Disclaimer: Iron Man is the property on Marvel


As an atheist he doesn't believe in a heaven or a hell. He doesn't take comfort in a God or that there's a plan for everything.

He's a scientist; he lives by data and facts, where feelings don't matter.

Fact: He failed to catch Pepper.

Fact: Pepper fell over 200ft.

Fact: If the fall doesn't kill her the roaring fire below will.

Fact: Emotions interfere and denial sets in.

Fact: If he could rip Killian apart with his bare hands he would.

"You really didn't deserve her Tony. " Killian boasts. "It's a pity, I was so close to having her…prefect." He smirks, jumping down from the scaffolding, advancing forward.

"Okay, okay!" Tony calls frantically, sliding back and hand outstretched. "Wait! Wait! slow down, slow down…" And Killian actually does, waiting for his response. "You're right I don't deserve her," He finds himself saying, speaking of her in the present tense and the scientist in him scoffs. Yes, just pretend she's still here, that will make it true. Fact: You failed. "Here's where you're wrong though," he continues, trying to drown out the voice. "She was already perfect."

Fact: Denial is all that keeps him going.

I really loved this scene in the movie as Killian speaks in past tense about Pepper but Tony stays in present. That being said I also feel that the line 'She was already perfect' is not entirely spoken in past tense as I think Tony is referring to Pepper, before Killian messed with her, so he's gone full into denial.