The first thing I want to address is the complaint about Sasuke being in the summary. Does it really matter that he's in there? I realize how misleading that is now, but I guess if it bothers too many people than I can change it, but if it's a single person I might not bother with it for a while.

Well, considering it's only been a day or two and this fiction already has the lead in votes, possibly because I posted the poll thing in this fiction, you would all be fans of this one more, but there is a chance for a change in the poll, so we will see which is next.

Now another thing I feel I should address. Naruto will explain about his power drain, and I already have some complaints about me de-aging Naruto. I figured it would be better than just shrinking him. Kurama shrunk when Minato sealed half of him away, so I assumed that Bijuu shrunk when they were drained, so after Naruto drained himself to the extent he had I de-aged him.

In technical terms, he is the Juubi, and he has no real control. He wanted more access to his power to use against Sasuke, instead of going for control, so it's like Ebisu explained when he trained him during the chunin exam break.

Naruto will explain more about his power to Raven, this chapter, so read on.


Robin was rubbing his eyes, waiting for someone at the Watch Tower to answer.

Robin had just began to phone the tower as Beast Boy and Cyborg waited patiently to see who Robin got. It was a rare opportunity to be able to call the League, considering there was hardly anything worth warning them about.

Though an inter-dimensional child with the power to destroy anything that upset him was something that called for it.

Cyborg and BB were both on the edge of their seats, as the screen switched from the Titan symbol to show, who answered, which took longer than normal.

Cyborg turned to see Robin slowing the load screen manually.

"Will you stop trolling man? The suspense is killing us!"

Robin chuckled before returning the settings to normal. Superman appeared on the screen as the image finally came into clear view.

"Sorry for the wait after we called. Someone changed the settings."

Superman chuckled as well when he saw Cyborg and Beast Boy glare at Robin.

"So, what do we owe to this pleasant call? Considering you're all joking about, I assume it's not end of the world importance."

Robin stopped smiling and became completely serious.

"That depends. Where would you place a 4 year old who could throw a tantrum that can destroy buildings?"

Superman blink a couple times before he replied.

"No idea. But it does sound dangerous. What is the situation?"

Robin turned to the kitchen as he spoke this time.

"Raven, can you bring Naruto over here real quick?"

Superman looked into the background as he noticed the two females he knew were listed as members of the Teen Titans, plus another female, along with a young blonde boy.

Raven, stood as she held the boy's hand, guiding him towards the television, where the boys were talking to Superman. The man of steel noticed how the boy appeared to stand in a way to spring out of the way if he were targeted for an attack.

Superman smiled.

"Well, if he is on your side, I can't see a problem. But thanks for the warning. If things start to randomly blow up, we will come lend a hand."

Raven sighed.

"Or if the dead come back to life, giant multi-tailed beasts begin to rampage around the area, or if the world just started to fall apart in random. Naruto here has no idea where he stands in the power scale, or even how much he has access to. He has told me a bit about his powers though. And if my assumptions are real, we might just have to worry about a bit of weather problems with his mood."

Superman had actually gapped at that. As well as J'onn J'onzz, and Flash, who, had walked in with Batman, though the dark knight just widened his eyes noticeably. Flash sped over to the council as he asked his question.

"This kid can do all that?"

Raven sighed as she began to explain.

"Naruto told me about his powers, which, according to him, he got after sealing away nine beasts, each a part of the world tree of his world, within himself. He might not have enough access to the power to do any major damage. The nine beasts are trying to keep a cap on how much he has access to. But for the most part, Robin wanted to call you guys to complain about Naruto calling him an evil clown, after killing a man from his own world."

Batman stepped forward this time.

"And what reasons does the boy have for murdering him?"

Robin began to input commands into the computer as the League members read over the file sent.

"Naruto had done everything by the book according to the mental representation in his head."

Batman sighed.

"So he executed the convict? Well, as far as we can see, we can send him back at any time. Dr. Fate has told us about a dimension that has a ninja system, and has mentioned Konoha before. So all there really is to do, is to wait for him to regain his normal age and contact the Doctor."

Beast Boy asked his question, surprised at what he heard.

"So we aren't going to do anything about the whole murder thing?"

Batman appeared as if he was going to ignore him, while Superman sighed."

"This documentation is all we have to go by with his actions. But think of it as if a police officer shot a convict in the line of duty. From my own knowledge of official reports like this, even though only his own name is signed, one of the many accounts against the boy is the destruction of their village. I assume he was getting justice for his fallen friends and family."

Batman sighed.

