. Issa didn't say anything and neither did Ahri. They could somehow tell what their Maou was thinking. The best way to deal with opposition was to go against what the opposition thought you would do.

"For now we'll go meet with the Wasabi family. From what I can tell, they will be the most reasonable to talk with. I do expect some hostility, but for this I figure Degarashi Port is the best place to start with," Naruto said as they began to walk through the streets. The masses of people watched the group with interested eyes. It stood to reason that they were an odd sight. They had arrived only about a day ago and were seen leaving the Daimyō's estate. No doubt people wanted to possibly know who they were and were they had come from. No one truly minded, but perhaps their clothing was what gave them away. It wasn't exactly traditional Japanese attire if only truly cared to know.

As the demons and devils walked through the streets, they took in the sights. The human realm didn't exactly seem that different from the Makai realm in terms of shops and things like that. It was actually quite interesting how similar humans and demons. Yet even Naruto was aware of the hatred that the two races held for each other. In some areas, the Maou was willing to admit that his race was perhaps at fault sometimes as well. After all not every demon submitted to him as a king or not every demon accepted him as king. Just like humans had their own minds and opinions so the same was for demons. Naruto understood this very well. There were demons who felt like treating humans the same way humans treated them. Naruto couldn't even remember the countless meeting he had with Kami about the demons and some of the things they had done to humans. Naruto had always been able to turn it around by stating to Kami what the humans had done to his own race as well and if she wished for it to stop then she should reign in her territory or he would have done it for her. Naruto figured that he knew the truth along with Kami. Soon, and Naruto didn't know how soon, but humans, demons, and angels were going to clash and Naruto wondered if even he would be enough to stop it. Well Naruto would do his best to prevent that and the first solution to that was taking the bijuu back from the humans. After that, well Naruto didn't know, but he wouldn't be here longer than needed.

As the Maou and his entourage appeared before the Wasabi manor, Serafall tilted her head to the side. "They certainly do look homey I guess. It looks more like a small village than a compound," the Leviathan Satan commended. Sirzechs lifted his hand and covered the sun from his eyes. "Yeah though I suppose it's similar to the organized crime syndicates that Makai had at one point in time. So then, how about we greet ourselves Maou-sama?" Sirzechs asked before Naruto raised his hand.

"Not yet. I'd like to not appear suspicious than I already am for this realm. Sirzechs, Serafall go scout out the Wagarashi Family. If you must fight then use non-lethal tactics. Other than that, you're good. Falbium and Ajuka will check out the Degarashi Port Gate ask any of the guards stationed there how things are run for the that area. Gremory, Issa, Kaa-chan and I will head inside," Naruto commanded. The Four Satans swiftly nodded before they went their separate ways. As they did so, Naruto proceeded to knock on the door. "It is more than likely that they will have the same reaction to your plans Maou-sama," Gregory remarked. Naruto was already aware of this, but it was somewhat comforting to know that he wasn't the only one thinking that. Naruto merely nodded, but he and the others straightened up when the door opened.

"What do you want?" asked a gruff voice from behind the door. Naruto quickly answered deciding not to waste anymore of his time. "Tell your boss that I would like to speak with him," Naruto replied quickly. The person behind the gates raised a small eyebrow. He then sighed.

"If you're here to talk about your payment for protection services then go to the Wagarashi family. Degarashi Port isn't under the ownership of Jirōchoō-kumicho. If you have complaints then take them to those bastards," He sneered before shutting the door. Naruto blinked while Issa folded his arms at the blatant disrespect. Gregory shook his head while Ahri huffed. "Nice guy," Ahri decided to comment. Naruto and his group agreed with her before they saw Ahri sigh.

"I would only do this for you Sochi," Ahri said while Naruto chuckled. Looks like his mother was going to use that ability. Of course considering she was a fox youkai then it stood to reason that it would have been a part of her nature. Issa and Gremory watched intently as Ahri knocked on the gates. The head gates opened. "Look I told you to get lost. Are you hard of hear…ing?" the person behind the door shuddered as Ahri winked playfully.

"Now please be reasonable. We really need to see your boss. So would be a cutie and let us in?" Ahri asked with a beautiful smile. The person gawked. This woman was beautiful. Actually she was beyond beautiful. She was gorgeous. No, not even gorgeous. She was exquisite. No, not EVEN exquisite. She was…divine. Everything about her seemed perfect. "I…I…I really don't think I should," the person stuttered before Ahri pouted and batted her eyelashes.

"Pretty please?" Ahri asked. With an internal sigh of indignation and frustration. Coating two of her fingers and the reaches of her lips in demonic energy, Ahri blew a kiss towards the man. To the human eye nothing was wrong with this, but for demons it was easy to see the pink mist of energy leave Ahri's mouth and wrap itself around the person. His eyes slowly flew downward to being lidded. His guard dropped. No doubt for Ahri it was unpleasant to use this ability on anyone, especially a human. She had long since given up using this ability of hers as it was the reason she had many problems which still existed today. Her use of this technique was only for more…important circumstances. Besides, she didn't really feel the need to use it anymore.

