Something was bothering Suzaku. Whenever he was with Lelouch, it always felt like there was something…off. It took him nearly a month after he finally reunited with Lelouch (and about a week after they started dating) that he finally managed to put his finger on it.

Lelouch was taller than him.

It was only a couple centimeters, but for some reason it was just enough to bother him. When they were younger, Lelouch had been lanky, yes, but he was never taller than Suzaku. They were the same height back then.

Now that he'd pinpointed it, Suzaku really started to notice, though. Whenever they were walking together and their shoulders bumped, and Lelouch's was just a bit higher. When they spoke face-to-face, and Suzaku found himself having to angle his head slightly upward. Each time they kissed, and Suzaku noticed Lelouch bending down just the slightest bit. It started to become a bit of an obsession, noticing the little difference. And, worst of all, Lelouch didn't even seem to realize how infuriatingly lucky those extra centimeters were.

Suzaku tried to reason with himself. Okay, so Lelouch was a bit taller. He could afford that. Besides, Suzaku had ended up with most of the strength in the relationship. That had to count for something. (Never mind that Lelouch had cleverness on his side. Suzaku wasn't dumb, but he certainly wasn't the type that could fall asleep in class and still maintain near perfect grades. But that totally didn't count.)

Nevertheless, whenever they were together, Suzaku refused to act…smaller. The way he saw it, anyway. When they cuddled, he made sure he was the big spoon, and when Sayako took a picture of them, he was on his toes just enough to make up the difference.

Eventually, of course, Lelouch started to notice.

After having refused Lelouch sitting on his lap and instead pushing the darker-haired boy down so he could sit on Lelouch's to kiss him instead, he was surprised when Lelouch stopped him.

"What's been up with you lately?"

It took quite a bit of convincing from Lelouch's side and hemming and hawing from Suzaku before the truth came out. After very thoughtfully swallowing a laugh (and watching Suzaku's face screw up stubbornly as he refused to blush), Lelouch dealt with it in his very straightforward way.

"I hope you don't think it means I see you in any way other than my handsome boyfriend and equal, Suzaku."

Suzaku had sputtered, and blushed, and Lelouch had darted in to peck him on the lips before continuing.

"Though I suppose you could wear lifts in your shoes if it bothers you that much."

Lelouch had earned a poke in the ribs for the mischievous comment, and Suzaku pushing him back on the bed where height difference didn't really matter. The matter wasn't really resolved, but it went away in time with the reassurance that they were falling in love more each day, and little differences were the things that they could lovingly accept.


The wiki says Suzaku is 176 cm and Lelouch is 178 cm, in case anyone was wondering.

I hope you enjoyed this lighthearted little story. R&R?