-Another OUAT episode, this time with Konan as Maleficent, Yugito as Cruella, but with cats and Utakata as Ursula because the tentacles reminded me of Saiken's tails and he's one of my favourite characters-
-I don't own Once Upon A Time or Naruto-
Heroes and Villains
Hinata glanced around the dining room quickly before running and opening up the cabinet to look at all the trinkets Shukaku has collected, her eyes land on a beautiful ornate sword on the middle shelf, she picks it up in awe.
'Don't cut yourself dearie'
Hinata freezes and spins around eyes wide 'I'm sorry, I thought...'
Shukaku smirks 'you thought I would be away a few more days'
She pouts averting her eyes 'well you did say...'
He cuts her off with a wave of his paw 'I lied'
Taking the sword from her he turns 'I wanted to see how the mouse would play while the cat was away'
Putting the sword on the table he runs his tail across the surface.
'And the mouse has done very little cleaning' he said waving his now dusty tail under her nose.
'You just have so many wonderful things here from all over the land' Hinata said spinning around 'and I was just curious and you never talk about any them'
Shukaku throws her a disbelieving look and gestured to her 'you're the help!'
'And your rude' she scoffs pointing at him.
'Well I could be much worse' he snarls before stepping towards her.
'Hmph but you're not' she sniffs before settling herself on the table 'look, you have seen the things I have always wanted, yet you share nothing'
Shukaku snorts 'quite mouthy aren't you and...Brave'
'If you were going to kill me you would have done it long ago'
Shukaku's face pinches at that; Hinata not noticing continues talking excitably 'now tell me how your trip to Kumogakure was'
He flashes her a fanged grin and walks towards the cabinet 'good for me, not so good for Kumo' he extends his hand out towards her 'a souvenir' gold sand swirled in his palm before dispersing to reveal a gauntlet, he hands it to her 'clean it up for me will you?'
Hinata's nose crinkles as she takes it, noticing the obscene amount of blood on it.
What is it?' she asks prodding at it gingerly.
'It's a magical gauntlet with a very specific power; it can locate anyone's greatest weakness'
'How ominous, but why do you need this? With all your power you could destroy any foe'
Shukaku rolls his eyes.
'If you must know it's about manipulation, and for that you must find ones weakness' he smirks at her and moves closer 'and for almost everyone that weakness is the thing they love most'
Shukaku sips his Tea as Hinata fidgets next to him, his ear twitches in irritation 'spit it out dearie'
'So I've figured it out, why you collect so many magical artefacts... you have a hole in your heart'
Shukaku sets down his cup.
'There is only one thing missing from my life' he says solemnly, Hinata looks at him questionably.
'Clean clothes' he says straight faced before clicking his claws.
Hinata suddenly appears outside in her cloak, washing basket in hand.
'You're just upset because you know I'm right' she pouts while pegging a sheet on the line 'and no I'm not talking to myself because I know you listen to me' huffing she walks to her basket.
Hinata looks up to see a silvery blue cat looking at her, she smiles.
'Aww hi kitty' she coos, as she moves towards it the cat suddenly walks off into the woods.
'Wait' Hinata cries following it, stopping near a tree she looks around 'where did it go?' she mutters not seeing the dark shape behind her, a hand grabs her face and everything goes black.
Shukaku growls in annoyance 'HINATA!' he shouts again while using his tail to swat away the sheets as he looks around.
'Where have you gone? Don't tell me you've done something stupid like run away'
A white paper butterfly flitting overhead drops an object in front of him; Shukaku looks to the butterfly before bending to pick it up, finding it to be a sand dollar he proceeds to wave his paw over it as he did a hologram of Hinata appeared, Shukaku's face twisted in anger, her hands were bound and she looked frightened, a face that didn't suit someone as brave as her.
'Shukaku I'm supposed to ask you for that gauntlet from Kumo, bring it to the base of Boulder Lake at midnight, or... I'll be killed'
Laughter reaches Shukaku's ears causing him to grip the sand dollar tighter, Hinata's eyes dart sideway for a split second 'Shukaku help!' she pleads.
He reaches out for her image but it vanishes before his eyes, throwing his head back he lets out an ear-splitting roar, breathing harshly he spins around and spots the butterfly.
'YOU!' he snarls pointing at it 'I know where you came from, tell your mistress I know who she is and she's just crossed a line!'
After arriving at Boulder Lake Shukaku then proceeds to pace angrily in front of a fire pit, the killing intent rolling off him waves.
'I have what you want dearie' he growls waving the gauntlet around 'now show yourself'
Hinata suddenly come running out of the shadows towards him 'Shukaku help please!' she gasps, tears threatening to fall.
'Yes Shukaku, do help her' a swarm of white butterflies descend into the cave merging behind her to reveal a young women, Hinata freezes and turns.
'Konan... Oh I am impressed' he smirks 'I didn't think you had it in you'
'Give me the gauntlet and you can have your wench back'
'Well since you asked so nicely' he thrusts out a clawed hand towards Konan causing her to levitate, he starts choking her.
'You think you can steal from the dark one and live, any last words?'
'I'm not alone' she chokes out.
A squelching sound echoes throughout the cave before multiply white tails shoot out of the darkness and wrap themselves around Hinata, choking her, a cackle rings out.
Shukaku bares his fangs 'The Sea Slug'
'Such a pretty little thing' Utakata croons tightening his hold 'a shame I'll have to crack her pipes'
'Harm one hair on her head and Konan burns'
'And Utakata will kill your maid and where will that leave us?'
'Yugito, I thought I got a whiff of desperation and sake' Shukaku grins cruelly 'I must say I'm surprised to see you all here, last time we crossed it looked like things weren't going your way'
'Shall I get a step stool so you can look me in the eye when you threaten me?' Yugito bites out.
'It took three of you to get this far, and I promise it isn't far enough'
'Have it your way' Yugito waves her hand 'Utakata be a dear and crush the maid's heart'
Hinata whimpered as Utakata tightened his tails around her, Shukaku falters then snarls as he throws the gauntlet to Yugito and releases Konan causing her to drop to the ground gasping.
Utakata releases Hinata but keeps an arm around her waist just in case she runs.
'That was a rather risky endeavour for an old glove dearies' he said keeping his relieved eyes on Hinata.
Utakata scoffed 'the risk was worth it, for too long we've lived in a world where heroes always win'
'And the gauntlet will reveal our enemies weaknesses and we will be the victors' Yugito states as she strokes the glove lovingly.
Konan grins 'let her go'
Utakata shoves Hinata forwards, as Shukaku darts forward to catch her, the trio disappear in a cloud of butterflies, paying them no mind he quickly scans her for injuries.
'Why would you do that? I mean with that object you...'
He cuts her off 'they still won't be able to harm you'
Hinata smiles at him 'why so you care about me?' she asks softly.
Shukaku stills, his mouth opening repeatedly before roughly shoving her away from himself.
'I don't, but if anyone's going to kill you it's gonna be me' he says dramatically cheeks tinged pink.
Back at Boulder Lake Shukaku had summoned back Hinata's kidnappers.
'There comes a day when the students surpass the master, but today is not that day' he puts out his hand 'I want my gauntlet'
Konan's eyes narrow 'we made a deal Shukaku you never go back on a deal'
'No I paid a ransom, quite different, demanding a ransom from the dark one is not a deal, it's a death wish and' he waves a claw and the gauntlet appears 'a fool's errand, now if you excuse me I have work to do' giggling insanely Shukaku bursts into sand.
-Done, going back through it I realized I kept switching back and forwards between claw and paw, let's just say he can alter his hands :-) -