"W…We….Well I guess I can let him know. What did your group say it was?" the guard asked with a sharp blush on his face. Issa and Gremory shook their hands. It seemed that still the technique was as lethal as the day Ahri had created it. No doubt her liberal use of the technique itself was probably for reasons such as this. "You can just call us….The Society," Ahri said with a smile before the guard walked away with a sharp nod. Naruto, Issa, and Gremory could just see the bright red flumes expunging from the man's skull. Ahri set her gaze open the three men before smirking. Gremory couldn't resist a chuckle.

"It's been a while since we've Ahri's Miryoku (Charm) techniques. If I recall the last person you used that on was…Wukong-san back in Makai about 3 millennia ago for a bet," Gremory guessed while Ahri held her hand up. "Guilty as charged. I'd rather not let things get more complicated than they already are. We'll meet with Sochi's interest and then we'll move on to the next order of business. If I can be fair this realm isn't the best for sustaining the life energy of demons. The energy that surrounds this atmosphere is very odd. Though I suppose chakra is a lesser form of demonic energy so it stands to reason that it would be odd feeling," Ahri responded. Now that Gremory and Issa were aware of it, Makai didn't necessary have the Earth's bright, yellow sun. Makai's sun was more crimson, just like the blood that shaped a couple of rivers, but then again these types of things were probably what makes the Earth different from Makai.

"I do feel it as well. Though I have been to the human realm countless times their sun still weakens me a little bit. Just a minor inconvenience at best," Issa remarked. Gremory chuckled to himself before everyone heard the door open. "Erm, Jirōchō-kumicho will see you. But keep in mind that he has a guest at the moment. Make yourself brief," the guard said unlocking the door. Naruto gave a small smirk as he walked inside. Ahri, Gremory and Issa followed behind him.


Hagi and Venelana watched as Saya crawled along the ground to Rias. Her incoherent sounds only made Rias giggle more though it was truth that the daughter of Gremory and Venelana wasn't capable of coherent speech either. Perhaps the two would become good friends in the future. "So you've looked around and she really doesn't belong to any of the clans?" The Brunette Maiden of Destruction asked while Hagi leaned himself against the wall. Ever since he had been given the task of guarding the Demon King's daughter he had taken the liberty of researching as much as he could about the unknown vampire. Unfortunately there wasn't much to know. She wasn't from any of the clans as the clan leaders had spoke about and she didn't have the natural physical highlights of a vampire child.

"In all likelihood it's possible that she is a human turned vampire or the product of a human-vampire taboo. Or…there are possibilities that she is a descendant of…his blood," Hagi remarked. Venetian didn't give any intent that she had been affected by his words, but her thoughts had suddenly been jumbled if only slightly. Watching Saya play with Rias and their toys, Venelana couldn't deny it. It was certainly possible. She could have the blood of a true Beyond S-class Demon. The blood of the very first Vampire King, Alucard. His powers were said to be so great that it took Akasha, Ahri, Vazdah, Touhou, Gremory, Venelana, Tenmei and a great number of Makai to completely suppress his army until he was sealed away by their Maou during the fight. After all, he was the only one who, ever since the second Kami, had tried to challenge Naruto for the title of Maou. Venelana still remembered that war. It was almost a war that collided with the humans and the divine beings.

"I don't think we should jump to such a strong conclusion just yet. There is no evidence which can clearly support that. Still it's worth looking into I suppose. But for now, let's just let her be a child and enjoy her life," Venelana suggested. Hagi merely bowed to her suggestion before he watched the two very young children continue playing with each other. It brought a small smile to her face.


As Naruto, Ahri, Issa and Gremory were led towards the house of the head of the Wasabi Family, Naruto also took into account the whispers that some people made about their group. He also could feel the intent of people wishing to reach for their weapons should they feel that their group was a threat. Though then again Naruto was fairly certain he could disarm everyone from this far away so it wasn't like they were an intimidating bunch. Then again, humans seemed to love bravado just as much as demons and a few divine beings. Maybe that was more akin to pride in their own skills as a race more than anything else. He did notice a few…eyes land upon his mother. Don't get him wrong, Naruto was sure that beauty was made to be gazed upon and admired. Naruto had seem many beautiful women in his life ranging from Kami, to…yes, some humans. Still that didn't expressly mean he was pleased if they might have gone further than that. His mother didn't seem to have a problem, or she just didn't notice them so he wouldn't make an issue out of it.

As the guide led them to the main door in the main hall of the main house, she turned around. "Please keep in mind that he has a guest. Also do try to be respectful if you're making a request. Jirōchō-sama is kind, but even his kindness has its limits," the woman said. Naruto didn't reply. He merely took a hold of the door and opened it. As Naruto opened the door, he tilted his head to the side while Ahri, Gremory and Issa jumped out of the way as a human flew past them and bashed into the wall. Naruto raised an eyebrow. As far as he understood humans that wasn't a typical greeting. Well, humans were strange like that. A clash of many personalities their race was. Yet the same was true for Makai and for other realms.

