Hey folks. Soran here.

Wow its been a long time hasn't it. I have a couple of updates I want to put here, and then I want to get back to work. First off no I am not dead. Do I plan on continuing The Alliance's Spartan, yes I do. Am I currently working on it, as soon as I get done here. The first thing I plan on doing is updating all the previous Chapters. There were a couple of things I didn't like about how I was writing the story and hopefully it won't take to long to correct. To all of you that have been with me from the beginning, thank you so much for your patience for those of you that found my story during that eight month period of hell that was my life until a few weeks ago, I promise I won't do this again. Turns out starting a new career and working 60+ hours a week plus having a kid and trying to renovate a house all at the same time means there's not a whole lot of time left for writing, but most of that's done now so here I am.

So stay tuned people, here we go. . . Again