"In short, he legally executed the boy. Drop the subject and let the matter rest. Just watch over him until he regains his strength and is able to either live his life after, or return home. If you really want to complain about it, then we can send someone to pick him up and we can care for him here."

Naruto yawned as he watched the screen with a bored look.

"So all I was wanted for was to see a video of a bunch of men in spandex? Keep your fetishes to yourself creepy clown."

Naruto actually pulled a shocked Raven away to return to the story time, seeing as the girls were all reading books to him.

The league and male Titans stared in utter shock. Until Beast Boy and Flash burst out laughing. Superman looked to Robin to ask, only for Robin to answer before he spoke.

"Apparently, from what he has told the girls, he lives in an apartment in the red-light district in his village, has no respect for authority, no family, and a very versatile vocabulary. He has actually said swear words Cyborg had to look up."

Superman sighed.

"What could have happened to the boy to cause such things?"

Robin plopped onto the couch before he spoke.

"Apparently, he started out as a container of only one of the beasts within him. And his parents died, leaving their only child alone. Not many people liked him and he was forced to live in an apartment since his fourth birthday. He has apparently lived the worst kind of life I have ever heard before. Then he has no manners and doesn't hesitate to tell me off, though he stays around Raven. Beast Boy risked his neck once and yelled about how much of a brat he was, only for Naruto to hug Raven and she to toss him out the window."

BB cried about that, as Flash and Cyborg laughed.

Superman and Batman were both thinking on this situation. Batman bringing his plan forward first.

"You should watch over him there, Raven needs to keep the kid calm, and allow him to regain his power to return to his previous age. We will inform Dr. Fate about this little extra incase the boy wants to return home after he returns to the right of mind. As for the manner and respect problems, let the girls on your team get the boy to try harder."

The league all said their goodbyes as the Titan males turned to notice Naruto, who was eating a cookie sitting in Ravens lap, as Starfire read a story that only the boy understood thanks to having their language when the older boy drained the knowledge from Blackfire.

They found that the boy was rather intelligent, which Raven told them was merely knowledge residue from the many years of gaining it through the older blond. He could understand the languages the older blond knew, and even do math and explain some history. It was like taking the knowledge of a high school graduate and giving them the attention span of a four year old on a sugar high.

They noticed he tried to stay still, but unless they were doing something, he would try to sneak off and find something to do. Raven had even had trouble entering his mind again, due to her glowing eyes losing their mesmerizing effect the second time he saw them.

Blackfire kept him still by showing him her star-bolt while Raven had her second meeting with Naruto.

Robin dreaded when they had their next mission. What were they going to do about the boy?

Robin sighed as he heard BB grumble about being hungry, Cyborg also getting there decided to advise a trip for food.

Robin told their plans to the girls as they passed, the boys walking ahead, as Raven led Naruto by his hand with them, feeling his anxiety.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=Piano Pizza=-=-=-=-=-=-=

As the boys, mostly BB and Cyborg, were arguing about what toppings they should get, Naruto sat quietly in Raven's lap.

Said Titan felt the boy's nervousness, and knew how he was feeling, from her own first time hanging with friends.

She remembered Naruto mentioning that until his body became six, he would act almost afraid of people. After she asked him why, he told her that he was always glared at by other children's parents, and that he only really got started in actively proving others were wrong about him being a demon at around that time, after the third explained to him what a Hokage stood for, what pushed them to be as great as they were, when he made his first declaration to become Hokage, and when he decided to confront the light and prove he could stand against the evil it revealed.

He never had people be nice to him all that often, and she truly felt for the boy, and even looked at his older form with some true respect. To appear to embody so much light, after such a lonely and dark existence.

Blackfire had sided with Cyborg, preferring meat over tofu or plain cheese, while Robin actually kept hinting he also sided with Cyborg about the toppings, though when Starfire gave her opinion, Blackfire looked tempted to side with her, before Robin pointed out the flaw in her plan about the menu.

Raven could hear Naruto mumble about his curiosity in what tofu was, though then he realized he had no idea what pizza was, so Raven mumbled about letting them argue over it before walking off and getting a pizza for themselves after letting the boy try the samples of the many toppings the place had so they could decide on a pizza that they both would enjoy.

Naruto had warned her about his appetite, and that thanks to the amount of power he had, he had a boost to his metabolism and how hungry he could get.

Most arguments actually ended when they heard a commotion and a baby's cry.

"Titans Go!"

Robin shouted his battle cry as the Titans, while leaving Naruto in the watchful eyes of the restaurant staff, all rushed to aid whomever needed rescuing.

Starfire flew down and moved the stroller out of the way as Cyborg jumped in the way and tried to stop the progress of the bus.