Ahri and Gremory blinked while Issa and Naruto looked past the door. As they looked inside, they heard a shout. "Tsunade-sama!" a brunette woman shouted from her side of the room looking at the sheer destruction that her supposed master was making. Naruto looked in the direction of the woman that the brunette had been shouting at before he noticed another woman, lightly taller than her. Her hair was an interesting color of blond. There was that and Naruto couldn't help noticing the…interesting 'development' this woman had compared to other human, or even demon women. It looked strangely…distracting. Still that didn't stop Naruto from noticing the small diamond seal at the top of her head. He could feel the large concentration of energy circulating around it. Like a hellhound behind a closed cage it was there just waiting to be opened, unleashed and controlled. Even more so, Naruto could feel the other energy circulating around this woman. He was sure of it. "A descendant of Hashirama Senju. A direct line I would imagine. She has his overpowering chakra for normal human standards," Naruto thought to himself before he heard the woman named Tsunade growl.

"No one takes away my sake Shizune. No one! Not even one of your lackeys Jirōchō," the blond woman snarled out while the woman Naruto and the others had now identified as Shizune shivered beneath her gaze. In the center of the room, Naruto heard laughing and noticed the man he had sought to speak with. His grey hair and lightly black-colored eyes were the easily noticeable thing to Naruto even before his age. Still in those eyes, Naruto could tell there was a bit of wisdom and experience in them. Naruto hadn't seen Jirōchō's upbringing so he didn't have much to go off of. Still, these people who have to have their bickering later.

In time Jirōchō turned his attention to the door and took notice of Naruto and the rest of his party. Jirōchō stiffened. Everything in his being was telling him that young-looking man in front of him was strong. Much stronger than anyone he had ever met. He could possibly even be stronger than…Jirōchō closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He had to calm down. He couldn't afford to lose his senses to such an overwhelming presence. So…this was Uzumaki Naruto, supposed clansmen of the Uzumaki clan and wanted man of Konoha for mysterious reasons. Jirōchō couldn't resist the smirk that came to his face. Looks like this day had brought many interesting things.

"I presume you to be Naruto Uzumaki?" Jirōchō asked with a small, welcoming smile. Tsunade quickly paused before turning around. Her eyes stared into Naruto's for but a moment. So this was the container for the Kyuubi that had gotten away from Konoha. Tsunade remembered running into her old teammate, Jiraiya. He had told her what Sarutobi had told him about the incident. It had saddened Tsunade that Minato was gone. He was a good friend, albeit an idiot at some specific times than others. Still the blond man had a very interesting place in Tsunade's heart. Now that Tsunade thought about it. This young man looked just like Minato only more…serious? Was that what Tsunade should have used? Regardless she could feel immense power not just from him, but also from his party. That woman behind him looked quite strong despite her delicate frame. Then there was that red-haired man and the dark-haired man. Both, by their stances, seemed to be of upper nobility, but Tsunade never remembered encountering such people before. Hell Tsunade didn't want to toot her own horn, but she just wandered if it was possible for her to take them all on.

Naruto smiled at his name. Perhaps he should have used a cover name rather than blatantly stating it back in Konoha. Granted yes, for demons names were power, but merely saying Naruto's name over and over wouldn't do anything to him unless certain conditions were met, but Naruto digressed. "Yeah, that would be me. Thank you for agreeing to see me, though you seem…preoccupied?" Naruto asked turning a glance to Tsunade and Shizune. The two stiffened while the guards swallowed the lumps in their throat. Jirōchō laughed before he patted his legs. "Hai, you will have to forgive the ruckus. It's not every day I get to meet an old friend of mine," Jirōchō calmly said to which Naruto nodded. He took a step forward. The guards quickly began to organize and clean up the mess while setting down mats for Naruto, Ahri, Gremory and Issa to sit on. Naruto took the offering and sat before Jirōchō.

"Tsunade-sama, what should we do? Alert Konoha?" Shizune whispered to her master's ear. Tsunade bit her lower lip. She had run away from Konoha. In her eyes, she didn't have an obligation to tell them anything and yet…such a power couldn't just go around unchecked. Tsunade knew that the most. Who knew what this young man's agenda was. Tsunade glared as she noticed Naruto turn a slight gaze to them. It only told her that he had heard Shizune's whispered comment. Tsunade knew she had to trust her instincts. She really didn't want to fight this man. "No, we'll…wait," Tsunade remarked shocking her traveling partner. However Shizune didn't say anything else as the two women sat quietly. This seemed important.

"I see. Well I think it's always nice to have friends," Naruto replied. Jirōchō nodded his head before clearing his throat. "May I get you anything before we begin?" he asked. Naruto turned back to his group for any wants. They didn't seem to want anything so Naruto turned back.

