Chapter 1: Liel the Elder

The guild hall of Fairy Tail was as loud as ever with everyone laughing, drinking and having a swell time. All the mages had mostly gotten over the events pre-Fantasia Parade, well everyone but Natsu of course. He was still fairly upset about losing any chance of fighting Laxus again, and especially that Gramps would stoop so low as to kick him outta the guild! Every day he went and complained about it to Fairy Tail's guild master, Makarov(frequently called Gramps), but each time he just seemed to upset Gramps—this in turn angered Erza who gave him a long lecture as to why Laxus was forced to leave.

Well, just as Natsu was about to go complain about Laxus' banishment some more, the guild hall doors were slammed open. In walked a hooded figure, and from what everyone could see, they were probably a girl. The mysterious figure walked down the rows of tables until the reached Master Makarov and stood until noticed.

Meanwhile, near the doors of the guild, Natsu's sensitive nose picked up a scent. Now this wasn't any normal day stranger's smell, but a more familiar one, like a "blast from the past" sorta thing.

"It couldn't be..." He muttered. Natsu sniffed the air again which nearly confirmed his thoughts, now all he needed was visual proof. Gray noticed Natsu's odd behavior and stared questioningly at him, but his gaze was ignored.

When Makarov finally looked up at shrouded mystery man, he said,

"Can I help you?"

"I believe so," a deep but feminine voice (confirming they were a girl) murmured, "Is this Laxus Dreyar's guild?"

"Until recently yes, but he was exiled a few weeks ago." Makarov replied gruffly. The hooded figure contemplated this for a moment before answering back,

"But you are his grandfather, correct?" Makarov stared at the shadowed personage before narrowing his eyes.

"...I would like to know and see whom I speak to before giving out anymore information." He growled out. The mysterious woman hesitated, if for just a second, but slowly reached for her hood. She pulled it back behind her head and then untied the sting binding the cloak together before letting it fall to the ground.

At the sight of her, nearly everyone in the guild gasped in awe. She was quite a beauty to behold: her hair was a platinum-pinkish colour, with her bangs clipped on top of her head and spiking off at the end. It fell to just above her knees in straight locks, and was trimmed just slightly above her shoulders in the front. The woman's eyes were golden, and seemed to be missing the pupils. She had semi-high cheekbones and a slightly tan complexion with full, red lips. She was very gorgeous indeed. But there was one thing that interested everybody most of all:

She held no sign of emotion at all.

"Now, I wish to speak with you of your grandson, Laxus, and my reasons of being here. I've also come to take your Fire Dragon and, if needs be, his team for the next four weeks. " The woman stated plainly.

"No, my terms were to show yourself and tell whom you are." Makarov replied. The woman didn't speak for a few minutes but simply stood and thought of whether or not she should say who she was. After a pregnant silence she spoke,

"I am—" she was cut off my a loud, animalistic growl. Everyone turned to look at Natsu who was glaring at the woman, eyes ablaze.

"LIEL!" He snarled.

To Be Continued...

A/N: Okay, so this is my first attempt at fan fiction (or rather any kind of story for that matter...) so I'd really love some reviews and tell me if you like the story so far, if there's anything you'd like in it or something. Thanks again! ~