Finally onto the next chapter. Gomen ne? It took so long to come but I hope you like how it turned. It is a small chapter but I wanted to update on this story. Before we move on, a few words to say to all those who reviewed:

NatsuxLucy4ever: Good to hear from you after a long time, dear. Trust me when I said she left Natsu and something outrageous is going to happen in this chapter too. You better be ready to face it in a few seconds.

Lolibeagle: Finding her in Crocus? We'll have to see about that. Believe me, she did leave him in this story.

simpleory: I'm so happy that you find it promising and thank you for waiting for the other chapter updates.

Guest: Thank you! I'll take that as a compliment.

bookwurm247: Where did Lucy go I wonder? Definitely not with me. I promise I didn't hide her anywhere.

4ever-a-fairy: That will truly be an adventure.I'm glad to know you are looking forward to it. I too hope Lucy's okay. XD

Thank you for all the love by faving and reviewing! I wonder if anyone's still reading my stories because I take a long time to update. Just know, my life isn't very easy on me. I just have fewer escapades like this as the time passes by. Anyways, you guys carry on with the story.

Disclaimer:- I don't own FT. Don't remind me about it again and again ;_;

A letter to Igneel



"Really? Do you know where Igneel is?" she asked the man who stood infront of her. The grin never left his face. His deep violet hair was neatly brushed to one side. He wore a cloak but didn't hide his head. She wouldn't have bothered herself with him if he hadn't mentioned he had known Igneel.

Igneel…. That was the person she was searching for… the only person who can help her in her current situation.

Igneel… the one who was missing for now. She didn't actually trust that pink haired man because there was no way her father would mention him if he was missing. So, she decided she'd go back to her baby sitter. That was unless she met this guy who claimed to have seen Igneel before.

"I wouldn't be lying Lucy. In fact, I've met him yesterday in Bosco," he said. A smile danced on her lips. She closed her eyes, missing that devious smile on his face and let a sigh in relief.

"I've finally found him. Now everything would be alright" she thought to herself.

"Can you…. Can you take me to him?" She asked, determined. Tears began to emerge at the corners of her eyes. If she fails this time, she didn't know what she would do. She would be at a dead end.

"You don't have to ask like that. I'll definitely help. What are friends for?" he smiled at her. "I'll just arrange for a boat and we can leave for Bosco this afternoon. Meet me at the port"

Lucy mouthed a 'thank you' before she saw him leave. She was getting somewhere with this.

At least…

How naïve of her to think that way for the moment the guy left the restaurant where he found her, he called someone and said. "Oi, I've got a girl. Prepare the money. I'm not taking anything less than what we've agreed upon. Trust me, she's a good catch"


"Going to Crocus with Gray wouldn't be all that bad," his best friend said, smiling at him who had this big frown on his face.

"You have no idea. He eats ice cream on purpose. He pisses me off badly," he complained.

"Don't you put more tabasco in your food, just to aggravate him too, especially when he's around?" she raised an eyebrow at him.

"That's different!" Lisanna could only giggle at his remark.

"I'll miss you though, Natsu." She said, the smile never leaving her face.

"I'll be gone only for three days, Lis," he said, stating the unseen truth. She rolled her eyes.

"Three days is a long time, Natsu," she said.

"Yup, Three days is a long time," he repeated before both of them bursting into fits of laughter, earning the attention of the entire restaurant. They only quietened then, to let the others eat in peace but still kept their smiles on. Lisanna's lasted long though the same couldn't be said about Natsu. It dwindled into a more thoughtful expression.

"Hey, Lisanna, can you do me a favour?" he asked, knowing she would agree. "Can you check on my house if I get a parcel or a visit from someone?"

Now that was new.

"I can do that. But are you expecting someone/something in specific? Maybe a secret girlfriend you're hiding from everyone?" Natsu's cheeks tinted red at her comment. Lisanna only laughed at his weird expression.

"I sure am expecting something but it's not what you think. Check my house once in a while ne? Oh my gosh! I have only an hour left for the train. I've got to go and pack! Bye Lis!" he waved as he left her alone at the table.

"Pay the bill. I'll treat you the next time!" he shouted from the entrance.

She could only smile watching him leave. It was so much of fun with Natsu around. There wouldn't be anyone who wouldn't like this guy. Not even Gray or Gajeel who fight with him every time…


"Lucy, are you ready? We're setting sail. You don't have motion-sickness or anything right?" Bora asked her, masking his intention with worry.

"I have no problem with transportation, Bora-san. Thank you for helping me so much," she bowed her head in gratitude.

"It's my pleasure," Lucy failed to notice the viciousness in his voice. She would only think he was a good guy, ne?


"Oi Natsu, it's your fault that we missed the train," Gray accused. They were currently sitting in a taxi,.

"Repeat what you said, Gray!" the pink-haired man said, ticked off.

"I said you started the whole fight back at the store. It was me who first reached there to buy the shaving cream," Gray retorted.

"But it was me who first saw it," Natsu wasn't the one to back down.

The men were about to resort to a fight but the taxi stopped at the moment. The driver came and opened the door. He threw their luggage out and kicked them out along with them. Natsu and Gray could only gape at him as he drove away at the topmost speed away from them, leaving them stranded in the middle of the highway.

"It's your fault!" they said in unison.

"Ara ara, I wonder if they reached Crocus safely or not," a certain white haired woman wondered looking out the window of their office.

"I'm sure they'll make it if not safely, Mira-nee," Lisanna commented and the sisters laughed. It wasn't really a wise decision to send them together, is it? "Anyways, I heard Erza-san was leaving in a few hours for the plane to Crocus to catch up with them right? She'll take care of things, don't you worry"

"I'm just worried about them. You know, there are more chances of getting a call from a hospital than from the client about a successful deal" she remarked.

"I agree," Lisanna said with a smile. We'll just have to wait and see, ne?


"Lucy, you must be thirsty. Why not take some juice?" Bora handed her a glass of orange juice to drink. Lucy hesitated at first but took it nevertheless.

Should I drink it? Or should I…. Is it even safe?...

So Lucy's in a dilemma! What should Lucy do?! Where's our hero who is supposed to save our damsel in distress? Oh, I forgot, stranded in a battle. Bora's just so evil in this XD XD Ha ha ha!

What do you think about it? (I'm sorry for making him(Bora) so bad but the story needed it). Does this story still interest you? OR should I just stop here and continue my other stories? Tell me no? I'm in a dilemma too.

Review and let me know your views about this story.

Till next time, bye and have a nice time all!