"No thank you. We appreciate the offer, but we'd rather not waste anymore of your time than we already are," Naruto responded. Jirōchō exhaled a small sigh before motioning one of his servants over. He whispered in his ear before the man left. After a few minutes he came back with a bottle and a small sake cup. He poured the sake into Jirōchō's cup and then excused himself. Jirōchō took a sip. "Very well. Let us speak. What would you like to say?" Jirōchō asked. Naruto closed his eyes for a moment. The air in the room was tight. In fact for some others it was suffocating. That wasn't any different for Tsunade and Shizune. The former could feel the bead of sweat drop from her face.

"I'll make this simple. I will be taking control of Degarashi Port from both the Wagarashi and Wasabi families before the end of this week," Naruto stated or rather dare some people say commanded. Tsunade raised an eyebrow while Shizune gasped. Murmurs could have easily been heard over the subordinates and Naruto could tell the people eavesdropping behind the doors were shocked as well. The only one who seemed to be taking the surprise well was Jirōchō, yet Naruto could tell that he was unnerved. His grip on his sake cup had tightened slightly and his seating had become more rigid. Naruto decided not to give him the chance to adjust. The same principles here were applied to war time which Naruto had been in countless times.

"Jirōchō-san I don't believe your stupid. Far from it actually. You, as well as the Wagarashi leader, understand that this little…method you both have for determining ownership of the port will only grow worse down the generations. Even more so, you understand that economically only one of you can truly attempt to make such a port prosper. I have to be blunt, I have to save the port from the destruction the both of you are going to bring it to," Naruto spoke. Now understand that Naruto honestly did mean this. Though it all wasn't entirely for the humans as much as it was for the demons. Naruto needed a place, no matter how small that could act as a gateway for him between this realm and Makai. More than likely that would serve the have him keep the order in Makai while still going about this mission of his. There was another reason of course.

Tsunade widened her eyes to his words. Shizune did the same. Now Tsunade could see were the blond was coming from. No doubt changes in ownership were bound to lead with problems somewhere down the line and when that line was come across then it would break out a large war between the two families. No doubt the Todoroki Shrine Race wouldn't placate everyone forever. Especially not that old goat, Kyūroku Wagarashi. Tsunade truly despised the man and yet she couldn't help finding herself asking some internal questions. What did this man truly want with Degarashi Port and what made him come here? Tsunade took a deep breath.

After some time Jirōchō came over his shock and slumped his shoulders. "Uzumaki-san, I wouldn't expect you to know the great…and tragic history of the Wasabi and the Wagarashi families. I do find truth in what you say, but Degarashi Port is our homeland and our birthright. We can't just accept ownership from an outside source so easily. The Todoroki Shrine Race has been founded upon honor and trust between the families. Besides the two families have the Daimyo's support. You surely can't say the same for yourself," Jirōchō said with a glare. Naruto didn't meet it. He had no reason to. It would have been a waste of his time as a king.

"I do know of Degarashi's history, Jirōchō-san. It's simple to say that it isn't your homeland nor your birthright, for either of your families. The first settlers to what is know Degarashi Port were a band of criminals and thieves. In fact, before Degarashi was formed it had founded the first Thieves' Guild. Your ancestors and the Wagarashi's ancestors banded together and destroyed that Thieves' Guild. It wasn't a long battle, but after your negotiations you offered to share the land. This land in fact belongs to no one. Besides the history of the two families shouldn't be the basis for this talk of ownership. You also understand the reason for some missing people in that port. After all, Degarashi is the only port in Tea country that is a relatively safe route for members to trade and transport materials to other nations. That's more than likely why the both of you want it," Naruto surmised. Jirōchō frowned for a second. He still couldn't deny that her was impressed by Naruto knowledge of that era. If he were truthful then not many people could have known that or that particular history. Jirōchō also couldn't deny that what Naruto was saying about the routes was true. Jirōchō took a sip of his sake and exhaled a breath.

"You came to be stating this for a reason I would assume. If this were supposed to be some sort of hostile takeover then you would have no reason to speak with me about it. You want something from our family do you not?" Jirōchō asked. At this point, Naruto straightened up. "The only true thing I want is for both the Wagarashi and Wasabi to not interfere with Degarashi Port any longer. While being forceful is one other method I doubt it's the best method," Naruto answered. Jirōchō sighed once again. What Naruto was asking of him was literally like breaking the entire two families' cycle of tradition. Yet Jirōchō also had to be realistic. He could see where everything was going as well. Fights between the two families were becoming more and more common. People in Degarashi were dying a lot faster than before also. Jirōchō understood that perhaps it was now time to have someone take full ownership and truthfully he didn't want it to be the Wagarashi family. Hell, already having them in that position currently was leaving a bad taste in his mouth. Still, what could a wanted man from Konoha exactly want?

