A/N Out of the kindness of my heart-and an apology for not writing anything for awhile- I bring you another and the LAST chapter of this wonderful story. I put a lot of effort into this so please review. I hope you enjoy, I wrote it for you guys.

Harvey led Mike into the hallway of his apartment. He couldn't leave Mike in that ratty, one-room, blue monstrosity in a bad part of town. No, he wouldn't settle for that. Mike was like his little brother and he was recovering. He had given Harvey and Donna a scare a few days ago. Harvey shuddered at the memory and Mike felt it through the hands Harvey had on his shoulders. He looked over, his startling blue eyes locking into Harvey's brown orbs. They looked a bit haunted and Mike blushed, knowing that he had caused that look. The frightened twinkle that was only evident in the stoic-well, with touchy emotions, he conveyed anger and disappoint pretty damn well- lawyer's eyes if you looked really hard and knew what to look for. Unfortunately, both Donna and Mike knew what to look for. Donna for being there for him through his father's death and his brother's travels over the world as a doctor, from one country to another, no one knowing if he was okay other than a few postcards. Mike for putting that twinkle there after collapsing and scaring the shit out of Harvey.

"I'm so sorry Harvey." Mike apologized for what felt like the millionth time. And he truly did feel horrible. He should have taken the shit he would have gotten for asking for a day off. Instead, he had pushed himself to the breaking point. He had scared Harvey and died… twice. Now it was Mike's turn to shudder. He hated thinking about what had happened to him. And he had enough sympathetic looks from the hospital staff that had fell in love with him to last him a life time. Not to mention he had gotten Harvey to admit that he cared. Harvey, the I don't give a shit king of I don't give a shit assholes that lived in the world.

Harvey shrugged the haunted look in his eyes dulling and he just continued towards the couch in his apartment. Harvey sat Mike down on his plush, brown sofa that turned into a queen sized, luxurious, and memory foam bed. Harvey didn't skimp on his furniture and after Mike had spent the 4 days in the scratchy and uncomfortable bed, Harvey wanted to make sure he was comfortable. Harvey put a powder blue blanket over Mike and gave him his medicine. He was on autopilot, the days of worrying about Mike and fighting Donna when she wanted him to go home having drained him. After he was sure Mike was set he made way to get ready for bed himself. He had to work tomorrow; the dreaded Monday was going to be torture. Without babbling Mike there to distract him and Donna fussing over him to make sure he was okay he didn't know if he even wanted to face the music.

"Are you okay for the night Mike?" Harvey asked, a hint of concern in his voice-he was still a little edgy.

"Yeah 'm 'kay. You 'o bed. Sleep should be 'kay." Mike mumbled sleep slurring his voice. Harvey smiled and made his mind up. He had to stay home and take care of his associate, it was the only way Harvey wouldn't be panicking and Jessica had given him the whole week off.

Harvey opened his dark, mocha eyes at the first glimpse of sun. He always liked to watch the sunrise, it reminded him of his father and while he was a very sentimental guy, it made him feel closer to a family that wasn't really there for him. He stretched and shrugged on a heather grey waffle top over his bare chest, his lover half already covered by flannel pants. He made a cup of coffee and checked on Mike, who looked like a lost kid. He made his way to the glass sliding doors only to be stopped by a heart stopping sound.

"Don't leave me." Mike squeaked, his voice cracking on the last word.

Harvey rushed over, with a purpose; he was still trying to keep a bit of his tough guy appearance, which was who he was after all. His brown eyes searched the face of Mike, he was expecting to see frightened blue eyes looking up, and his hands clutching the blanket tightly, having been aware that Harvey had left. But much to his surprise, Mike's eyes remained closed and bright tears were streaming down his face. Mike appeared to be having a nightmare.

"No, don't get in the car. You'll leave forever. I don't want to be alone!" Mike wailed and his legs moved as if he were trying to run and catch up to his parents.

"Shh… Mike its okay." Harvey said softly, afraid to wake his associate. He didn't really know what to do. Donna was the one who took care of people, Harvey –was a little ashamed to admit- the one who broke people, made them confess, and tore people's reputations down so his could rise. He really was an asshole sometimes, and only his closest family and friends knew him enough to know that deep down he was that lost teen working in the mailroom after being kicked out of college for accidentally setting the statue of the dean on fire. Which is a story to be told at another time in another place. So, Harvey did what came to mind, he set his black coffee down on the table and took a seat next to Mike. He awkwardly put his hand on Mike's back and rubbed circles. This seemed to calm the slumbering associate and when Mike's breathing even out instead of the frightened gasps, Harvey slipped away to call Donna. Harvey got up on shaky legs and slowly dialed Donna. It rang once, twice, a third time before it finally went through.

