AN: I don't even know what I did here. I just encountered this idiom during one of my classes, and somehow it gave me ideas (more like kinky ones). But really, this is my first try on this... Thing, so go easy on me.

Summary: Kuroko tried to look more compatible with his redhead lover for once; but somehow, Akashi did not find it amusing at all. Not at all.

Warnings: M-rated, yes... M- But I don't have the guts to write smut yet. YET. *Insert evil laugh here*

Disclaimer: Kuroko no Basuke belongs to Fujimaki Tadatoshi-sensei~

Dress to Kill

A teal haired male was frantically running at top speed as he struggles to tame his awfully ridiculous bed hair. He cursed under his breath for his luck. Of all days to oversleep, it just have to be his first date with lover, Akashi.

Yes, Akashi Seijuro, also known as "The Emperor". He had always been the top of his class for he is the heir of the renowned CEO of Akashi Corporation. His blazing red hair was smooth as silk, his heterochromatic eyes of ruby and gold was all to superior that in one glance you'll turn into a puddle of goo. He was not very tall but even behind his wear, firm muscles were evident. To sum it up, Akashi was simply- Perfect.

He has always thought that nothing's perfect, until he attended a prestigious academy named Teiko. He was a college freshman under the course of AB Literature when he met Akashi in one of his classes and became friends with him.

At first, he was reluctant, eventually he too accepted Akashi proposal of being acquainted to him because he's "interesting". Akashi would always find the time to coax him in a little chat or if ever they have the same class, he makes sure to stick to him, even in groupings. There were also times that Akashi insists of having lunch together or visiting their school library and stuff.

Kuroko never knew why this seemingly perfect guy deemed him as interesting. He knows he was an average guy from an average family, never been top in class- never been the bottom, and for some reason his presence was weaker than of a normal person. How the hell is he interesting? Kuroko soon became accustomed to Akashi's company, and he had to admit- being with the redhead isn't so bad after all. Still, he could never comprehend the way Akashi thinks; and it proved to be true.

After school, Kuroko saw a sticky-note on the cover of his history textbook. The note said that he should come to the Student Council Office. The note was clearly from Akashi even though there was no name on it. Akashi never did mention about Council work and such but Kuroko knew that he was probably the president or whatever. The blunette wondered if he had done something wrong for him to go the Student Council Office, as far as he know he had been diligent enough to pass all the requirements while keeping a low profile.

Reaching the room, he knocked twice before turning the knob and opening the door painfully slow, he meekly popped his head inside with a court greeting and asked for Akashi's presence. A smooth, velvety voice answered back for him to step inside. He was right, Akashi was probably the president judging by the stacks of papers on the desk. He swallowed a lump in his throat before asking why he was called. The answer was what he didn't saw coming: "I just wanted to see you."

Kuroko blinked a couple of times before he comprehended what Akashi said. Wait, maybe he just needed something. So Kuroko prompted to ask only to see Akashi's perfect face in a scowl. The redhead stood up from his seat and walked toward the blunette whose heart was beginning to explode. He didn't know why but his face started to get hot when his personal space was broken by the proximity of Akashi and him. The taller one raised his hand and brushed the blunette's cheek with his thumb. His scowl now gone only to be replaced with a pleading look.

"Tetsuya," It sounded exhilarated "How can you be so dense?"

Their eyes locked on to each other, neither was breaking but the other was clearly shaken. His face turned bright red but he never did break the contact. He found the redhead's eyes fascinating but he knew he should break the contact now or else- scratch that. Akashi smiled lovingly at the blunette, a face he had never seen before, or if he did, he knew that it was only with him, he felt happy and confused, he was doubting whether his friend might just be joking or it was really the truth. He never had the chance to break the contact as Akashi pressed his lips onto his. It was paralyzing yet intoxicating. After a few seconds Akashi broke of the kiss and stared at Kuroko who was now a sputtering mess.

He chuckled before dropping the bomb that even his little blunette can't dodge.

"Tetsuya, go out with me."

He felt hypnotized by the eyes of the redhead whose filled with emotions unknown to him. All he could do was say yes.

Now let's go back to the actual thing.

The blunette arrived at the designated place where he and his lover would meet on their first date, for some reason the bench at the park was flocking with women. He walked a bit nearer and looked for his redhead only to see that the one being flocked by women was Akashi. The mogul seemed to not pay attention on the people around him, he noticed the other's presence (of course the girls didn't) and stood up elegantly and walked to the smaller one. How can even one stand up elegantly? A feat only Akashi can do.

Kuroko almost drooled at the scene before him. Akashi was absolutely stunning, he wore a red v-neck shirt underneath a black vest that was probably worth thousands of yen. He wore gray designer jeans and a pair of Allen Edmond's leather shoes. Whereas he wore a plain light blue hoodie, a plain looking jeans and a pair of sneakers, to make it worse, his bed hair won't cooperate on what he wants to do. Oh, how he wanted to go hide in a hole right now!

The redhead chuckled on how Kuroko's hair stood up from every end, he brushed the teal locks using his hand and the people around them shot glares like daggers on the poor blunette. Although he liked the feeling, he brushed his lover's hand off and decided to fix it himself. After a minute or two fixing his hair, they decided to walk downtown to go to the theater instead of taking a bus, Akashi had movie tickets on a show that's going to be premiered tonight.

As the two were walking, Akashi sneakily intertwined their hands and pulled the blunette closer. The smaller one only blushed in protest that made the redhead chuckle. The two stopped by the burger joint and Akashi knew what the blunette wanted, so he went inside and ordered his lover's favorite drink. Kuroko was pleased as he sipped onto his milky goodness. So far the date was normal, but Kuroko knew sooner or later something's going to happen; and he was right.

Two girls encircled his lover and... Apparently they were hitting on him. The girls were asking if he had someone with him. Akashi was going to answer but the girls kept pestering him by speaking non-stop. That was the time when the blunette decided to butt it. The girl's didn't look dismayed. No, not at all; in fact they glared at him as if he were a disgusting excuse of a person. Oh how he wanted to let them have a taste of his Ignite Pass if not that they were girls.

Being the gentleman that he is Akashi politely brushed the girls off and bluntly stated that he is already taken by the blunette, and he prefers to be with him. The girls rudely persisted that Akashi would have more fun if he were with them instead of the plain-looking blunette. Naturally, Kuroko's confidence dropped down and seeing the girls were cute, and yeah- they were normal girls. Seeing as his little lover was getting uncomfortable, Akashi smiled at the girls and politely refused to go with them. It worked, probably. They ran off after insulting the two as gays. Akashi turned to Kuroko and opted to ignore them and continue their date.

During the whole date, Kuroko made sure to put some distance between him and Akashi because he felt really embarrassed- or more like he doesn't want Akashi to be ridiculed by his unsightly appearance. But Akashi seemed to be trying for the date to work; apparently, he was too preoccupied on how he really wasn't compatible with his perfect lover.

Instead of enjoying, the blunette felt like he inconvenienced Akashi. After the date Akashi walked Kuroko home. He bent down and kissed the smaller one's lips before taking a step back with a satisfied face. But the poor little blunette went home dejected with a flushed face.

So there, the blunette was now standing in the middle of the park waiting for his redhead lover. The people who were passing by stole glances every know and then on the blunette who was fiddling as he felt the stares even from his back. He took a deep breath then exhaled. He needed to calm himself and stay cool he thought.

"This time it will be different."

AN: Muwahahahahahaaaah... Okay, I'm gonna jump off a cliff now.
This'll probably be a two-shot or whatever 'kay, but it depends. I might make omakes. ;D