Split Personality Chapter 1: When Hell Begun


It is the summer of their 6th grade year when Arnold's darker side finally broke loose of his cage. Arnold is set in inner turmoil as he fights against Dark Arnold's demands and desires for Helga Pataki.

Narrator prov.

The sky was a dull gray blue without a single cloud in sight, with the blistering sun beating down upon the city Hillwood. Under the shaded tree of Mighty Pete stood a group of onlookers, watching the seen take place between two blonde 12 year olds.

"This can't be real, it has to be some sort of lie!" Arnold panicked. His whole frame trembled, clutching onto Helga's limp body. Blood is dripping everywhere; Helga's scent that was now mingled with sprayed blood is choking him. He just couldn't take it in, that this was really happening.

Among the crowd a dark figure, about the same height as Arnold, steps forward "What you see is exactly what you're going to get. If I can't have Helga then no one can." he grins. Arnold's eye widen as everything plays into slow motion. That voice sounded so eerie familiar, he knew exactly who it belonged to but Arnold couldn't admit it to himself. No, he could admit it, it's just he didn't want to, not now.

Hey Arnold… Hey Arnold… Hey Arnold.. Hey Arnold.. Hey Arnold. Hey Arnold. Hey Arnold. Hey Arn-

A hand slammed down on the potato clock with such force it almost broke the miniature plastic boy's head off. Arnold slowly sat up and rubbed his forehead. It was the same reoccurring nightmare that has been plaguing Arnold the last few weeks. In his dreams he knows clearly who the dark figure is but as soon as he wakes up Arnold could never quite place the name or face, as if someone kept stealing his memories. Why was he having these dreams? Why was it always Helga? Why didn't he remember the dark figure? Why, why, why…there are many questions but no answers. It was no use coming to his grandparents for help considering that the only answer he would receive is 'never eat raspberries'. As for the boarders…Arnold shook his head, he didn't feel comfortable talking to them about that and he was pretty sure they wouldn't feel comfortable listening to it.

Arnold sighs as his feet made contact with the orange and yellow shag carpet. Maybe watching the newest evil twin movie with Gerald would loosen him up; lately it's getting harder to relax- especially around Helga. Nothing about Helga has change since pre-school; she was still mean, bossy, pushed around the guys, and still wears the same pink bow. But it confuses him that he feels sort of jumpy around her; as if she was going to bite him, even-though she would make no move or sign of doing so. But even more bizarre is when Arnold gets these god awful headaches and chest pains, usually when he sees other guys acting friendly towards Helga or even when they simply bump into each other by accident.

"Ow…" Arnold moans as his hand pressed against his forehead, just by the memory of those guys was giving him a headache. Arnold took a few deep breaths as he took off his teddy bear pattern pajamas to replace them for a red plaid shirt, a forest green sweater, and his usual pair of jeans. Arnold then headed over to his phone to call his best friend to see if he was up to hang out at the movie theater.

About half an hour later the doorbell rung and when the blonde tween answered the door, he found Gerald standing on the stoop, sporting a new red hoodie. They both grin as they exchange their bro handshake.

"Hey man, you ready?" Gerald asks.

"Yeah I'm ready. Let's get there as fast as we can before all the good seats are taken." Arnold responds.

"No need." Gerald shook his head as they walked down the street "I got Stinky to reserve a couple of seats for us." he smiles.

"Ha, it's gonna be awesome seeing evil twin seven, I heard that the special effects are ten times better than last year." Gerald continues on, excitement beaming off of him. Arnold half listen but doze off every so often, replying with a 'sure' or 'yeah'. It wasn't until they reached the movie theater that something actually caught his attention.

"Move it or lose it bucko! Some of us want popcorn too!" Helga yelled, waving Old Bessie above her head. Apparently a red-head kid was taking a moment too long adding butter to his popcorn.

"Hmhmhm…" Gerald hummed disapprovingly, shaking his head from left to right.

"That girl really needs to take a lesson in manners." Gerald complains. Arnold nodded somewhat but kept his gaze on the angry blonde and suspicious looking red head, if Arnold remembered correctly the guy's name was Jacob. Jacob didn't seem very willing to move, it appears he was debating something in his head. Arnold didn't like the look Jacob was giving Helga; it was causing him a rather painful headache.

"What? Are you death? Get out of the way so the rest of us can enjoy the movie!" Helga complains, placing a hand on her hip. Jacob took a deep breath before leaning towards Helga with a flirtatious smirk, or at least close to-on the account of the small stutter in his voice and actions.

"So Helga… you wanted some popcorn?" he asks.

"No really? What gave you that idea?" she sarcastically remarked. Arnold's fist clenched at his sides, his stomach suddenly ached of a sharp pain like a knife stabbing through it. Gerald took note of Arnold's change of mood and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey are you ok?" Gerald questions. Arnold kept his gaze on Jacob.

"Well i-if you really want a snack you could sh-share with me." the red head winks.

"The hell would I-" Helga stops in mid-sentence when Jacob leaned forward and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. Before Helga had the chance to grab him by the shirt and pound him Jacob made a quick getaway, retreating to the upper level of seats in the theater.

"Criminy! When I get my hands on you, it's pounding time!" She yelled at him, but it didn't seem as threatening with the light blush on her cheeks. Granted she hand no real love interest in Jacob, but it was still embarrassing being treated with affection in front of everyone. As for Arnold, he didn't know this. When he spotted Helga's blush something within him snapped, no longer willing to lay dormant. It was then, on August 15th, 12:30 in afternoon, when Arnold's personal hell begun.

So how was it so far? By the way, if anyone is interested in being my editor please pm me. ^.^