Written for the Drabble Challenge...Repeating the same word each sentence. I chose 'ear.'
An Ear is for so Much More
An ear, Castle had never really given that body part much thought before, at least not until Kate Beckett became a permanent fixture in his life. A part of the body he so easily took for granted, an ear only seemed important for hearing and providing an additional part to the face. But oh my has Castle learned how very wrong he was—for you see, an ear can be for so much more.
An ear is for grabbing when the annoyed detective needs to make a point. An ear is for holding onto as Kate Beckett throws her beautiful rained soaked body at him for the very first time. An ear is for caressing with the gentle touch of the strongest, softest hands he has ever known. An ear is for whispered 'I love yous' and gasping declarations of 'oh god.' An ear is for listening to her tell him her dreams, her giggles, her contented sighs and saying, "I do."
An ear is for pulling him out of a deep slumber with a yank and a twist and excited shout of, "Castle, the baby is coming!" An ear is for the sound of a baby boy gasping to life with a shrieking wail, and the exhausted tears of his beautiful, brave wife. An ear is for the cooing lullaby only Kate could sing, and for passing down from father to son, "Castle, his ears look just like yours!" An ear is for soft fingers that gently rub a cranky baby into a deep slumber, for storytime, dancing time, and baby giggles that explode joy throughout their home.
An ear is cartilage, soft tissue, three little bones, and a lifetime of memories.
Thank for reading!
This was so much fun!