Starfire and Blackfire both went to the front of the bus and pushed back on it as well, bringing the bus to a stop with ease as Raven activated the hand brake inside the bus.

As Cyborg questioned about the lack of a driver, BB asked about the teddy bear in the stroller.

Naruto watched BB, Robin, and Starfire get blasted by lasers from the toy, before seeing Raven, Blackfire, and Cyborg get crushed by the bus.

Naruto heard the voices in his head telling him they were okay. So instead he walked through the pizza place he was told to wait at.

Cyborg and Blackfire both had the same idea as they blasted the bus off them, Raven leaving the protection of her shadow.

Mammoth was quick to tackle Cyborg, the two entering a struggle of strength, while Blackfire and Starfire flew to get a better aim at their adversaries.

Robin examined the teens that attacked them as he saw BB once again get flopped into a trash can when Gizmo launched a rocket at the green boy's wolf form.

Robin jumped in and swung at the mini genius, only for him to have trouble handling the metal limbs from the boy's pack.

Blackfire moved to blast Mammoth, who was still grappling with Cyborg, only for Jinx, who was fighting hand to hand with Raven, to backflip and shoot several hex bolts at the dark Tamaran, causing random electrical wires to break from the wall next to her and whip at her, giving her a pretty bad shock.

Starfire glared at the pink haired girl, who turned back to Raven, while Gizmo tripped Robin up and took advantage of the boy wonder's recuperation, to launch a flash grenade at the Lion that tried to pounce on him, before rushing over to Mammoth and Cyborg's struggle to place a rocket on the metal teen's back.

Cyborg was launched for his trip around Jump, with a worried Starfire flying after him and trying to rescue her friend.

Blackfire began to stand as she got the feeling in her nerves back, noticing BB transform into an elephant and rush Gizmo, only for Mammoth to pick him up with relative ease as he tossed him into Raven.

Blackfire moved to stand next to Robin as Raven and BB joined them, after Raven shoved BB off her.

"Guys, I got a plan."

Blackfire, Raven, and Beast Boy each failed to hear it as Blackfire was hit by a large chunk of concrete, Raven a hex bolt, and BB a concussion blast. Gizmo chuckled.

"I hope your big plan has something to do with getting fried."

Robin smirked as he began to make a comeback, which died on his tongue as he heard a young voice behind him.

"You really need to learn not to harm those precious to me."

The three hive students looked to see a small four, maybe five, year old looking at Raven.

"You shall regret ever laying a hand on my friends, and that includes the dumb clown with the spandex fetish."

Robin actually slapped his forehead as he spoke.

"For the last time, those were members of the justice league, not some random porno!"

The hive three actually snickered at the comment, though the laughing didn't last long, though Jinx blushed, as the child, began to grow in age before their very eyes and become a handsome young man.

Naruto cracked his knuckles as he rushed forward. Mammoth jumped forward and slamming his fist down towards the blond.

Naruto twisted around the punch, throwing his right fist outward and backhanding the teen. Mammoth was thrown back as Gizmo launched several rockets at the new threat.

Naruto looked confused about the three items flying at him, before Robin jumped in front of him and batted them off course with his staff.

"Careful Naruto."

Naruto chuckled.

"Thanks clown, I should be careful of those flying metal bats huh?"

Robin actually stared at him confused for a second, before groaning.

"I will ask Raven to ask your older self about this later."

Naruto smiled as the two turned to the now full team of three, as Jinx stepped forward and launched a hex wave at the two heroes.

Robin actually prepared for the worst as his newly revived teammates caught up to the two, as they all prepared to stop whatever the bad luck girl caused.

And continued to wait.

BB was the one to ask.

"Did she do something or not?"

Jinx actually stepped back in shock, Gizmo actually didn't do anything threatening as he pulled out a small computer and scanned the area in front of them.

Naruto shrugged before stepping forward to continue fighting the three. Only for the ground he stepped on to collapse, revealing they were standing on a section of the road that was over a gate in the sewers.

Mammoth was the one to break from his shock first.

"How lucky does one have to be for that to happen?"

Jinx looked at the blond differently as Gizmo was still trying to calculate an answer to the very question Mammoth asked.

"Impossibly lucky."

Robin actually smirked.

"So, still think we don't stand a chance? Naruto, handle the pink haired girl, Blackfire, I need you to handle their muscle. Beast Boy, I need you to give me some backup against the tech shrimp. Raven, I need you to watch our backs in case they flip around to attack someone else like they did before."

