Crimson. It's everywhere. Muffled voices are heard above, but none are processed. Streaks of green fill my vision, but taken over by the streaks of red that I so often see. The ground that was once below my head is now no longer there as I'm lifted up from the cold concrete. Up. Is that where we go when we leave our bodies? No, I stop and feel myself moving forward. The sound of water sloshing against something is heard, where am I?
Red, yet again...but, this time it is accompanied by green. More voices, less muffled. I try to speak, but the taste of copper fills my mouth instead. More voices, more familiar.
Something soft fills my hand. The purple, but is tangled with the oh so familiar red. More images come into view, more familiar. The sound of a pleading voice interupts my thoughts, the brother?
Time seemed to go on forever, It had felt like years until my surroundings seemed to change. Now the scent of jasmine fills my nostrils in place of the tangent odor of sewage. A comforting hand, or paw I should says caresses my head and the color brown now fills my familiar, so welcoming.I lean into the touch.
What was that,can I comprehend words now, or was it just my imagination? No, that voice,all too familiar...
Something warm and wet leaks onto my forhead. Tears. These tears only belong to one who has felt much grief.
"Father...why sad?"
I'm embraced in a warm hug,one only given when hope seems to fade,but why? I try to get up to ask what was happening,I was confused and it started to scare me,but I couldn't. My limbs felt like jelly and it would leave me shaking like a child.
"My son, you...must rest." Pure grief and sadness clung to each word and hot tears started clawing their way at the back of my own eyes.
Everything that was in the room could now be seen. I was placed inside the infirmary room in my lab,but why? Everything seemed wrong, something happened,if only someone would just-
Suddenly sharp pain makes its way all over my entire body. It felt as if I was on fire, if not for the fact that my skin felt like ice,I would believe so. I look down at my body just for my sanity's sake and the image makes me want to throw up. Several deep scars lay across my plastron in a fashion that would only be created by an untrained arm using a butcher knife. My skin that used to be olive green was now incredibly pale. This felt like some nightmare,but at the same time,I felt safe.
"I love you,"