A/n- hey, I'm sorry it's been so long for an update, I've been really busy. But I'm back now, and I should be updating by Tuesday of next week hopefully. But anyway, on with the story.

Seeing Black- Chapter 8

Nicole's POV

I wake up bright and early, and remember I have school. I instantly jump up and get "beautified", because today is the day that I'm going to ask ouT Harry! I go down stairs just to see that the only one awake is Harry, I smile on the inside, and grab a banana and sit down next to him, "Hey" I say nonchalantly, as my sad attempt to start a conversation.

"Morning." he mumbles back in reply.

He stands up abruptly, just to turn around, "Look, I really, really, like you. I was wondering, would you go on a date with me, tonight?" he asks, his hands going to the back of his neck, of what I notice as a nervous habit.

I smile, it probably looked really stupid considering it's 6 o'clock in the morning, and nodded.

"Yes, absolutely yes!" I exaggerate.

He smiles back and hugs me, then runs off up stairs as I play out the rest of my morning smiling like an idiot.

Kims POV

Walking around school, bored out of my mind. Yeah, I left the house at like 6:30, just to prove a point to Jack that I'm a 'big girl' and can take care of myself. I walk past a few doors, tons of lockers, another few doors, and another ton of lockers, as the pattern repeats itself, before it stops. I"m yanked into one of the doors, I try to scream, but a hand covers my mouth. It's really dark in the room, before the lights flickered on, and I saw Brad standing in front of me. I let out a sigh of relief and stood up, "Oh my god. I thought it was someone else" I exasperated.

But he just stood their, with this almost… devilish grin on his face.

"Uh, Brad?" I asked, backing up towards the back wall, until I couldn't go anymore, as he followed eerily.

"Say goodnight Kimmy." he smirked, before he like, attacked me.

I tried fighting back as much as I could, in the middle of the fight I heard the bell ring. We were still fighting, but I was slowly loosing, until he finally had me where I couldn't escape, so I resorted to the only thing I could… "Jack! Jack please! He-help!" I yelled, until Brad slapped me and covered my mouth.

"It's over Kimmy" and with the final words, all I saw was black.

Maddie's POV
It's already lunch and kim still isn't here, she also wasn't at the house this morning. I asked a few friends, to see if they've seen her, and they said they saw her this morning. That just arises more questions, she was at school this morning but now she's gone. Let's just hope Kim turns up tonight at home. Maybe she got sick.

Nicole's POV
It's the end of school and no one has seen Kim. We (meaning Harry, Jack, Maddie, Mackenzie, Jerry, and I) already called their parents, and they said that she isn't at home. I really am getting worried, where the hell is she!

Jack's POV
All of us are home, and they are all worried sick about Kim. I guess you can say I am too, but hell if I'd ever admit that to anyone. I just want to know where she is, and if she's ok. And right after that, I'll go back to not caring.

Kim's POV
"what do bitches want!" I spat, at these idiots who took me.

"We want the brewers. More specifically Jack. We know you are the way to get to him." the one, who looks like the leader spoke.

"Well your s*** out of luck, he doesn't even like me, he could care less if I'm taken. In fact he hates me!" I said again, as much as it hurts to say that.

I could see something flash through the mans eyes before he spoke angrily,

"Beat her!" he said, then left, slamming the door, before 3 guys, one of them being brad, starred, and grinned at me evilly, as I started struggling in the chair.

Jacks POV
It's almost 11 pm and Kim still isn't back, my family is all in bed, except for Maddie and I, were both really worried about Kim. We were sitting there talking when my phone started buzzing and I saw it was video call, it says its from Kim so I answer, just to see a guy there,

"Jack...Please Hurr-... Hell-!" I hear Kims voice, stutter in fear until the man started to talk.

"Hello Jackie Boy, how are ya, good? Well, I have your beautiful Kimmy here, and might I says she's gorgeous... I can tell you, many of my men here will have lots of fun with her" he says with a dark chuckle.

"Listen, you have 24 hours before her death, a slooow paiiinfuul death" the man slurs, I know who this is, and he pisses me off.

I let off a low growl, I guess it scared Maddie as she backed up.

"Listen mother fucker! You touch a hair on her head or an inch of her skin, I promise I will kill you all!" I growl into the phone, as the man chuckles again.

"Any last words Kimmy" he says

"Jack." she breaths out, "Don't do it, it's a tra-!" she tries to yell, but you could hear the strain in her voice.

Right after that he turned the camera towards Kim, Maddie and I gasped, she was covered in cuts and bruises. He leaves the camera on her as he speaks,

"You can start again boys" he laughs, and they start beating her, with every second he leaves the camera on her, the angrier I get.

He leaves the camera on her just long enough for us to watch the light leave her eyes, before he turns it back to him. "I'd like to see you try Jack" the mans last words peered through before the line went dead.A/n- ooh, cliffhanger! Ha-ha, you guys probably hate me, but oh well. You'' like the next few chapters, I promise. Well anyway, sorry it's a bit shorts, and maybe a little boring, but it's just getting started, I promise. 15 REVIEWS FOR AN UPDATE!&R!