"You are demanding many things Uzumaki-san. However I know nothing about you or your intentions. This would be a different story if say Tsunade would be asking me, but how do I know that you aren't the same?" Jirōchō asked. Ahri, Gremory and Issa remained silent, but they watched Naruto's reaction steadily. Naruto chuckled. Truly if there was ever one good thing in humanity, then it would probably be this man. Suddenly everyone was on edge as Naruto stood to his feet. Naruto turned back to Issa, Gremory and his mother.

"Come on, we're leaving. We'll meet with the Wagarashi next. No doubt that will be a more hostile setting than what we got here, but it's better than just leaving it alone. Let's go," Naruto said as he walked towards the door. Jirōchō and Tsunade noticed that the others with him obeyed as they got up, bowed, and proceeded to leave the room along with Naruto. "Just a moment Uzumaki-san. You didn't answer my question," Jirōchō urged making Naruto pause. He turned around and merely offered a foxy smile. Jirōchō widened his eyes to that smile. It was then that he understood. This young man, no this…being could have taken Degarashi Port away from Tea Country, the Wasabi family, and the Wagarashi family if he so desired even at this moment. In fact, he could very well…destroy everyone in this country. The only thing stopping him benevolence. Jirōchō took a deep breath. This young man was serious.

"Thank you for your time Jirōchō-san," Naruto said as he closed the door. As he closed the door Naruto took notice of the servants stumbling to move themselves out of his way in relative surprise. Naruto ignored them as he and the others went off and out of the Wasabi compound.

Upon Naruto's leaving, everyone in the room felt the ominous and powerful pressure in the room subside. People began to fall to the knees while Jirōchō placed a hand over his face. His hand felt wet. From his face? Was this sweat? Had the boss of the Wasabi family actually been sweating slightly? Such an immense aura. Meanwhile, Tsunade stood to her feet and narrowed her eyes. It was probably for the best that she didn't get involved, but dammit if this didn't intrigue her. She could feel more power in that man than in her grandfather, Hashirama Senju, the very first Hokage of Konoha. It was like she was swimming in a endless ocean of abundant energy. There was literally no beginning to it and no end to it. No, Tsunade couldn't let him leave that easily! She had to know. Something made this man dangerous and she knew it wasn't the fact that he held the Kyuubi inside himself. There was something else there. "Tsunade-sama, are you okay?" Shizune asked alerting Tsunade to her traveling companion's presence. She stared at her for a moment.

"I'm fine, Shizune," Tsunade said looking back at the door. "Don't do it Tsunade. Don't get curious with him. He's…beyond our understanding. I have come to realize that much," Jirōchō said with a stern glance towards the door. Tsunade looked at her old friend before turning back to the door. "You don't have to tell me that. I know that more than anyone. Still, if he's as you say then it could be bad for your country if he's left alone. In fact it's bad if they're all left alone. You should alert Konoha just in case," Tsunade said heading for the door as well. Shizune moved to follow.

"You won't do it yourself?" Jirōchō asked. Tsunade stopped at the door. Her grip tightened on the sliding door enough to make said door crack from some sort of excess pressure. Shizune sighed sadly. "I have cut my ties to that place," Tsunade said before walking out the door. Jirōchō sighed with a sad nod of his own. He knew about the woman's troubles. Obviously death followed around her like a plague, but he also had faith she would get out of her slump someday. All it would take was some time.


Sirzechs and Serafall floated in the air as they peered into the windows of the Wagarashi family. Serafall smiled as she folded her legs. "Well I can see why Maou-sama wished to got visit Mr. Wasabi-san first. This place doesn't look like much fun. What do you think they do in here?" Serafall asked while Sirzechs sighed as he folded his arms.

"Heh, I bet they do a lot of interesting things. Though I think we're going to have to tell Maou-sama about…that other thing some of the demons have been doing," Sirzechs said making Serafall stiffen. That didn't sound like a pleasant conversation. The Leviathan Satan leaned up and scratched her head. "That sounds about right. Still I wonder where that man was carrying that woman off to. They both looked so happy," Serafall said making the Lucifer Satan place a hand over his mouth to stifle a chuckle. It was then that Sirzechs felt his body shiver. With a small grin, he quickly held out his hand and focused his demonic energy. Quickly a white orb appeared after some time.

"Sirzechs, Serafall, how did the scout go?" came the voice of their Maou. The two Satans nodded before Sirzechs spoke. "Well Maou-sama, the place is very well-guarded. Many humans litter the place, but it's just as well that the place smells of blood in some areas. No doubt you may have a confrontation…well if you want it to go that far," Sirzechs spoke to the white orb. Quickly Serafall made her presence known as she made Sirzechs squirm when he bashed her cheek into his own.

"The guys also like to get into a lot of sword fights. You can even hear the swords from out here and even some of them are shouting like a gong in the palace. It's like 'Don!' over and over," Serafall said waving her hands for emphasis though Sirzechs knew Naruto couldn't see it. He only sweatdropped. One day he's probably have to show Serafall a couple of things. Still that would probably suffice for now.