"Harvey, what happened? Its Mike isn't it, what happened, is he hurt? Is he dying? HARVEY WHAT HAPPENED!" Donna cried through the phone and Harvey remembered that Donna told him not to call unless it was an emergency.

"Donna, he's fine. Trust me. It's just; I can't do this….. I'm not good at this, it's why Marcus became a doctor because he had to care for our family, and I…. I just panic. He had a nightmare and I didn't even know what to do with that. Donna… can you take care of him?" Harvey explained his voice soft and vulnerable, something he only allowed Donna to hear after an occasional slip.

"Oh Harvey." Donna sighed. "You will do fine. And don't call me again unless he needs to go back to the hospital. "

"Okay, bye Donna." Harvey replied, knowing that if Donna believed he could do this he could.

Harvey walked back to the kitchen, knowing that he had missed the sunset. He set out to make breakfast. He flipped and scrambled a few eyes, incorporating mozzarella and spinach, something Marcus and Harvey loved to eat when they were younger. He made enough for both himself and Mike. Then he blended a couple smoothies. Taking the pineapple, papaya, and coconut out of the fridge and blending them together. Once he was satisfied with the breakfast he had made, he went out to wake Mike. He got distracted a few steps in by a huge crash. Knowing it had to be Mike, he spun and ran towards the hallway connecting the living room to the bathroom

"Mike? Mike are you okay?" Harvey yelled, and hearing it out loud started to be amused. A day out of the hospital and the kid couldn't even manage to make it to the bathroom without being clumsy.

"Yeah, Harvey I'm fine, just had a fight with a chair." Mike replied sheepishly and Harvey rounded the corner to find Mike with a hand clutching the side of his hair and a brown chair knocked over right next to it. At the moment, Mike really did look like an overactive puppy.

"Did you lose?" Harvey asked, bemused.

"Yeah…. I think I'm bleeding." Mike sighed.

"Let me see." Harvey kneeled down and lifted his associate's hand off of the wound. It was pretty deep and blood was flowing freely from the wound. Harvey touched it and Mike hissed in pain. "Well, puppy looks like you need stitches."

"What! No, I'm fine." Mike lied; he really didn't want to go back to the hospital. The staff-especially the nurses- had taken a…. special liking towards him and the entire time he was there, one nurse or another would stick their phone number in his jello, or on another blanket, or give it to Donna who just chuckled and told Mike he was quite the bachelor.

"Chill, Marcus can tell me what to do and here too." Harvey chuckled, still quite amused by the scene.

Mike sat in the hallway as Harvey went to make a call to his brother. He wished that he wasn't such a klutz, I mean who ends up needing stitches after a day of being free from the hospital? Mike was sure that he was a black cat, and he hoped that his own bad luck wouldn't rub off on Jenny, or worse Harvey, who had recently called him family. Mike removed his hand from his head and winced at the color his hand was. It was stained red from the blood and had almost black flecks dotting the creases of congealed blood. He started to get woozy, blood was never his strong suit, and he knew that if Harvey needed him to move, he was sure to pass out. Mike closed his eyes against the pounding headache-probably a concussion. He opened them when Harvey walked through the hallway. Mike watched in horror as Harvey advanced carrying a needle and thread, as well as a bandage and rubbing alcohol.

"H-harvey, W-what are you gonna do with that?" Mike stammered, his blue eyes wide and his face paling.

"I'm going to close the wound, uless you want to go to the hospital." Harvey reasoned and Mike seemed to calm a bit.

"O-okay just, can you make it quick?" Mike pleaded, controlling his breaths in a more even and safe form of hyperventilation.

"I will buddy." Harvey reassured and stepped forward to close the wound.

Harvey took some gauze from a first aid kit and dipped it in the rubbing alcohol and cleansed th wound on Mike's head. Mike whimpered at the sting but stayed mostly quiet. Harvey then took some numbing agent he didn't know the name of-it was Marcus'- and numbed the area. Then he slowly sewed up the wound on Mike's head.

Mike hesitantly opened a single blue eye. "Is it over?" He whispered.

"Yeah, it's over. " Harvey chuckled, knowing that Donna was right. He could take care of Mike, at least long enough to keep him alive until he could go back to his apartment and take care of himself. "Why don't we go get some breakfast?" Harvey asked, and with that they went and enjoyed the rest of the day.

A/N To make my day, and encourage me to write more stories and continue the few I am still updating, please review. They always make my day!