The rest of them all nodded, Robin rushing to fight against Gizmo, staff vs. metal spider legs. BB turned into a hare as he bounced and darted around Gizmo's legs before turning into an octopus, using his eight legs against Gizmo's four, Robin stopping Gizmo with a quick tackle after he detached from his pack. The small genius grumbling every step.

Mammoth would actually admit to preferring to battle Cyborg, considering Blackfire didn't get pulled into a grappling contest like the tin Titan had, she was more flexible, and she had no qualms about striking low blows, which is how he fell, hard.

Jinx was torn between wanting to kill something, and crying. Ever since she had discovered her power, she had wished to find someone who was immune to them, or a way to control them so she could find someone to be with. And now, the first person she found that had enough good luck to counter her powers, was walking towards her to take her down.

Naruto walked towards the girl as he asked the nice and helpful voices what he should do to stop the girl, only for nine of them to hum, while a loud high pitched voice shouted out for him to make out with her.

Naruto, knowing what the voice meant, as well as trusting the voices in his head fully, and knowing none of them would ever lead him down the wrong path. Trusting each of them, though not knowing enough about them to know when to ignore their advice.

Naruto grabbed the pink haired teen, as she was about to throw another hex bolt, raised the arm into the air, pulling her close, and planted a smooch right on her lips.

Every person standing there watching, and the ten beings within the boy's head, all stood in shock.

Jinx, while shocked and confused, began to enjoy it, though after the kiss ended, she also gained a large blush, before fainting.

Mammoth turned to Blackfire.

"How come you couldn't have used that tactic instead?"

After cuffing Gizmo, and leaving BB to hold the boy, who had turned back into his normal form, both green teens still staring in shock.

Robin walked over to the blond and unconscious pink haired teen, as he asked his question.

"Why would you even try using that method of immobilizing her? Where did you even get the idea that that was a good idea? What if it didn't work? She would have been in a prime position to strike you down and use you as a hostage."

Raven stood next to Robin as she glared at the now once again teenager as he began to answer.

"The intelligent voices in my head said it was a good idea. And I trust them before I trust you, creepy clown."

Raven and Robin shared a look as Naruto began to hug Raven, saying how happy he was for her to be alright. Raven blushing from the tight embrace of the well-muscled teen, as his unnaturally high body heat, began to warm her.

Gizmo spoke quietly to BB.

"He has got some guts to do something like that, then turn around and start to cuddle up with another girl."

BB sighed as he decided to defend the blond.

"He is a guy who has the mind of a four year old dude. He probably has no idea what he was doing from the very beginning and listened to one of the voices in his head that Raven told us about. The kid is very impressionable. Though I never thought one of the voices would tell the dude to do something like that. We were all caught off guard there."

Gizmo chuckled.

"We lost because he was on your team. If he hadn't have shown up, then Jinx me and Mammoth would have dropped your leader into the sewage system with that one blast and you know it. And without your fierce leader, you all would have been lost."

BB watched as Gizmo was stripped of whatever gadgets he had left, before being stuffed into a police car, while Mammoth was placed in a vehicle that could transport him. The officers were confused about the girl with pink hair, mostly due to the method she was taken out, confused about which side the girl was on.

Robin cuffed the girl and got the officers to take her with her teammates to jail.

Robin then led his team to get some pizzas to take back to the tower, hoping Starfire and Cyborg got back soon.

Watching a teen who looked to be at least as old as Blackfire, acting like he was four, while amusing, was also annoying, because now he was being insulted by an older more muscular boy, rather than a loud obnoxious brat.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=underground base=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Slade was actually caught off guard by the appearance of the blond, and was also thrown for a loop by the boy's immunity to Jinx's power.

The woman who was there on behalf of Hive was also shocked about the boy's immunity.

Then the boy threw them both for a loop with how he disabled the girl.

The woman was about to reassure her client about the failure of the students to her employer, only to see him appear to be contemplating something.

"I wonder how effective that method would truly be against other enemies. Is it his own personal touch? Or some type of toxin? It really raises the question about how good a kisser the boy has to be to make a girl faint after a single kiss like that."

The woman sighed.

"Or wonder what the idiot was thinking."

Slade chuckled.

"Well, genius is part madness. But now I got to find a new way to deliver my message."


Alright, I threw in a twist.

Hopefully I don't screw it up.

Hopefully I get it all straightened out next chapter without irritating anyone.

Hopefully things work out.

Hopefully I stop being hopeful…

Well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and hopefully I get the next chapter for the next fiction out soon…

Damn it, I was hopeful again…

Well, now stop picking this story for your votes on the poles and pick the next one. Cause I choose to only add a single chapter a loop.