"Is that right? Well good work you two. You can leave now. Issa, Gremory, Kaa-cha, and I will take over from there. Meet up with Falbium and Ajuka. Prepare the sealing in the words just behind the lands. Also….take Moka Akashiya if you can find her. That's all," Naruto said before closing the orb. Sirzechs watched the energy disperse before patting Serafall's shoulder. "Shall we go?" Sirzechs asked. Serial grinned before happily nodding as the two Satans flew off into the distance.

Meanwhile, Naruto turned around. "I appreciate you letting me bring Moka, Issa. I'd rather not keep her cooped up in her room," Naruto said which only made Issa shake his head. "I do agree that Moka could stand to get out a little more. I only worry about her controlling her power while around humans. This is her second time interacting with them and even then her first time wasn't the best from what you remember," Issa answered. Naruto nodded. He did remember that time and it was actually a time that he would have rather liked to forget. It actually involved itself with a rather rogue demon-angel hybrid that Naruto knew was more than likely walking around the world like an idiot. Honestly Eva couldn't have chosen a better demon to have an affair with than Sparda.

"If worse comes to worst then I'll deal with it. You have my word," Naruto said with a grin. Issa folded his arms, but didn't stop returning the smirk. "I have faith that you would Maou-sama," Issa remarked. Naruto's eyebrow twitched at the way Issa said that, but he decided not to comment.


"T-Tsunade-sama, are you sure about this? Who knows what will happen," Shizune said while the blonde Senju knelt down and tied a scroll to a slug, a blue and white-colored slug to be precise. Tsunade just narrowed her eyes in the forest that they were in before clearing her throat. "This is the only thing I will do for Konoha. Oji-sama gave his life to peace for the world by capturing the bijuu. If one really is roaming around then Konoha needs to clean up its own damn mess. But I'm not getting involved any further. Come on Shizune, we're leaving. Katsuyu, we're counting on you." Tsunade said to the small slug. Katsuyu quickly nodded her head as best she could.

"Hai, you can count on me Tsunade-sama. I'll make sure to get this to Sandaime-sama," the small slug named Katsuyu said with a nod of her slimy head. She was ready to poof out before she turned herself into the direction of the Tea Country village. Katsuyu widened her eyes. So it seemed that the myths were true. A true demon was roaming around the created earth in his kingly presence. Should Katsuyu tell her summoner? Should she not? No doubt this message that the slug was delivering pertained to him, the Demon King of Makai. Katsuyu always assumed he was just a folktale that her ancestors liked to tease the children about, but nothing could stop her quivering. How he hadn't crushed all those in his vicinity underneath his pressure truly showcased his benevolence. "Tsunade-sama," Katsuyu spoke. Tsunade and Shizune looked down as they noticed Katsuyu look at them.

"I have been in your service for, I believe, 16 years now. Pleasedon't get your village involved with this young man. I beg you," Katsuyu bowed. Tsunade blinked while Shizune remained silent. How dangerous was this person? What weren't Jirōchō and Katsuyu telling her? Oh trust her that she could hardly care about Konoha anymore, but…what had even Katsuyu, her best summon, so rigid? Tsunade sighed. "Katsuyu, the Kyuubi is a dangerous force to the entire world as are the other eight bijuu. I'm not going to let my thoughts go to what would happen if I hadn't told Konoha. What they do with the knowledge I will give them is on their hands. However, if I let him get away and he wrecks some other people then I'll have that on my conscience. I refuse to have any conscience when it comes to Konoha. Katsuyu, please deliver it," Tsunade said with a final bow. Katsuyu didn't say anything. So…that's how it was going to be? When Katsuyu returned home from her mission she would go see the Elder Slug Princess. Hopefully, just hopefully, there was some good news to be had here. Katsuyu just disappeared in white smoke leaving Tsunade and Shizune alone. The blonde Senju sighed.

"Shizune, do you think I did the right thing here?" Tsunade asked prompting her young assistant to look at her. Shizune only looked at the ground. "I wouldn't know Tsunade-sama. Even now my legs won't stop shaking when I remember that man, but I trust in your judgement. That is all I can say. Now then, shall we go?" Shizune asked with a somewhat brightening smile. Tsunade snorted, but allowed a small smile to grace her pleasant face as she began to leave the town along with Shizune to adventures untold.


Meanwhile, Naruto, Issa, Gremory, and Ahri appeared before the Wagarashi family's compound. "Certainly bigger than the more modest Wasabi family," Gremory made the observation. He shield the hot, bright, yellow sun from his eyes to get a better picture of the tower. Issa took a single glance at the structure's length before closing his eyes. Truly a waste of human time in structure and practice. Ahri just began to stretch herself. All this walking was boring her stiff. Trust her when the Maou position did the same for her as well. "However I do sense many people within this compound. About as many as the Wasabi family, give or take a servant or two. Though Maou-sama, I can also sense the intent here as can you. It's just as Gremory's son and the Serafall Leviathan stated. There is a lot of tension, unrest within this compound. It almost seems like everyone is ready to betray everyone else at a moment's notice," Issa responded.

