Hallo humans :D. New story.. which jus came up with... Its practically about Magnus and Alec being friends..until Magnus moves for seven years. When Magnus comes back he remembers Alec, but he's not the same.

"Alec, sweety, get up," I felt someone shake my shoulder lightly causing me to wake up. I slowly opened my eyes seeing my mom, but quickly shut them again, knowing today was my first day of school.

"No.." I brought the covers up to hide my face.

"Hunny, its your first day, of first grade come on." She shook my shoulder again.

"I don't want to go to school. I don't like anyone."

I heard my mom laugh lightly, what was so funny?

"How about… when you get home we'll buy you a kitty." I heard her say.

I gasped. I sat up quickly throwing the sheets off of me, "Can..Can we call him Church?"

She looked at me funny for a second, "Why Church?"

"Because! Because! Because I like that name!"

My mom laughed lightly again, what was so funny?

"Ok, ok. Go take a bath i'll be down stairs with Izzy making food, ok?"

I nodded my head and jumped off the bed. I was getting a kitty!

I was sitting down on a really tall chair, eating pancakes. My mom told me it was called a bar stool, but why? Did she buy it at a bar? I looked down at my half eaten pancake and suddenly felt futterflys in my tummy. I didn't want to go to school.

"Alec, come on, you're going to miss the bus." I heard my mom call out.

I jumped off the stool, feeling my legs were like jelly.

"Here Alec," I heard my mom, I looked up to see her holding a black back pack. I chose it.

I nodded and put on the backpack.

"Ally!" I heard someone scream. I turned around to see my sister running towards me, her hair was down and messy, while she wore pink pajamas.

I smiled and hugged her tightly. She was only three.

"Mama, why does Ally have to go?"

"He has to go to school, and you'll be going to school in a month." My mom patted Izzy's head as she stood up and held my hand about to lead me out the door. "Also I wont be here tonight, Ok? Mommy and daddy have grown up things to do. Ok? We'll leave you guys with Hodge."

"Ok.." Both me and Izzy said.

My mom started to pull me, so I followed her outside, to see the bus already there.

My legs started to feel like jelly again as I was now standing in front of the big yellow truck.

"Ok, go in hunny. I'll see you tomorrow." My mom said letting go of my hand I looked up at her to see her already walking back inside of the house. I let out a deep breath, feeling my hair falling on my face.

I liked my hair.

I walked up the black weird stairs, and looked around to see the bus was filled. Then, look at that! My old friend Jonathan was there!

I ran towards him, happy to see someone I knew, "Jonathan! Look its me Alec!"

The boy looked at me surprised and then smiled, "Alec! Hi!"

I was about to sit next to him when a girl with blonde hair did. She smiled at me widely showing her white teeth. She had scary green eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked.

She giggled as if I had said something funny, "I was going to sit next to him." I said.

"Alec, Camille is my new friend. Sorry. Go sit somewhere else." Jonathan said.

"Fine." I said frowning and went to go sit in the back. I thought he was my friend, not that mean girls!

I slumped into the seat as I heard someone cough next to me. I looked up from my hair to see another boy. My eyes widened as I saw his eyes. "Your eyes look like a cats!" I gasped.

He laughed, and I couldn't help but laugh with him.

The boy with cat eyes sat next to me, as I moved so that he can have more space.

"My name is Magnus, what yours?" He asked.

"Alec." I said as I looked at his hair. It was spiked up as if it was hit by lightning, "Why is your hair like that?" I asked pointing at his head.

"I like it, and its gel," He smiled.

I smiled back, "Can i touch it?"

"Yes," he said and bent down.

I touched his hair, the spikes felt weird. "Cool."

Magnus smiled, "Why are your clothes just black?"

"I like them."

"Whyyyyyy, I like rainbow colors!" He stood up and pointed at his outfit. He was wearing yellow shorts, a pink shirt, a green small sweater and blue shoes.

"Wow" I said my mouth hanging open. This boy was a rainbow!

"What's your room number?" He asked, taking out a paper as I noticed a green ring on his finger.

"Room 58, and why do you have a ring?"

"Me too!" He gasped. "Also, my mom bought it I have to give the other half to my best friend, look." He dug in his sweater and took out another ring which was blue, "My favorite color is blue, so I got one green, because it looked cool, and blue because my favorite color." I stared at the rings as he connected them together, "Look!" he said happily as I stared.

Both of the colors seemed to swirl around each other in circles as both of them turned into a heart.

"Cool!" I yelled, while Magnus laughed and took them off apart.

"Do you want one? We can be friends forever!"

"Really?" I smiled at him, friends forever?!

"Yes, here give me your finger," He said.

I did as he told me to and gave him my hand, watching him put it on my finger, "There," He said.

"So, were friends forever?" I asked happily. Imagine getting a friend and not losing them to a scary weird girl!

Magnus smiled again, showing off his white teeth, "Yes."

i know this chapter is short/ boring. But i'm actually thinking of better chapters in the future... but I dont really think anyone will like it so I just uploaded to see.