Ahri snorted. "In all my millennia of being alive I haven't known humans to ever know what they want in their lives," Ahri remarked. Issa couldn't have found that to be more true than ever before. Honestly neither could Gremory. The latter could still remember the time before humans were even around. Sure he was young around that time period, but it still counted regardless. All three demons sighed. The odds that the Wagarashi family knew they were coming was relatively high so it wasn't as much a point as probably making themselves known vs completely forcing their will upon them if they did. Naruto in truth didn't exactly want either, but one was better than the other and the repercussions that followed. No, Naruto wasn't afraid to directly deal with Kami if he had to. Both the beings knew their place in this type of thing. Still, he at least figured that if he was going to be testing the boundaries then what better way to do so than right now?

"I'm sure not even the humans themselves can answer that question, Ahri. If anything, I find it to be Kami's greatest mistake in giving them dominion over this planet. Maou-sama, you didn't protest at that time did you?" Gremory asked much to Naruto's tired response. "I didn't think highly of humans at that point. If I'm honest I still kind of don't, however over the near millennia of watching them at work then I have found that they truly won't ever know what they want. They don't know how to completely trust one another. Granted I don't believe any race truly has that potential, not even our own. If for no other reason, then the one thing that makes them unwilling to trust one another is probably why they've even survived as long as they have," Naruto responded. Gremory narrowed his eyes for a second, but he didn't speak. Neither did Issa or Ahri.

As they stood in silence, no one was surprised when Naruto raised his arm and effortlessly blocked a sharp kick that was no doubt aimed to take his head of his shoulders. The ground underneath his feet cracked from the sheer pressure that no human could have done well to block again. Though then again, who Naruto had just blocked had loved kicking. Sometimes Naruto had to imagine that if Issa and the rest of his family hadn't drilled more hand-to-hand combat into her head, then this S-rank vampire would merely use kicks for everything. "Glad you could make it Moka," Naruto replied with a small smile as the daughter of Issa Shuzen dropped to the ground. Her long, silver hair fell past her waist. She glared up at him for a second with her dark, red eyes before a small smirk appeared on her face.

"I tried to be as early as possible. Also forgive the blunt entrance, I just wanted to make sure you hadn't gotten weak since you've been away Sensei," Moka said standing to her feet. She quickly dusted off her pants before folding her arms. Issa quickly cleared his throat. "Moka, remember to be respectful," Issa warned with a small glare over his daughter's form. Moka was ready to nod, but a hand from Naruto stopped her.

"It's fine Issa. I do have to treat Moka a little differently. She is the first person I actually decided to teach some of my demonic arts to. Granted I know I expressly forbade her from using them if it wasn't a major issue," Naruto said with a raised eyebrow. Moka snorted. "I still remember the rule sensei. I haven't used what wasn't needed in the first place," Moka replied with a firm tone. Naruto glanced at her for a second before nodding.

"Well then I think we should knock and say hello," Naruto said with a notion for Moka to do as she pleased. Mika quickly stretched her legs a moment. "Are you sure sensei? You know what happened to the last group of humans I said 'hello' to," Moka said as she stretched one more time. Naruto effortlessly sweatdropped. He slowly nodded. Oh he did remember that time. Trust him that he did. It was just one of the many things he and Kami got into their arguments about.

"Non-lethal Moka. Just remember that. You'll have to show some restraint dattebayo," Naruto said before he slammed his hand over his mouth. Naruto cursed. Looking back he noticed Ahri's eyes sparkling. Gremory raised an eyebrow with a small smile while Issa chuckled. Moka folded her arms. "Flustered Sochi?" Ahri asked before Naruto snarled and pointed to the door.

"Just kick the damn door down already!" Naruto growled much to everyone's amusement, but Moka merely nodded and took a small step forward. She raised her foot into the air. With a sharp intact of breath, she extended her foot into the door releasing every bit of pent up demonic energy she held in her body as the doors exploded off their hinges and into the Wagarashi courtyard. Guards stood baffled by the display as the broken doors picked up dust. As the dust began to settle, everyone watched a young teen woman make her appearance. Her silver hair and red eyes were the most startling features to everyone there. She smirked. That smirk seemed to unravel everything as the guards shouted at one another. Man after man lined up before Moka. They unsheathed their swords before her. One smirked.

"You little bitch. You're going to regret doing that!" he snarled before Moka swiped a hand through her hair. The smirk fell from her face as she snorted. "Hmph scum. Know your place," Moka said before releasing a wave of demonic pressure. By himself, one of the guards watched as his comrades fell to the ground one by one. Each dropped their swords making their sounds of metal ringing through the compound like a song of despair and hopelessness as the men fell to the pathetic ground they walked on. Moka looked up at the last remaining man. His hands were shaking, his form was quivering. Such an unsettling sight. Moka smirked and…charged.


Near the outskirts of Tea Country, the Four Great Satans stood in a circle. Each knelt down to one knee. "Okay we're going to begin the process. This will take a portion of demonic energy, but if we all cooperate then we should have no further issues. This is not the time for jokes Serafall," Falbium said with a small glare. Serafall stared at her fellow satan in shock.

"I know when it's time to get serious Falbi. What do you take me for?" Serafall asked making Falbium pinch the bridge of his nose. Sirzechs chuckled, but he didn't move to reply. Neither did Ajuka. He merely shook his head. "Come on you two, we have work to do. I just felt Moka-san's demonic energy fluctuate. No doubt Maou-sama has already started. Remember once we begin we can't stop or we'll very well break the fabric of the dimension. No pressure," Sirzechs remarked making the others swallow the lump in their throats.

"Wow that sounds like a hefty piece of information," a sudden voice suddenly said in the fields forcing Serafall, Falbium, and Ajuka to look up. Sirzechs chuckled as he stood to his feet. In contrast to Sirzechs, the three satans glared at the individual in regular loathing. "Aw what's the matter? Why the glares?" his firm voice asked as he stepped more and more into the fields. The smirk on his face seemed to irritate the three satans more and more before Sirzechs turned around.

"Well the glares on my friends are only natural. You aren't one of the most respect demons…Dante-san," Sirzechs said as a tall, white-haired man in a dark, red coat came forward. Behind his back laid a rather large sword. The four Satans could feel the power radiating from it, but then again they all knew who they were dealing with. "Heh, I suppose that's true, but then again I don't really care to be respected by demons," the man named Dante said as he grabbed the hilt of his sword.

"Now why don't you all be good little brats and go back to the underworld where you all belong, if you don't then I'm gonna have to ask all the kids to leave. It might just get M-rated here," Dante replied while Sirzechs sighed. "The seal doesn't need four. You guys complete the seal. I'll handle Makai's Number One Rogue Half-Demon," Sirzechs said with a small smirk. Dante could feel the power radiating from Sirzechs' body. He carefully reached for his sword.

"Well well, looks like the kiddy gloves are coming off already. Of all the dimensions I've visited in my banishment I have to say that I never thought in a millennia than I would be fighting you again…classmate," Dante said with a wide smile. Sirzechs grinned. "I'll be sure not to bore you. Oh, but before we begin, where did you get that red coat of yours?" Sirzechs asked. Dante blinked before he outright laughed. He clutched his stomach hard before replying.

"You really want to know? Come on Satan Red. You know this isn't the only dimensions that matters in the universe. The dimensions guardians are friends of mine after all. Not even the Maou can restrict that. Coat's nice isn't it? You have no idea how much I had to pay for this thing," Dante said making Sirzechs nod his head. The redhaired Satan smiled widely. "Good. I'll have to take Grayfia-chan after I take care of you," Sirzechs said making Dante's eyebrow twitch.

"Cheeky asshole. We'll see about that. Now if we've fulfilled our requirement for introductions then…LET'S BRING THE HOUSE DOWN! Dante shouted as he unclipped his sword and with great speed charged at the Lucifer Satan. Sirzechs smirked as he held out his hands. Quickly a heavily dark energy encased in red energy made itself apparent. Serafall widened her eyes while Falbium and Ajuka narrowed their own.

Sirzechs charged at Dante kicking up the dust underneath his feet. Dante shouted as he held his sword over head while Sirzechs extended his hand. With a loud clash, Dante slammed his sword against Sirzechs' abilities in the use of the Power of Destruction. As the two met, Serafall, Falbium and Ajuka covered their eyes as a massive wave of dust came over the field. The ground beneath the Gremory Satan and the Half-Demon exploded in a powerful quake of aura. In the skies above a large demonic seal appeared. The clouds gathered and lightning flashed through the skies. The trees, one after the other, were ripped by their roots from the ground they stayed in. Sirzechs' hair flapped in the wave of power before him as he smirked. Meanwhile, Dante grinned just as widely. Sirzechs sighed. The only weapon that couldn't be fully destroyed by the Power of Destruction. That sword's name was Rebellion. "Stand down Dante-san," Sirzechs demanded while Dante smirked.

"You know me, I've never been one to follow orders Sirzechs," Dante said. Sirzechs shook his head before a dark aura covered their forms. The black, dark skies stormed violently around the area before the arena that formed around them quickly exploded in a brutal, savage, aggressive burst of demonic prowess and mastery. "Then I'll make you follow this one Dante-san," Sirzechs replied. Dante snorted.

"You're more than fuckin' welcome to try!" Dante instigated.

KG: I guess I can stop there. Oh come on, I said this was going to be a massive crossover. There are so many demons out there it just won't do justice if I didn't do that. Meh, I think I pulled that off rather well. In any case, we can rest here for now. Not really much else to say on this. Thanks for your time.

KG: In any case, stay breezy, protect what's important to you, review, and SEND ME CREAM SODA! SCREW REHAB! I WANT MY CREAM!